250 Backyard Games Ideas For Fun And Unforgettable Memories

Backyard Games

Backyard Games Ideas To Turn Boring Days Into Fun Days

Are you searching for some new and exciting backyard games to entertain your family or guests at your upcoming backyard party?

Then this list won’t disappoint.

With more than 250+ best giant and small backyard games ideas for adults and kids to choose from you’re bound to find exactly what you’ve been looking for.

Keep on reading to discover a treasure trove of new and unique backyard games that’ll quickly break the ice and keep everybody entertained and happy for hours.

Backyard Games For Toddlers

Baby Playpen Backyard Games

Baby Playpen Backyard Games For Toddlers

Image: ©MartinPrescott via canva.com

Placing your baby in a playpen serves 2 purposes: it encourages your child to learn to play alone while giving you some free time to attend to other things.

When getting a baby playpen, your aim should be to keep your baby or toddler confined in a safe and fun environment.

Playpens are easy to use. All you do is set it up, put some toys inside, and place your baby (or babies) inside the pen, leaving them to play and have fun.

Whatever your budget and personal requirements, you will find a playpen that’s just right for you among the many varieties in the market.

The Kidukku Foldable Baby Playpen has 8 wooden panels that form an octagon shape when assembled. It blends easily with any decor scheme and the panels can be used to form any shape.

The Summer Infant Pop ‘N Play playpen as the name suggests, is easy to set up, just pop it open. It is portable and folds into a compact travel bag, and has a weather-resistant canvas floor.

A big space is perfect for the Venture All-Stars playpen. It measures 1.5 square meters, has anti-slip mats and you get 200 bright-colored balls.


Duck Duck Goose Backyard Games

Duck Duck Goose Toddler Backyard Games

Image: ©Collage_Best, Somjai Jaithieng’s Images, Topaz777 via canva.com

Games like Duck Duck Goose have been around for a long time.

Duck Duck Goose is a fun children’s game that can be enjoyed by everyone, from pre-schoolers to adults, even though adults tend to modify the game a bit.

The traditional version of the game is played with at least 5 players. The players and a big space either on the field or indoors are all you need to enjoy yourselves. A grass area in your backyard might be perfect for the outdoor version of this classic game.

To play the game, you choose a person to be “It”. All the players, except the first person who is “It”, sit in a circle. “It” walks around the circle, tapping each player on the head, and saying “duck” each time.

This creates both suspense and an element of surprise for everyone sitting in the circle, wondering if they will be the “goose.”

When “It” decides to tap someone and says “goose”, the person who is goose gets up and runs after “It” trying to tag him before “It” can take his seat.

If “It” successfully reaches the goose’s seat without being tagged, the goose is the new “It”. If the goose tags “It”, the goose keeps his spot in the circle, and “It” continues being “It” for another turn.

Parachute Backyard Games Ideas

Parachute Games Fun Backyard Games For Toddlers

Image: ©oksanashufrych via canva.com

Parachute games are not just fun for the kids, they also teach them valuable life lessons.

Group parachute games are used as a recreational activity in schools, playgrounds, daycare centers, gym programs, festivals, company picnics, birthday parties, and camps.

Parachutes can be used as indoor or outdoor games for fun parachute play all year round, however, the outdoor version is my personal favorite as long as the weather permits it.

One of the parachute games with a lesson is “Mushroom”.

The children stand in a circle around the parachute while holding the edge. They put the parachute tight at knee level. When the supervisor gives the signal, all the children raise the parachute upwards, letting it fill with air and rise like a huge mushroom.

To get it as high as possible, all children take a couple of steps towards the center as the parachute rises. This requires the kids to work together, encouraging teamwork.

“Number Switch” is another classic game where the children stand in a circle around the parachute, holding the edge.

The supervisor goes around the circle, and numbers the kids, for example, 1-2-3-4-5, 1-2-3-4-5, and so on. Then, the teacher calls a number such as “3” and all the “3’s” switch places by running under the chute. This teaches

  • concentration,
  • attentiveness and
  • quick response.

Ignite your munchkin’s imagination and spirit of camaraderie via my comprehensive compilation of 79 parachute games tailormade for pint-sized participants! Witness pure delight unfold before your very eyes.

Wobbly Worm Backyard Games

Wobbly Worm Best Backyard Games For Toddlers

Image: ©What Mummy Thinks

Designed originally for preschoolers, the wobbly worm game has been a source of fun for the whole family.

The Giant Worm Game comes with a giant wobbly worm, an apple base with a switch, 9 rings (3 of each color), and instructions. To play, you will need to get 2 C (R14) 1.5V batteries.

Designed for up to three players at a time, they take turns trying to loop their hoops over the elusive wiggly worm. The story behind the game is that Wobbly the Worm has fallen out of the apple tree and he is all dizzy, a motion that is caused by putting on the switch located on the apple base.

Each player gets three different-sized hoops of the same color and as Wobbly Worm bobs and spins around, players try to get their three hoops over its head. The first person to get their 3 loops over Wobbly Worm’s head is the winner.

Little ones can try to loop their rings over Wobbly Worm’s head as it wobbles by, while older children can stand back and toss their rings over the wiggly worm for more of a challenge.

This game is great for hand-eye coordination.

Backyard Games For Kids

Flying Kites Outdoor Games

Flying Kites Backyard Games For Kids

Image: ©pixelshot via canva.com

Flying kites is an activity that is enjoyed by both kids and adults. Like many lawn games, flying kites on grass can help prevent injuries.

Kites are simply stretched fabric across two or three poles and come in lots of different shapes and sizes. They work by hitting the wind at an angle and as the kite is held by a string, it can only go higher.

As the angle of the wind and the kite gets smaller the kite begins to hover in the air and this is where the art of flying comes in.

The best all round kite for a beginner is a single-line delta or diamond kite. This kite is light, simple to control, and works well with the wind.

Flying a kite requires 2 people for the best results, the flier who flies the kite, and the launcher who holds the kite and assists in getting the kite off the ground.

With their back to the wind and facing the kite, the launcher moves about 20 meters from the kite. When they detect some wind, they release the kite and as they do so, the flier pulls on the string to create some friction.

By following the direction of the wind, the flier flies the kite.

Nature Scavenger Hunt Outdoor Games

Nature Scavenger Hunt Fun Backyard Games For Kids

Image: ©Unknown Artist via canva.com

A scavenger hunt is one of the most fun party games you can play. It is an engaging game played by children and adults alike and can be played by as many people as are available.

It is a game that can be played either indoors or outdoors but the outdoor version is probably the most popular.

To make the game more challenging for older children and adults, they are given more difficult scavenger hunt clues.

A nature scavenger hunt is held outdoors with the natural surroundings as your playground. It is a perfect way to turn nature and the outdoors into a fun activity for the young ones whether you are camping, hiking, or just taking a walk.

There are two main types of scavenger hunts.

A treasure hunt type scavenger hunt is made up of a bunch of scavenger hunt clues or riddles that are hidden in various places throughout a location.

There is also the find-this-list-of-things scavenger hunt where the players are given the first clue card, which has a riddle on it, and that leads them directly to the next hidden clue card. The clue cards continue and then lead to some sort of prize, surprise, or treasure at the end.

Obstacle Courses Backyard Games

Obstacle Courses Best Backyard Games For Kids

Image: ©David Pereiras via canva.com

Obstacle courses consist of a series of challenging physical obstacles an individual or team must navigate, usually while being timed.

The difficulty of the challenges is adjustable, so you can even get an obstacle course for 3-4-year-olds. Apart from providing lots of fun, you can make the game an exciting learning experience for the kids as the game encourages thinking and problem-solving.

The game is easy to put together and you can make the course out of anything you have available, making it inexpensive.

At Teaching Mama, they show you how to construct a simple course using 6 floating steps made from wood and plywood.

  • For the pool noodle tunnel, you need 6 pens and 3 poodle noodles.
  • To set up, arrange 3 floating steps on each side of the play area at alternate distances.
  • Place the poodle noodles in place by first sticking half of a pen in the ground.
  • Two feet across, place another pen.
  • Push the ends of the pool noodles on the pens. The pool noodles should be curved.

Have your child run down the course touching each floating ladder and then crawl through the noodles as you cheer them on to make it fun.

Paddle Catch Backyard Games

Paddle Catch Backyard Games For Kids And Adults

Image: ©Walmart

Paddle Catch is a game that has been around for quite a while.

This fun game uses easy-to-wear pads which slide comfortably onto players’ hands for a fast-paced game of catch. The simple design uses Velcro to allow the brightly colored tennis ball to attach itself to the hand pads.

Whether you are playing a competitive game or teaching a young child to play catch, Paddle Catch is one of the best outdoor games and a must-have for your outdoor functions.

The game can be played by kids 3 years and above right through to adults. Paddle Catch requires 4 Velcro pads and 2 Velcro balls which you can choose to make yourself.

It can be played indoors or outdoors, and helps boost your child’s hand-eye coordination, motoring skills, reaction time and cognitive skills, social communication, and overall physical health.

The outdoor version has the advantage of space, meaning fewer things could be broken should a ball accidentally fly astray.

There is no limit as to how many people can play as long as you have enough paddles for everyone.

For a 2 player game, the players stand opposite each other and take turns throwing the ball to their partner who catches it with their paddle. The Velcro on the ball and the paddle make it hard for you to not catch the ball.

Table Top Curling Backyard Games

Table Top Curling Backyard Games For Kids Party

Image: ©Palason via palason.ca

Table Top Curling is a fun, challenging game combining physical and mental skills. It is a game where people of all ages, gender, and abilities can play together and against each other.

The Cool Curling table measures 40″ x 12″ and is accompanied by 20 stones.

The game is played in teams made of 4 people each, called the lead, second, third, and skip. All team members deliver two stones in that order. The skips are the team captains and direct their team on which shots to play.

They all take turns throwing stones down the sheet of ice attempting to get closer to the center of the target, or house than their opponents. When all stones have been played, an ‘end’ of curling is complete.

A team scores one point for each stone that is closer to the center of the house than any of the opposition’s stones. Only stones touching the house can be counted. The team that wins the previous end plays first in the next end.

Games are played to a time limit or until an agreed number of ends are complete. The winning team is the one with the most points at the end of the game.

Balloon Stomp Backyard Games

Balloon Stomp Game Backyard Games For Kids Parties


If you have super active children, there is a fun game, but more importantly, that will expend their excess energy.

Balloon stomp game is a group game where players try to pop balloons tied around each other’s ankles. The winner of the balloon stomp game is the last team with a non-popped balloon.

To play the game, you need a play area where everyone can easily run around. Get at least 40 balloons, in equal numbers of three different colors. Have some extra balloons in case some become popped before the actual game begins.

You also require some ribbon or yarn for every balloon, cut 1 1/2 feet long. Finally, you also need a trash bag to pick up the balloon pieces after the game.

Divide the players into three equal teams and give each team their balloons, one color per team. Each person needs two balloons which they blow up and using the ribbon tie one on each ankle.

When the referee says “go”, the players must stomp and pop other teams’ balloons just using their feet. If both balloons have been popped, the player is out of the game.

The team with at least one balloon intact wins.

Outdoor Science Lab Backyard Games

Outdoor Science Lab Outdoor Backyard Games For Kids

Image: ©FatCamera via canva.com

With an outdoor science lab, your kids will have a fun time tinkering with many different types of equipment and materials.

Outside science experiments guarantee that your kids are playing outdoors during those beautiful sunny days. In no time it’ll become a regular activity, and without being aware of it, the children end up learning some important lessons.

Some of the science experiments they can engage in while outdoors include

  • chalk rockets where they learn about chemical reactions,
  • ice and sand volcanoes that erupt,
  • a sundial that will teach children about the sun and how to tell time using the sun.

All the experiments are done using fun, inexpensive objects, and materials. For example, the sundial is made using a pencil pushed into a clay dough base. The “numbers” on the clock face are made of pebbles or small rocks.

Kids love making windmills and the anemometer is something they will have fun making out of plastic cups/containers. This teaches them about the wind.

Using dye on flowers is a super fun experiment that shows how flowers soak up water.

They can also discover the power of the sun by building a simple solar oven that can melt marsh mellows.

Chinese Jump Rope Backyard Games

Chinese Jump Rope Backyard Games For Kids To Build Sports Skills

Image: ©Michal Collection via canva.com

When young girls hear the words “Chinese jump rope”, they quickly get off their seats and dash to be included in the game with cherished bliss in their eyes.

This is a fun backyard game that is popularly played by three or more players using an elastic band or some other type of stretchy material, usually, at least six feet long, that is tied into a circle.

The Chinese jump rope rules are pretty simple.

Have two people stand a few feet away from each other with the elastic band around their ankles so they form a long, narrow rectangle.

Select one participant to come to the middle and complete a jumping pattern called out by the leader.

The object of the game is to complete the pattern by jumping in, on, and over the rope.

If the jumper completes the pattern, the leader calls another pattern that the player needs to complete. If they mess up, the jumper is out, and another takes their place.

The game is about who can make the most patterns.

To make the game challenging, after each person has had a turn, the elastic can be raised to the knees and then the waist, making it more difficult for the player to maneuver.

Musical Chair Backyard Games

Musical Chair Great Backyard Games For Little Kids

Image: ©Sergey Novikov via canva.com

Music, chairs, and players are all you need to play musical chairs. Games with chairs that feature a friendly competition are favorites for birthdays, picnics, and family and social gatherings.

This classic game has simple rules, is easy to set up, and promises many fun moments. It is an easy game to tailor to suit any party theme. For example, if you are having a princess party, you could decorate the chairs with bows and call them musical thrones.

The game is mostly played by children of all ages, but adults also play.

To set up, line the chairs in a side-by-side row, alternating the direction each seat faces. The number of chairs is one less than the players.

Players surround the chairs, keeping a reasonable distance between them and the chairs. When the referee plays the music, all the players walk in a circle around the chairs.

The music is stopped randomly and the players rush to sit in a chair. Because there is one less chair than there are players, the player left standing is out of the game. One chair is removed, and the process repeats itself until there are two players and one chair.

The winner is the person who sits on the final chair.

Red Rover Outdoor Games

Red Rover Summer Backyard Games For Kids

Image: ©JackF via canva.com

Red Rover is a game whose name remains a mystery as no one can explain where the name came from.

The game is played by at least 6 children, and it is most popular as a neighborhood, playground or lawn game for school-age children.

No special equipment is needed for the game, only a good-sized open area, preferably with a grass cover.

The Red Rover game rules are simple.

The players are divided into two teams, with both teams having an equal number of players. The kids form two lines holding hands and facing each other. The lines should be at least 30 feet apart.

The team chosen to go first calls for a runner from the other line, whom we shall call “John”, saying, “Red Rover, Red Rover, let “John” come over!” “John” then runs and tries to break through the other line.

If the two players who are targeted are unable to maintain their grip and “John” breaks through, he chooses one of the two players that he broke through to take back to his team. If he does not break through, he has to stay with the other team.

The game is a lot of fun and it ends when everyone is in one line.

Swing Sets Outdoor Games

Swing Sets Backyard Games For Kids

Image: ©Lamaip via canva.com

Swing sets can go down in the category of play equipment that is loved by all children, young and older.

Since time immemorial, the swing has been looked at as the place to go and relax.

So whether you want a swing for your kids to have hours of fun on, or you want a place to relax and think, the swing is the answer.

If you have a small backyard, you might think it is impossible to install a children’s swing set. However, manufacturers have been busy creating versatile swing sets that are perfectly suited for small spaces, and you can easily find the best swing sets for small yards.

They are compact and come with a variety of features so your kids will always have a fun activity available anytime.

Having a swing set will also help the children spend more time outside and improve their physical fitness.

Modern swing sets can come with many types of activities including

  • mini-rock walls,
  • different types of swings,
  • monkey bars,
  • sandboxes,
  • seating, and
  • slides.

Most high-quality swing sets use either powder-coated steel or timber, usually cedar or pine. While timber looks fantastic, it will need to be maintained with regular wood treatments.

Backyard Games For Teens

Bottle Bash Frisbee Outdoor Games

Bottle Bash Frisbee Game Backyard Games For Teens

Image: ©Yard Games

To set up the Bottle Bash Frisbee game at your next backyard get together, plant 2 poles into the ground 20 meters apart and place a bottle on top of each pole.

The object of this fun lawn game is to throw the Frisbee at your opponent’s bottle and/or pole to earn points. The team with the most points after the agreed time is up, is the winner.

Bottle Bash is one of those highly addictive lawn games. It’s ideal for backyard fun for the whole family, camping trips, and even beach trips on a hot summer day.

The bottle bash rules may sound complicated, but they are very simple.

A member of one team will toss the Frisbee in an attempt to strike the opposing team’s bottle or pole. The defending team tries to catch the flying disc thrown by the throwing team. If the bottle is hit off the pole, they also try to catch the bottle.

The idea of Bottle Bash is that neither the Frisbee nor the bottle should hit the ground.

If the Frisbee is tossed and does not travel the full distance to the defending team’s pole, the defending team is then allowed to throw it from the location where it has landed. Teammates alternate throwing the disc.

Kan Jam Ultimate Disc Outdoor Games

Kan Jam Ultimate Disc Fun Backyard Games For Teens

Image: ©Wikipedia, KanJam

Kan Jam Ultimate Disc is a lawn game that reminds me of the classic game of bottle bash. Like bottle bash, it’s s played with a flying disc but the bottles are replaced with two scoring cans into which players deflect the disc to earn points.

According to the original rules, when setting up this fun game that is played by 2 teams of 2 players each, the Kan Jam distance between the two cans, also known as goals, should be 16 feet for the mini-game, and 20 feet for the field game.

To play, the first team has one person, the thrower, positioned behind one can. To earn points, they throw the disc to their partner positioned behind the other can. Player 2, the deflector, tries to deflect the disc.

If the disc is deflected and it hits any part of the can, the team gets 1 point.

2 points are earned if the thrower hits the can/goal without any assistance from the deflector.

If the deflector redirects the thrown disc and it lands inside the goal either through the top of the goal or through the slot opening, 3 points are scored.

Players aim to score as many points as they can, and the game is played to a score of 21. However, an instant win is when the thrower gets the disc into the goal unassisted.

Ultimate Frisbee Outdoor Games

Ultimate Frisbee Backyard Games For Youth groups

Image: ©splain2me via canva.com

If you are looking for some friendly competition that’s also a fun way to work out, Ultimate Frisbee is it.

It is a competitive team game which means it is best played by a sizeable number of players divided into two teams with equal numbers of players.

It’s a classic game that’s perfect for your next backyard get together or some hot summer beach trips.

The aim of the game is for the team with the flying disc to pass it up the field to others on their team and complete a pass into the endzone.

The secret of the game is being able to throw the Frisbee like a pro. With the right Ultimate Frisbee tips you will find yourself consistently scoring for your team.

Throwing is essential to the game of Ultimate Frisbee so learning how to throw properly is important.

The next thing you need to perfect is how to catch. It does not matter how good a throw was; if you cannot catch it, it is wasted.

Next, let your aura exude a healthy dose of confidence. When your opponents sense your level of confidence they will be less likely to attack you.

Try to play unpredictably as this will confuse your opponents.

Finally, work together with your teammates to create an environment that is relaxed and enjoyable but above all, focus on having fun.

Looking for the perfect throw for all conditions? Ready to unleash your inner ultimate player? My ultimate guide can help you find the best ultimate frisbee discs for your style, needs, and budget.

Jazzminton Backyard Games

Jazzminton Backyard Games For 2 Kids

Image: ©Snap Doodle Toys, Amazon

Jazzminton is the perfect indoor and outdoor paddle ball game for children from 6 years to adults, however, if I had to choose, I’d prefer the outdoor version.

The kit includes two fluorescent wooden racquets, and four real feather birdies, two yellow and two red. The best part about Jazzminton is that you can play a slow and easy game with the red birdies or a fun and faster game with the yellow ones.

You can even play at night by purchasing extra LED birdies.

The game is played by two people at a time and is very easy to play. Simply stand between 5 to 30 feet apart and hit the feather birdie back and forth to one another, trying to keep the birdie in flight for as long as possible.

Beginners should start with the red birdies which are slower, giving you time to familiarize yourself with the various hitting techniques.

Both the paddles and the birdies are lightweight, and should you drop the birdie, you will notice that it bounces up giving you a second chance to hit it.

The game keeps the players moving and helps with hand-eye coordination. You can also play by yourself and see how long you can keep the birdie in motion.

Balloon Fight Backyard Games

Balloon Fight Backyard Games For A Party

Image: ©Imgorthand via canva.com

A birthday party without a balloon fight leaves the kids unfulfilled.

Lawn games involving water, like water balloon fights, have been around for a long time. This type of mock combat using various water dispensing devices is great fun for kids of all ages, especially during summertime.

The water balloon fight rules are simple. Divide the players into two groups and give each group their share of water balloons. The two teams stand across from one another at a reasonable distance, behind a screen or other obstacle.

The object of the game is to pop out from your hiding place and try to hit one of your opponents with the water balloon while avoiding being hit yourself.

Any person who has been hit can either step out of the game, or join the opposite team depending on the rules the group had agreed on at the beginning.

Once you used your balloon, you can get another one from the “cache”.

The winning team is the one with the last man standing.

Tying water balloons is difficult for children and they require grown-ups to assist. Self-sealing water balloons are one way of solving this problem, leaving more time for fun, and also allowing the kids to play more independently.

Spring Slam Backyard Games

Spring Slam Best Backyard Games For Party

Image: ©Amazon

If you are looking for a high-activity game to play during your picnic, Spring Slam is it.

The Coop Spring Slam backyard game set comes with

  • 2 lightweight, collapsible goals,
  • 4 ground stakes,
  • 1 official size 141 gm flying disc,
  • 1 carry/storage bag and
  • the game rules and instructions.

Spring Slam is similar to Bottle Bash and Kan Jam. The game is played by four people divided into two teams. The two players of each team work together to earn points. The team that scores exactly 21 points wins.

The goals are set up about 50 feet apart with the disc slot, the goal, facing inward. Team members then stand opposite each other at the end of the court.

While one player throws the disc, the other can assist the disc into the goal by deflecting it with their hands. Each type of assist equals a different point value. A disc thrown directly into the slot with no deflections and no touches to the goal scores the team an automatic win.

All the parts of the game can be easily transported making it very travel-friendly and ideal for birthday parties, social gatherings, and fun days. It also makes for easy storage when not in use.

The game is perfect for all ages. The simple aim of the game is to land the disc in the goals.

Balloon Tennis Outdoor Games

Balloon Tennis Fun Easy Backyard Games For Kids

Image: ©DmitryBairachnyi, kostkarubika005 via canva.com

You would not expect to find the words balloon and tennis in the same sentence, but there is one time when that combination produces lots of fun.

The game of balloon tennis is one of those outdoor games that you cannot get tired of. It is played by all ages, from toddlers to adults.

Balloon tennis is simply playing tennis but instead of a tennis ball, you use a balloon. With balloons, fly swatters, and a net, you are ready to start having fun.

If you do not have fly swatters, make rackets using a paper plate stuck onto the end of a stick. For more colorful play, draw your children’s favorite characters on the plates, or have each child decorate theirs as they like.

For the net, use an old sheet or scarf tied across the play area.

Divide the players into 2 teams and have each team on one end of the net.

The aim of the game is simple; using your racket, hit the balloon so that it goes over the net to your opponent’s side. The balloon is passed back and forth and if one team drops the balloon, the other team gets a point.

Catch and Pull Tug of War Backyard Games

Catch And Pull Tug of War Backyard Games For Large Groups

Image: ©FilippoBacci via canva.com

You are planning on having one of those rare celebrations when you are expecting a large number of guests, and are looking for ways to keep the guests well entertained?

A game of catch and pull tug of war is the answer. It’s one of the best outdoor games for a large group of people.

Your next worry is where to get the tug of war rope. Many companies offer tug of war rope rental services designed with you in mind. You can choose between two professional 75-foot tug of war ropes.

These are made with long-wearing 1″ inch diameter unmanila rope which is moisture resistant. It has a 12,000 pounds resistance capability.

You can also get a firmly woven 5-foot rope with a round loop at each end, large enough for any anchorman or anchorwoman, but also small enough for children to use.

With these ropes, you can comfortably have 10 adults on each team or 15 kids per team, knowing that the rope can handle the strain.

Tug of war is a game played by players 7 years to adults.

It pits 2 teams against each other to determine the side with the greater muscle power.

Enjoy a few fun tumbles.

For additional exciting games ideas to entertain more people I have compiled a list of 101 fun outdoor games for large groups.

Paintball Outdoor Games

Paintball Fun Backyard Games For Birthday Parties

Image: ©Industrial Photograph via canva.com

If you are wondering what you get when you put together painting and playing ball, the answer is simple. Paintball.

This is a combat game that can be played alone or in teams. The goal of the game is to eliminate the opponent’s players from the field.

Every player is armed with a set of overalls, a face mask, and a hopper if you go for the automatic gun. The hopper is the container that holds the paintballs and feeds them into the paintball gun.

All types of paintball guns have their pros and cons, so choosing the best paintball handgun depends on the person using it.

The fun thing about Paintball, apart from identifying the person who has been hit, is that the more people are hit, the more colorful the field.

This fun game for children, teenagers, and adults requires a lot of space with many convenient hiding places.

Instead of the traditional paintball game, you can opt for the more relaxed “hit-a-target” game. Place several targets, which can be as simple as bottles with some sand, on the edge of a table, and start having a blast.

Balloon Darts Outdoor Games

Balloon Darts Backyard Games Party

Image: ©Jupiterimages via canva.com

The game of balloon darts is designed to test your aim and your patience.

You can choose from several different balloon darts games but the traditional version already offers fun galore.

You require

  • a piece of corkboard or pegboard cut to the size that you need,
  • different colored balloons and
  • some darts.

Blow up the balloons until they are only partially full. The balloons are only partially blown up so that the dart has to hit them square for them to explode. Blow up enough balloons to fill the dartboard.

Attach the top row of balloons to the dartboard, using straight pins or tacks, ensuring that the inflated portion hangs straight down. As you continue adding the balloons, it is important to alternate the position of the balloons in each alternate row so that every balloon is properly exposed.

The game requires each player to throw 3 darts at the balloons at a time, trying to burst them. kids as young as 10 years can play as long as safety concerns related to the hazard of allowing children to play with sharp-tipped darts are addressed.

The game can be played by individuals or teams and the person/team that bursts the most balloons is the winner.

Group Flickin’ Chicken Backyard Games

Group Flippin Chicken Fun Backyard Games

Image: ©Walmart

Whatever the occasion, whether it is a few hours in the backyard, the park, family outings, camping trips, or beach trips, Group Flickin’ Chicken is a rubber chicken game that’s a fun game for the whole family, regardless of their age.

It is designed to be played by 2 to 4 people, and those who prefer watching are guaranteed to have just as much fun as the players.

Imagine a mix of mini golf and rubber chickens and you will have a rough idea of what the game entails.

The rules for Flickin’ Chicken are similar to mini golf. However, instead of using a putter and golf ball, you throw a rubber chicken at the target.

Each Group Flickin’ Chicken game comes with a

  • scorecard,
  • pencil,
  • four rubber chickens and
  • one flying disc or target.

During the game, players take turns flicking their chicken toward the target, trying to land on the target. Whoever lands on the target with the least number of throws, ends up with the lowest score.

The game has nine rounds and the person with the lowest score wins. If any part of the rubber chicken lands on the target in the first throw it is called a Pollo-In-One.

Kick Darts Outdoor Games

Kick Darts Backyard Games For Parties

Image: ©The Organizer

Kicking things can almost be described as an instinct. People, especially kids, like to kick stones and other objects as they walk. Make their kicking episodes a lot more exciting by introducing them to Kick Darts.

Kick darts also referred to as soccer darts, is a relatively new fun game that’s great for the entire family or a group of business partners. This great lawn game offers a lot of bonding moments and the relaxation you get out of the game is unparalleled.

It is played with a giant version of a regular dartboard and specially designed foot darts in the form of balls which stick to the Velcro-covered dartboard. These foot darts are fantastic fun for children and adults of all ages.

You can choose from a variety of blow-up kick darts board designs, but they are all enormous, and made of sturdy material.

Players in teams or individuals take turns kicking the ball to earn points. The scores are calculated depending on where the ball lands on the board. The first team/player to score 10 points wins.

The giant inflatable darts board is easy to set up and deflate, and can easily be stored when not in use.

Magnetic Darts Backyard Games

Magnetic Darts Kids Backyard Games

Image: ©fotografo still life via canva.com

The classic game of darts is a sport in which small missiles are thrown at a circular target fixed to a wall. There are many variants to the standardized game; “magnetic darts” is one of them.

This is a safer version of darts where instead of using pin-tipped metal darts, players use professionally weighted darts that have magnetized ends to them, reducing the chances of accidents.

They are one of the most common types of safety darts and are safely used by both children and adults. That makes them the ideal darts for kids.

Most of the magnetic darts boards are double-sided, giving you a board with two darts games to play. The boards are magnetic but covered with felt and the darts can easily stick to the board. You can read more in my magnetic dart board reviews.

Magnetic darts can be played solo, or with a group of people in a competitive mode. It is rightly described as a game of finesse that can be enjoyed by anyone, anytime.

The game of Magnetic Darts is a great stress reliever as it does not require any difficult skills or major concentration, and nothing can be damaged while playing.

One Wall Paddleball Backyard Games

One Wall Paddleball Easy Backyard Games

Image: ©Top End Sports via topendsports.com

One wall, one ball, two paddles, and two players; that is all you need to play One Wall Paddleball.

One-wall paddleball is an American game that, as the name suggests, is played with a small rubber ball that is hit against, you guessed it, a single wall with the help of a solid paddle.

Originating from American handball, it is usually played by two people in a singles match or by four in a doubles match. All players aim to keep the ball in play for as long as possible.

The server bounces the ball on the floor once and then hits it so that it ricochets off the wall. The other player waits for the ball to bounce once on the floor before using their paddle to hit the ball back to the wall. This hitting back and forth continues until one player causes a foul.

The ball used in paddleball comes in black, blue, and green.

The paddle is usually made of wood, but you can also get other materials such as graphite and titanium.

This game is played to 15, 21, and 25 points, and the winner must have a two-point lead for the win to be acknowledged.

Paddle-ball Outdoor Games

Paddle Ball Fun Backyard Games For Kids

Image: ©-Oxford- via canva.com

Beach trips can be a great way to relax and have fun, but sometimes you want some form of exciting activity to do with your friends while you are at the shore.

Paddle-ball, or paddle/platform tennis, is a simple game that can be played almost anywhere. All you need to play is two paddles and a ball.

Paddle-ball is played with a plastic ball the size of a softball. The best paddle-ball racquet should not be longer than 18 inches or wider than 9½ inches made from sturdy materials, with good weight, grip, and construction.

Played as singles or doubles, you should hit the ball with your paddle so it rebounds off the wall and back onto the court for your opponent to hit back.

If you are new to the game, you will enjoy practicing with a training paddle/racquet to practice your serve and swing. For seasoned paddle ball players, there are high-end paddles that feature high-quality construction and designs, and you can even get some handcrafted ones.

The game is good for players of any age and skill level and is easy to learn.

Soccer Rebound Wall Backyard Games

Soccer Rebound Wall Backyard Games With Balls

Image: ©Forza Goal via forzagoal.com

Whether you are a professional or occasional soccer player, a soccer rebound net or soccer rebound wall can help you improve your passing, receiving, and first and second-touch skills.

Soccer rebounders are also the perfect tool to help you increase striking accuracy and timing, and for goalkeeper drills.

A soccer rebound wall will bounce the ball back at you when you kick the ball at it. With this wall, you can practice on your own, without another player. You can also adjust the angle of the rebound wall so that when you kick the ball against it the ball is deflected up into the air, so you can practice receiving the ball in the air.

The rebound net is similar to the wall just that instead of being solid, the net has a backing made from either nylon or bungee straps. The other major difference is that most nets can be quickly folded for transportation or easy storage.

With some nets, you can adjust the tension to fine-tune the rebound speed to suit your training needs.

Just like the rebound wall, you can vary the tilt of the net.

From beginner to pro, there’s a perfect soccer rebounder waiting for everyone. To find the one that’s right for you, I have reviewed the 14 best soccer rebounder for you.

Backyard Games For Adults

Golf Hole Backyard Games

Golf Hole Backyard Games For Adults

Image: ©YouTube

If you are a golf fan, you will agree that the best way to improve your game is through practice. This is where the backyard golf net comes to play. Instead of hitting your ball toward a golf hole, you aim at the net.

When you have your backyard golf net, you can prop it up any time, allowing you to practice putting whenever you wish, and for as long or short a time as you desire. It is not meant to be a replacement for the greens at your favorite course, it is just something you can do in your home with little effort.

Picking the best golf net for your home is a tricky but not impossible task. The size, type, and shape are up to you.

Whereas professional players may choose to go with the more high-end type of net where the golf ball automatically returns to your feet after each shot, many other simpler nets promise you just as much fun.

There is even a net for the golfing newbie, one that is wide enough to give you that extra peace of mind and lessens the psychological threat of smashing a garden pot or a nearby window.

Golf With Net Backyard Games

Golf With Net Outdoor Backyard Games

Image: ©Amazon

Golf is a noble game that allows you to do a lot of networking. However, those who love the game just for the fun of it will enjoy the “golf with net sets” that are designed to help you up your game through fun practice.

Some nets can be used indoors and others outdoors in your yard. The net not only saves you money, but you can practice without the hassle of traveling to a nearby golf course.

Golf nets come in a variety of sizes and shapes.

  1. There are basic flat-hanging nets that will stop a ball in its tracks, and
  2. the more advanced return nets, which not only return your ball but can also help you see when you slice or hook your shots.

The best backyard golf practice nets depend on your need, your space, and the type of shots you want to practice, but in general, the net should be strong enough to withstand the pressure exerted by the balls.

Pop-up nets can be assembled in seconds, while there are collapsible chipping and lightweight nets for the golfer interested in improving their chipping.

A golf net with a ball-return system will save time and maximize your practice session.

Squash Outdoor Games

Squash Adult Backyard Games

Image: ©Gpoint Studio via canva.com

A game of outdoor squash is a great fun game for the whole family. Squash is usually played indoors, but the outdoor version takes squash to a different level.

To build your own outdoor squash court you need an even, concrete space measuring about 14 meters by 10 meters. For a modern squash court, you also need higher-performance safety glass. With a durable and sprung outdoor floor, your court is complete.

Using glass gives the players a unique experience while allowing the spectators to enjoy the game. The glass decreases light transmission from the sun to ensure proper visibility at all times.

The court is naturally ventilated as there is no roof.

Squash is a two-player game, played on a four-walled court using squash rackets and a small rubber squash ball.

The objective is for the server to hit the ball against the far wall. The other player returns the ball, only allowing one bounce on the floor before hitting it.

Although you can play the game with any comfortable attire, you need to have proper court shoes and you should protect your eyes.

Usually, a match will be in a “best-of-five” game format. So to win a squash match, you must win three games played to 11 points.

Tennis Outdoor Games

Tennis Summer Backyard Games

Image: ©LuckyBusiness via canva.com

Everyone knows that tennis is about hitting a ball with a racquet over a net and into the opponent’s court.

The game is played by 2 people or 4 people, 2 in each team.

Playing tennis is great fun, but at times there is no one to play with. This should not stop you from playing. By learning how to practice tennis by yourself at home, you don’t have to give up having fun.

A wall is the best place to practice your backswing, your forehand drills, and your slice. If you have a wall in your backyard that is fine. However, if no wall is available for your practice, you can buy a tennis wall.

Your wall offers hours of practice for players of all ages and skill levels, and it can be used in driveways and garages, as well as in your backyard. The walls vary in size, but they all give you plenty of hitting surfaces to make your practice time great.

They are designed so you can tilt the frame back slightly for a higher and softer rebound.

Most walls are easy to assemble and just as simple to pull down when practice is over.

Axe Throwing Backyard Games

Axe Throwing Best Backyard Games For Adults

Image: ©Gerasimov174 via canva.com

Similar to the game of darts, axe throwing is a game where the player throws a tomahawk at a target, attempting to hit the bull’s eye to earn points.

A tomahawk is a light axe, typically having a stone or bone head, used by North American Indians as a tool and a weapon.

Today, the tomahawk continues to be carried by some military units in some countries, mostly used as a handy multi-purpose tool and, of course, as something that can be thrown for sport and amusement to pass the time.

The best throwing tomahawk technique can be learned through practice.

It is recommended that you use a tomahawk specially made for throwing. It is weighted to make throwing easier, and you can get a cheaper version.

Grip a tomahawk like you would a hammer with the head straight. Focus on the bull’s eye and raise the tomahawk above your head. As you bring it back down, simply release your grip on the handle when your arm is straight.

Make your target from a large circular tree stump cut into a slice about 4 inches thick. It is then seasoned and firmly mounted on a tripod stand made of tree limbs or metal.

Sling Shot Outdoor Games

Sling Shot Cool Backyard Games

Image: ©peterkai via canva.com

There is nothing more fun than flinging objects out of a slingshot. It is an activity that is popular with boys of all ages, but girls also have their fair share of fun with a sling shot, or catapult as it is called in the UK.

The traditional sling shot is a Y-shaped stick or frame that has an elastic strap attached to the prongs, and which is used for flinging small objects like stones, seeds, and nuts.

A slingshot is a great piece of equipment for target practice and can be easily carried around anywhere.

It is important to learn how to use a slingshot properly to avoid getting hurt or causing property damage.

The first thing is to ensure that you are playing on a clear field. As a beginner, you should start shooting at a target that is about 5 meters away.

The target can be anything from a used soda can or a plastic bottle standing on a wall. The beauty of a tin can is that it makes a loud noise when it is hit.

Slingshot is played by both children and adults either solo or as a competition.

Unleash summer fun and outdoor adventures with my roundup of 69 BBQ party games ideas for adults! Step up your hosting game with these must-have suggestions.

Backyard Games for Families

Backyard Bowling Alley

Backyard Bowling Alley Backyard Games For Families

Image: ©Skitterphoto from Pexels via canva.com

The backyard is a place to relax and have fun which is why you need to make it as inviting as possible. A backyard bowling alley is one innovative way of doing this. It’s the outdoor version of a regular indoor bowling alley.

Whether you are good at the game or not, bowling is a fun activity to share with friends and family, and with your backyard bowling alley, you can have a lot of fun at your next backyard get together.

Bowling is fun for the whole family and it’s a great way to practice your throwing skills without spending money at your local alley.

The alley is simple to construct, all you need is 2 x 4 panels and plywood, long planks of wood for the lane, bowling pins, strings, neon lights for a fancy look, and of course, enough space in the yard.

If possible, build your bowling alley running next to the fence, especially if it is a wooden one. That way, it will help accentuate the fence.

To make the alley weather resistant, you can coat it with laminating flooring.

The thing to look out for is that the floor is level that is, it is not slanting and has no dips.

Finally, invite some friends to a friendly competition and have a great time.

Djubi Rocket Birdie Outdoor Games

Djubi Rocket Birdie Best Backyard Games

Image: ©Amazon, Fat Brain Toys via amazon, fatbraintoys.com

Djubi Rocket Birdie is a target game played by 2 to 4 players aged 8 years and above.

At a party or get-together with many players, divide them into 2 teams of an equal number of players.

The Djubi rocket birdie game takes the classic game of lawn darts and adds the element of enhanced accuracy to create a target game that is an easy and fun activity for all ages to play.

The play set includes 1 carry bag, 2 Djubi mini launchers, 4 Djubi birdie balls, and 4 rope rings.

The birdies are cone-shaped and each one has an elastic band attached to it.

To set up the game, just place the circular ropes or rope rings on a flat surface in your backyard, a park, or even the beach, and mark off a throw line.

The first player hooks the birdie to the handheld launcher, pulling back the elastic. He or she then releases the birdie, aiming to land it in one of the rings.

The opposing player then takes their turn. Whoever lands a birdie inside a ring earns 3 points. The person with a birdie nearest a ring gets 1 point. The first person or team to reach 21 points wins.

Kick The Can Outdoor Games

Kick The Can DIY Backyard Games

Image: ©c-vino, phodopus via canva.com

Kick the Can is a fun, energy-filled outdoor game that proves kids do not require expensive toys to have fun.

This game, which is played by at least 3 people, is good for all ages and has no maximum number of players, although too many people playing means one round of the game can take very long.

Kick the Can game rules are easy to follow. The game revolves around the can, or “home base”. The can is placed on the ground somewhere in the middle of the play area. Players choose an area to be the “jail” for those who are captured.

While “it” keeps the eyes closed and counts to an agreed number, the rest of the players run and hide. Then “it” looks for the other players. When “it” spots a player, “it” shouts out their name and location.

Any player who is “found” then races “it” back to the can. If “it” kicks the can first, the player goes to “jail”, if the player gets there first, any players in jail go free and the game starts over.

“It” wins when all players are in “jail” and a new “it” is chosen for the next game.

Glow Battle (Glow in Dark Sword Fighting) Backyard Games

Glow Battle Glow In Dark Sword Fighting Backyard Games ideas

Image: ©Amazon

During the day, there are plenty of ways to get kids off their phones and do something active, but at night there are not many lawn games for them to keep them active.

That is why you will love the fun game of Glow Battle (Glow in Dark Sword Fighting).

If you thought boys are the only ones interested in the Glow Battle game, then you are in for a shock. You will find many young girls having lots of fun playing Glow Battle, too.

There is no better way to get all the energy out of your children when the sun goes down than this glow-in-the-dark indoor or outdoor game.

The game is best played outside after sundown but if the game is played indoors, the room needs to be dark.

This game combines strategy and teamwork to lead your team to victory over your opponent. Run at your enemy, attack, defend your position, and hit your foes with harmless glowing sticks.

This game is perfect for parties or a mid-week afternoon backyard get together and it’s a surefire way to keep your kids happy for hours.

Glow Battle is easy to set up and play. Its game pieces are equally straightforward and include 10 glowing sticks. It’s a fun game for children of all ages.

Slacklining Backyard Games

Slacklining Fun Backyard Games For Families

Image: ©microgen via canva.com

Slacklining is a fun lawn game that tests your ability to balance while walking on a two-inch-wide nylon webbing strip that is suspended between two fixed points.

While enhancing your balancing skills, slacklining also builds core strength and confidence.

If you want to learn how to start slacklining as a beginner you should first practice your balancing act on fallen tree trunks or other horizontal planks.

Even though slacklining is similar to slack rope walking and tightrope walking, slacklines differ from tightwires and tightropes in the type of material used and the amount of tension applied to the rope during use.

Tightwire, sometimes called “tightrope”, features a wire about ½ inch wide and requires special shoes to prevent discomfort without losing the feel of the wire.

Slacklining is best done barefoot or with a simple pair of sneakers. A slacklining kit is available and once you have set up your line, you are ready to start.

The most important thing to remember when learning how to walk a slackline is that you will fall a lot, and that is fine.

After a bit of practice, you will be able to find your slacklining feet and walk along the line with a healthy dose of confidence.

Bocce Ball Backyard Games

Bocce Ball Good Backyard Games

Image: ©nycshooter via canva.com

If you are asking yourself “What is Bocce ball and how to play?”, let me explain.

Bocce ball is a classic game whose roots date far back. To play, a complete bocce ball set contains:

  • a play table,
  • a white ball called “pallina”, and
  • 4 balls of one color and another
  • 4 balls of another color

all neatly put together in a bag for easy transport.

The players of this highly strategic and fun game aim to earn points and the team with the highest score wins.

Played by 2 teams, each team is assigned a color and given 4 balls of that color. The beginner throws the white ball, or “pallina”, halfway down the play table. Each team, taking alternate turns, rolls its balls toward the pallina.

You can hit the pallina to reposition it, or you can hit your opponent’s ball to push it further away. When each team has played its 4 balls, the team with its ball closest to the pallina is the one that scores that round.

1 point is awarded for every ball that is closer to the pallina than the opponent’s closest ball. A new round then begins. The winning team is the one that gets 12 points first.

Teams typically have one, two, or four players aged from 10 years.

Boomerang Outdoor Games

Boomerang Unique Backyard Games

Image: ©karenfoleyphotography via canva.com

A boomerang is one of those intriguing toys that will have children, and most adults wondering how it works.

It is traditionally made of wood and is designed in such a way that it inevitably returns to the person who threw it. This makes them a fun toy to play with because you can throw and catch them by yourself.

If you are wondering where can you buy a boomerang, almost all toy shops stock them, and they can usually be bought at a reasonable price.

The wide V shape is the most common design, but you can also get a Y-shaped boomerang or an X-shaped one.

Boomerangs can be made from a variety of materials, plywood, plastic, and even cardboard.

The backyard boomerang is the best boomerang for beginners. It is a tri-blade boomerang made of high-impact plastic, so you are guaranteed it will not break. It travels an amazing 10 to 15 feet before returning to the thrower.

Like any other sport, throwing a boomerang takes practice but once you get the hang of it, you will enjoy hours of throwing it around.

It’s a great outdoor game you can play alone or with your friends.

Night Bowling Backyard Games

Night Bowling Backyard Games To Play

Image: ©gridcaha via canva.com

Whether you are good at bowling or not, one thing is for certain: bowling with your family and friends is one of the best outdoor games that can encourage a little friendly competition, especially during summertime.

Bowling is a sport that can be enjoyed by a group of people, making it suitable for parties. When planning a night party, surprise your guests by providing them with a night bowling alley.

You can choose to take your party to one of the many venues that offer glow bowling near me and you, or you can prepare a glow bowling alley in your backyard.

It is easy to set the alley aglow for the night; all that is required are

  • 6 glow sticks,
  • 1 ball the size and weight of a small basketball,
  • 6 plastic water bottles,
  • paper and pencil to keep score.

The game is easy to set up, taking only 10 to 15 minutes. The game can be played indoors by clearing a hallway, living room, or kitchen. For the outdoor version of the game simply clear your driveway, a flat lawn, patio, or playground.

Fill each bottle with water, leaving about 1 inch at the top. Place a glow stick in each bottle, ensuring that the water does not overflow. Arrange your glowing “pins” and start the fun.

Glow In The Dark Lawn Bowling Backyard Games

Glow In The Dark Lawn Bowling Fun Backyard Games For All Ages

Image: ©Walmart

Glow in the dark lawn bowling is a fun way of bringing some color to your evening party or backyard get together. The good thing about any bowling game is that it can be played by any person, young or old.

To get your glow in the dark lawn bowling game set up, get together 6 glow sticks of different colors, 6 water bottles, and paper and pencil to keep score. You also need 1 ball such as a basketball, baseball or tennis ball.

The ball size depends on the age and skill level of the players. The smaller the ball, the harder the game.

Fill empty water bottles up with a snapped glow stick and some water, close them, and lay them out into a pyramid shape. These are your pins.

Identify a throw line from where players throw the ball. Every player throws their ball twice, aiming to knock down the pins. Each pin knocked down is recorded, and the player who knocks down the most pins is the winner of that round.

Add everyone’s scores for all the rounds played to get the overall winner. Or you can just choose to play a casual, scoreless game.

Glow in the Dark Ring Toss Backyard Games

Glow in the Dark Ring Toss Best Outdoor Backyard Games

Image: ©hasan indonightclub via canva.com

Turn off the lights in a room and see how the kids jump with glee as they play in the dark.

Glow in the dark ring toss is one of those lawn games that children love because it is different. Glow in the dark ring toss is a fun game that brings streaks of color into a dark space. It can be played indoors or you can play the outdoor version when the sun goes down.

Anyone can play the game, including people of all fitness levels. It’s a ring toss game that’s similar to bocce ball, except with rings.

Get yourself some

  • large 12-inch glow stakes,
  • a pack with 4 glow stick necklaces of different colors, 1 pack per player, and
  • some masking tapes.

Stakes are placed 15 feet apart.

You can play ring toss with two to four players. Each player using rings of their chosen color takes a turn and tosses all of their rings one at a time, and the scores are tallied. Play continues until one player has at least 21 points at the end of a round.

For party play where players are many, divide players into 2 opposing teams. Use just 2 stakes with each team tossing their rings towards their stake.

Petanque Outdoor Games

Petanque Popular Backyard Games

Image: ©JackF via canva.com

The game of Petanque is categorized under boules sport because, like other games in this category, players aim to throw their balls, better known as boules, towards a target ball.

Petanque rules are extremely simple. There is a target, and you have to throw your boule to get as close to the target as possible.

What makes it so exciting is that you can be way ahead for a while, yet lose a second later, or be losing one moment and winning the next.

The game can be played by anyone as age, strength or speed are not important. Advanced players can just as easily play against beginners because there is an element of luck involved, so both the beginner and the pro will have a fun time.

The best surface to play on is one that is not too soft or too smooth so that the balls can roll without any hindrance toward the target. The best is hard soil, like clearings in the woods, baseball diamonds, or an unpaved backyard.

Very short grass also presents a good playing surface. So any surface, except for concrete, asphalt, or tiles will do.

Backyard Games With Balls

Teeball Outdoor Games

Teeball Great Backyard Games

Image: ©YouTube

Teeball is a team sport based on both baseball and softball and is sometimes used as an introduction for kids aged 4 to 8 to develop ball game skills as they have fun.

The best T ball practice drills are those that are divided into practice and actual game time. This needs to be planned.

The children start with a scheduled drill session and the practice time is then nicely wrapped up with a short game that acts as a reward for the kids.

The main difference between teeball and baseball and softball is that the child usually hits the ball off of a stationary tee; the ball is generally not pitched.

So, teeball allows a young child to learn the skills of batting, catching, running the bases, and throwing, while making it both easier to hit the ball and less likely for batters to be injured since they do not need to dodge wayward pitches.

Get them to race and see who can run to a given base first. At this age, it is more about getting the children outdoors and exercising, which is why running the bases, hitting, and catching the ball is a great starter drill.

Backyard Hockey Outdoor Games

Backyard Hockey Backyard Games For Teams

Image: ©yulkapopkova via canva.com

The great game of backyard hockey is also referred to as ice hockey.

Whether you choose to construct your own backyard hockey rink, play on any of the established rinks, or buy a backyard hockey kit, one thing is certain, you and your team will take home a whole lot of memories that will keep you warm during those cold winter days.

The game requires you to have

  • a puck,
  • a hockey stick,
  • protective gear and
  • the goal posts

and can be played by people 8 years and above.

The kit includes

  • a rink frame,
  • a liner to create boundaries,
  • a PVC frame,
  • a vinyl backyard liner and
  • optional hockey goals.

To prepare the rink, pour 2 inches of water into the frame, allow 48 hours to freeze and you are ready to play.

In backyard hockey, each team consists of six players on the rink. Just like in traditional hockey, the aim of the game is for your team to score as many goals as possible, making you the winner.

The players are positioned on the rink and after the start of the game, all the players except for the goaltenders can go around the rink with no limitations.

Baseball Outdoor Games

Baseball Summer Backyard Games For Parties

Image: ©peepo via canva.com

Baseball is one of the most popular and best outdoor games played by kids and adults, and now you can build your own backyard batting cage frame with the perfect shape and size for your yard.

There are many decisions to be made when picking the ideal batting cage frame.

  • Should you go with an in-ground, above-ground or free-standing, or trapezoid style?
  • Should your frame be made of aluminum, PVC, steel, galvanized, or powder-coated?

One thing is clear, though, the cage needs to be one you can set up and break down quickly and easily.

A good point to remember is that the more often you remove your net in advance of bad weather, the longer you will have a net. If you use batting cage nets and frames made from the highest quality weather-proof materials, the cage will be able to withstand years of rugged use.

Concrete footers may seem like a chore, but they are essential to ensuring your batting cage is structurally sound.

With your own batting cage, you can practice whenever it’s convenient for you, and for as long as you choose. Get better at baseball, become more powerful and confident, and have fun doing it, all in the comfort of your backyard.

Basketball Outdoor Games

Basketball Best Backyard Games For Families

Image: ©Thuan Vo via canva.com

Falling into the category of great team sports and games, basketball is played by five players in each team opposing one another on a rectangular court, with the primary objective of shooting the 9.4-inch ball through the defender’s hoop, a basket 18 inches in diameter mounted 10 feet high to a backboard.

This is done while preventing the opposing team from shooting through their hoop.

Backyard Basketball Court Dimensions

Backyard basketball court dimensions vary depending on whether you are playing professional or recreational games, and even the size of the space you have.

For small spaces, you can install a court that measures 21 feet by 25 feet.

Full courts measure 94 feet by 50 feet.

High school courts are 84 feet by 50 feet.

Most indoor basketball courts are made from hardwood, which provides a smooth, unobstructed surface and a consistent bounce.

For the outdoor version of your court, you can choose from a

  • standard asphalt surface,
  • perforated rubber,
  • outdoor court tiles,
  • patio outdoor PVC tiles, or
  • tennis court tiles,

all of which come in various colors.

Build a basketball court in your backyard and give your children a valid reason to turn off the video games and get outside to have some real fun.

Beer Pong Golf Backyard Games

Beer Pong Golf Fun Backyard Games For Adults

Image: ©Golfbox

To make your leisure drinking time with your friends a lot more interesting, introduce any one of the beer pong drinking games. There is a variety of games you can choose from, all of which are highly entertaining.

One such game is Beer Pong Golf. This is a hybrid of the regular beer pong game and is somewhere between cornhole, beer pong, and traditional golf or mini golf.

The game set includes 2 collapsible game boards, 2 chipping mats, 12 balls, and an outdoor carpet. To play this exciting game as teams or individuals, place boards apart depending on skill level.

For beginners, place the boards either 6 or 8 feet apart, intermediate players 10 feet apart, advanced players 12 feet apart, and experts 15 feet apart.

Each player attempts to hit a chip into one of the cups. The first person or team to make all the cups is the winner or whoever has the least cups after time expires is the winner.

Where Beer Pong Golf seems to have found a niche is with the ability to customize each board. You can easily customize the slots at the top allowing you to pair your love of a particular team with the board.

Blitzball Outdoor Games

Blitzball Best Backyard Games For Summer

Image: ©Walmart

Similar to baseball, Blitzball was invented by a researcher who was looking for different techniques for throwing a ball with significantly more curve and velocity.

The blitzball is all that, including flying twice the distance of a baseball. It promises twice the distance as well as twice the curves of a baseball.

The ball is made of high-quality plastic polymers and weighs just under one pound. The ball’s surface design features seventy-two hexagonal sides that are symmetrical, with only one small hole. This significantly cuts down on wind resistance, allowing the ball to spin as desired and maintain velocity.

The blitzball is hollow to keep the weight at a minimum and neon green for easy spotting. With the ball being so easy to control, even beginning players can throw great curve balls with precision.

The bat is of lightweight plastic and will not easily break.

Each game has two teams, one trying to score or earn points and the other trying to defend the field. When a ball is hit, points will be scored by running the field and getting back to the starting position.

The team with the most points at the end of the game is the winner.

Dodgeball Outdoor Games

Dodgeball Backyard Games For Tweens

Image: ©MichaelSvoboda via canva.com

Classic dodgeball is a fast-paced fun game that is played by people of all ages, with different levels of flexibility, teams of mixed ability, and gender.

Soft volleyball-sized balls and a court are all you need to play dodgeball. There is no restriction on the number of people who can play but to make the game worthwhile, the players should number about 10.

The ideal dodgeball court measures between 52-60 feet by 24 feet, but the game can be played in a space of any size as long as there’s enough space for players to run around. This makes it one of the best outdoor games to play in any reasonably sized backyard.

The game starts with all balls lined up along the halfway line, with the two teams facing one another at a reasonable distance from the balls. During the opening rush, all players dash to the middle line and try to grab a ball and hit a member of the opposing team.

The goal of the game is to eliminate all members of the opposing team by hitting them with a ball and the team that manages to eliminate all of their opponents first are deemed to have won the game.

The overall winning team is the one that has won the highest number of games.

Keep Away Backyard Games

Keep Away Backyard Games For Birthday Party

Image: ©May1985 via canva.com

Monkey in the Middle, or Keep Away as it is called by some, is a children’s game that is fun for kids of all ages. Wondering how do you play Monkey in the Middle?

The rules are extremely simple.

The leader draws a circle on the ground about 10 feet in diameter.

The person chosen to be the first “monkey” stands in the center while the rest stand outside the circle.

One player outside the circle throws the ball across the circle to another person outside the circle.

The goal is to prevent the “monkey” from getting hold of the ball.

This continues until the “monkey” catches the ball or gains possession of it due to the intended catcher failing to catch the ball, or the ball is deflected into the circle for whatever reason.

The intended recipient who fails to catch the ball replaces “monkey” in the middle.

However, the ball cannot be torn out of any of the player’s hands.

For fairer play, variations to the rules have been made such as the “monkey” simply needing to touch the ball. Alternatively, the ball can be required to bounce at least once inside the circle before the intended catcher can catch it.

Keep Away Soccer Outdoor Games

Keep Away Soccer Fun Backyard Games For Parties

Image: ©RODNAE Productions via canva.com

Keep away soccer is a variation of the traditional keep away game, also known as Monkey in the Middle.

Keep away is a fun game played by children where two or more players pass a ball to one another, while a player in the middle attempts to intercept it. This is the same concept that is used during these soccer keep away drills.

To play, 6-8 players stand in an evenly-spaced circle, while 1-2 players stand in the middle of the circle acting as defenders. The goal is for the players in the circle to pass the ball around and keep it away from the defender or defenders as long as possible.

When a defender breaks up a pass or steals the ball, the round is over. The player responsible for giving the ball up must be a defender during the next round.

All of these variables can be adjusted depending on factors such as the number of players involved, skill level, age, and fitness level.

The players in the circle practice their short-to-medium passing skills under pressure. They also learn how to best receive all types of passes.

Those in the middle get to perfect their interception and disrupting passes skills.

Kickball Outdoor Games

Kickball Backyard Games For Children

Image: ©Pinterest

Kickball is a great outdoor game that is a lot like baseball.

One team tries to earn points by having its players return a ball from the home base to the field and then circle the bases, while the other team tries to stop them by tagging them “out” with the ball before they can return to the home base.

Each player tries to do this by kicking the ball and running all the bases and scoring a point.

Played by young kids and the youth, the object of the game is for one team to score more runs than the other, thus winning the game.

Teams use names not only as a means of identifying themselves but also to motivate themselves, so the team’s name is important and a lot of thought goes into choosing the name. Kickball teams are no exception.

Because it is such a fun game, it is not surprising that you will find some cool kickball team names such as New Kicks on the Block, Kicking others to the Curb since 2012, and One Kick Wonders.

You can spend many creative moments as the team members try to find a name that best describes them and their aspirations.

Miniature Golf Backyard Games

Miniature Golf Backyard Games For 10 Year Olds

Image: ©kali9 via canva.com

Miniature golf, also known as mini golf, is a fun, low-intensity lawn game that can be played by everyone. It’s a smaller version of traditional golf but focuses on just putting.

The various designs allow you to choose the miniature golf course design that you connect with and that best fits your backyard dimensions.

Most mini golf courses are built using fiber cement. These courses are perfect for small spaces as a complete course of 18 holes can be built in a space of 600 to 800 square meters.

Miniature golf courses can also be made of felt or concrete, while yet others use artificial grass.

Mini golf courses have 18 marked holes that are numbered. Players must complete each hole in a numbered order without skipping any hole.

Players use their putters to hit the golf ball from the tee area and straight into the hole. The object of the game is to make it into each hole in as few strokes as possible.

Every stroke taken counts as a point, although many courses limit players to a maximum of seven strokes per hole.

The player with the fewest strokes at the end of the round wins the round, and the one with the fewest strokes after the 18 holes is the overall winner.

Pickleball Backyard Games

Pickleball Backyard Games For Physical Education

Image: ©RichLegg via canva.com

The beauty of Pickleball lies in its simple rules, making it possible for a beginner to play a good game in a short time. The essence of Pickleball is to hit the ball back and forth until someone makes a mistake. It is really that simple.

Another great thing about this game is that you do not need to have a lot of equipment, just the pickleball paddle and a few pickleballs.

Most people think that the quality of your paddle is what determines the quality of your game while in fact, the real secret lies in the pickleball shoes.

The type of shoes to wear depend on whether you are going to play indoors or outdoors.

While playing pickleball, you will be jumping, running from point to point, and jumping up and down a lot. These quick movements can put a lot of stress on your knees and feet if you are not wearing the proper shoes.

These have a thick and stiff sole, usually made out of rubber, to provide support from impact. Because the ankle is one of the most vulnerable parts of the foot, your shoes should have sturdy ankle support.

Quidditch Backyard Games

Quidditch Active Backyard Games For Adults

Image: ©Sakkawokkie via canva.com

Quidditch and Harry Potter belong in the same sentence. Any fan of this magical series of fantasy novels/movies will be excited to know that they can now join their hero by playing their own game of Quidditch.

The game was invented by the author of the Harry Potter books and is played by a minimum of seven players, and a maximum of 21 players each, but only 6 per team are allowed on the pitch at a time. All players are mounted on broomsticks.

The players are divided into 2 teams of equal numbers, and the extra person is the Quidditch referee whose role is to start the game by tossing the quaffle or volleyball into the air, calling out penalties, and ensuring that this fast-paced game is played within the rules.

To make sure that the game is fun and goes smoothly, the referee should be a person who is unbiased and able to gently control the players as you have up to 5 balls moving around the pitch at all times.

With 3 goal posts at the center of either end of the field, the aim is to get the quaffle through the hoops. Each goal is awarded 10 points.

Soccer Outdoor Games

Soccer Backyard Games For Adults And Kids

Image: ©FatCamera via canva.com

The most exciting part of a soccer game is when one team scores a goal. However, when you construct a backyard soccer pitch in your backyard, you may not want to have permanent goal posts taking up space.

Instead, you can choose to have portable goals which can be brought out when needed, and taken back when not in use. The best portable soccer goals for backyards are those that are easy to transport and equally easy to set up and pull down for easy storage.

The goals measure 4 feet in size and are extremely affordable. The quality of the nets is very high, ensuring that you will not have to worry about tears or stress marks.

When these goals are set up, you do not need to fear them collapsing or being blown by the wind; they are sturdy and able to resist strong winds and even those mean shots.

When folded and placed in the bag, they are about 1½ times the size and shape of a tennis racquet. Because of their size, storage is made easy and they will fit about anywhere you can hang something on the wall making them perfect for your garage.

Soccer Wall Shooting Backyard Games

Soccer Wall Shooting Fun Backyard Games For Families

Image: ©chonesstock via canva.com, Amazon

Soccer is a very popular outdoor game and most players want to perfect their game by practicing with a variety of different Soccer shooting targets.

Soccer wall shooting is one of the best ways to improve your passing skills. The wall is perfect for everyone, from the occasional player to the professional.

This drill works through repetition which helps to build the muscle-memory necessary to master key skills.

You can train for every single skill you need as a soccer player using a wall. With the wall, you do not need a private coach, all you need is a ball, a wall, and yourself. With a backyard soccer wall, you can play whenever you want, and you can play with a wall for hours.

Making your backyard practice wall is easy. Get some solid wood posts, the number depends on the size of your wall.

After you have firmly set them in the ground, hammer some lumber horizontally, just like you would if you were building a horizontal fence.

Attach a slanting board at the top to deflect the ball and stop it from going over the wall. Varnish or paint the wall for both beauty and weather resistance.

Soccergolf Backyard Games

Soccergolf Most Fun Backyard Games For Adults

Image: ©YouTube

Traditional golf is known as a game for a select few, but there is another golf game that is played by anyone as long as they can kick a football. It is a combination of the well-known games of soccer and golf.

Footgolf also known as soccergolf, is not a complicated game to play. It’s so easy to play that experts recommend the simplest way to learn about the game is by simply getting onto a course and start having fun.

You do not need any special equipment, all you need to play is a ball and a good pair of footgolf shoes which can be as simple as a comfortable pair of trainers.

The players aim to kick their balls into the hole in as few kicks as possible. The fewer kicks you use the better.

The game is played on a golf course with a regulation size 5 soccer ball. The course has 9 or 18 holes. Tee boxes are where golfers tee off from, and the holes are on the side of the fairways.

Footgolf is a friendly competition that’s great fun for the whole family, birthday parties, staff teambuilding, and more.

Spikeball Outdoor Games

Spikeball Backyard Games Adults

Image: ©Better At Volleyball

Spikeball is one of those fun outdoor games played by people of all ages. The rules of Spikeball are very similar to those of volleyball even though the mode of play is very different.

  • The game is played by 4 people who are divided into 2 teams.
  • To play the game, you need a soft yellow, plastic, lightweight Spikeball.
  • The net is like a small-size trampoline and stands only 8 inches off the ground.

To begin play, players stand around the net with team members standing next to one another. This means each person is standing opposite a person from the opposing team.

One player starts the game by serving the ball down onto the net so that it bounces up at his opponents. The opposing team has up to 3 tries to bounce the ball back to the other team.

This continues until one team is unable to return the ball within their 3 touches.

After a serve, players can move or hit in any direction. The teams earn points for mistakes made by the opposing team such as when the ball goes out of the play area, hits the rim of the net, or the ground, or bounces more than once on the net.

Tetherball Outdoor Games

Tetherball Backyard Games For Kids Parties

Image: ©Sherry Smith via canva.com

While tetherball is a popular playground game, many people are unaware of how to play it other than hitting the ball and watching it spin around.

The tetherball rules are quite simple. Tetherball is played by 2 people at a time on a court that is a flat circle between 16 feet and 20 feet in diameter, with a 7 to 10-foot pole in the center from which a ball attached to a cord hangs. The ball should be about two feet off the ground.

Each player takes one half of the court, and while one player hits the ball clockwise, the other will hit it anti-clockwise.

The object of the game is to wrap the cord entirely around the pole in your direction until there is no more excess cord left and it cannot be wrapped any further, and the ball comes to rest against the pole.

The first player to wrap the pole entirely wins that round.

It is recommended that the game is played for at least 7 rounds and the player who has won the most rounds is declared the overall winner.

Tetherball is an energetic outdoor game that can have you playing for hours.


Volleyball Outdoor Backyard Games For Adults

Image: ©BanksPhotos via canva.com

Volleyball is a fun team game that is traditionally played as a two-on-two game, but it can just as easily be played by teams consisting of 3, 4, or 6 players per team.

The volleyball court dimensions vary depending on league standards, the age of participants, and whether the court is to be constructed indoors or outdoors. This said and done, the standard outdoor volleyball court dimensions in feet are 52.5 feet long by 26.25 feet wide.

There is a wide range of surfacing options to choose from and you can consult a team of experts to help you choose the best solution for your personal volleyball court needs.

Synthetic flooring is constructed using pour and pad urethane.

The synthetic volleyball court flooring is

  • available in different non-glare stable colors,
  • suitable for both cement and asphalt surfaces,
  • has excellent grip in all weather conditions,
  • is gentle on the muscles,
  • suffers no wear patches in heavy play areas, and
  • is affordable,
  • long-lasting and
  • easy to maintain.

Court tile surfaces provide another cost-effective alternative to hardwood volleyball courts.

Outdoor court tiles produce a virtually seamless playing surface that provides exceptional grip and its shock absorbent properties help to keep players safe.


Wiffleball Backyard Games For 10 Year Olds

Image: ©Bigcedar

Wiffleball is a simpler version of the baseball game. While it could be played indoors it’s probably one of the best outdoor games and the official wiffle ball rules are similar to those of baseball.

The game is played with a lightweight perforated plastic ball designed to make sure it does not travel far. Because the running aspect of the game has been eliminated, the game emphasizes hitting and catching. This makes it safe to play even in smaller spaces.

The only equipment required is the Wiffle ball, a bat, and possibly a piece of sidewalk chalk for marking the field.

Finding the best Wiffle ball bat for your specific needs is no problem with my in-depth review of the Top 7.

The size of the playing field can be adjusted to fit your available space.

As in baseball, the game is played with one team at bat and one team in the field. The field is V-shaped with the home plate at the fulcrum of the V, and the single, double, triple, and home runs zones arranged in rows that get progressively farther from the batter and progressively wider as their value increases.

Wiffleball can be played with as few as two players, pitcher, and batter, or as many as 10, with five players of each team functioning as the catcher, pitcher, double-area fielder, triple-area fielder, and home run-area fielder.

Silent Ball Backyard Games

Silent Ball Fun Outdoor Backyard Games

Image: ©kerpetenlui via canva.com

Kids are extra hyper and this is a good thing under normal circumstances. But there are times when you need to calm them down, either a short while before bedtime, or when circumstances call for less noise, like after a long, tiring day when your head is throbbing.

This does not mean they have to refrain from playing or having fun, on the contrary, there are several calming games for kids, and the game of silent ball is one of them.

To play silent ball, all you need is a squishy ball, a beanbag, or another small ball. The game can be played by a small group of children to a group as big as you want.

The rules of the game are very simple: while the game is in play, everyone should be silent, no talking, laughing, or making any sound.

The kids stand in the play space randomly. The leader counts down, “three, two, one, silent”. They then pass the ball to another person in the play area.

If a player drops the ball, makes a bad pass, or makes a noise, they are out of the game and must sit down. The game continues until only one person is standing.


Softball Active Backyard Games For Children

Image: ©pictureback via canva.com

Softball is an outdoor game that is very similar to baseball. There are two main differences between the 2 games.

Firstly, softball fields are typically smaller than baseball fields, mainly because batted softballs do not travel as far as baseballs.

Secondly, softball games last for seven innings instead of the nine innings typical of baseball games.

A full game has 18 players, with 9 players on each team.

The object of the game is to score more runs than the other team by batting a ball into play and running around the bases, touching each one in succession to earn points.

Whether you are playing soft-pitch softball, fast-pitch, or the modified version, one thing you need to be good at is batting.

The best softball bat ever is the Easton Stealth Comp CNT, and some of its outstanding features include providing efficient energy transfer from handle to barrel, and being BESR certified.

The standard bat used in softball is made of wood, aluminum, or carbon fiber. It is usually not more than 34 inches long, 2.4 inches in diameter, and not more than 38 ounces in weight.

The standard bat barrel diameter for both slow-pitch and fast-pitch softball is 2​1⁄4 inches.


Trunkball Fun Family Backyard Games

Image: ©pixelshot via canva.com

Trunkball is a fun game to play with your partner. It is a 2-player game whose objective is to score more goals than your opponent. The game can be played by both children 7 years and over, and adults.

Trunkball requires very little equipment, just a car with an open trunk, a 6-inch playground ball, and your 2 players.

One player starts as the goalie and the other is playing offense. The distance between the car trunk and the throw line should be 33 feet, but it can be reduced depending on the age of the players.

The throw line should extend 3 feet beyond the end of the trunk so that it is 3 feet wider than the trunk on either side.

To start the game, the offense player stands along the throw line and throws the ball, aiming to get it into the trunk. The goalie tries to deflect the ball.

If the goalie is successful, the two change places. If the ball enters the boot, the thrower is awarded a point and continues to throw until they make a foul.

The player with the highest score after the agreed play time is the winner.

Backyard Games With Pool Noodles

Pool Noodle Toss Backyard Games

Pool Noodle Toss Backyard Games With Pool Noodles

Image: ©Jordan ’s Images via canva.com

Giant pool noodle toss is just one of the well-known and loved pool noodle activities. It is a ring toss game played by both children and adults, making it a fun game for the whole family.

As a family or group of friends, you enjoy a bonding session making the playing pieces yourselves.

To play the game you need 6 or more ¾ inch wooden rods or dowels, as they are referred to in the game, whose height is between 2 and 4 feet depending on how tall you want your game to be. You also need 6 or more pool noodles of 2 different colors.

To set the game, start by sticking some dowels into the ground, leaving adequate space between them. Place a pool noodle over the dowel. This will be your target.

To make each tossing ring connect the two ends of a pool noodle. Use duct tape to secure the two ends to each other. Now you are ready to play.

Stand back and toss the rings one at a time onto the pool noodle target. The game continues with each person doing the same.

The winner is the person who has managed to get the most rings into the targets.

Pool Noodle Backyard Games

Pool Noodle Games Backyard Games For Preschoolers

Image: ©Paul D Wade via canva.com

A pool noodle is a cylindrical piece of floatable polyethylene foam that is sometimes hollow. Noodles are used by people of all ages while swimming, especially by those learning to swim.

Some pool noodle games are racing games. Often, a pool noodle is split in half lengthwise to construct a pool noodle race track. Making your own poodle noodle race track is a fun task to undertake, and it is something you can do with your kids.

Get a noodle with the widest diameter and cut it in half along the length.

Place the two halves next to each other and insert toothpicks where the two halves of the foam noodles touch each other to hold the 2 noodle tracks tight together.

With nose pliers, clip the ends of the toothpicks flush with the noodles.

You can also choose to use duct tape to hold your 2 parallel race tracks together.

Make start and finish signs and use toothpicks to pin them to the beginning and end of the tracks.

Decorate your tracks as you like.

Elevate the tracks and children can enjoy racing matchbox cars or marbles down the tracks.

Backyard Games Croquet

Giant Croquet Outdoor Games

Giant Croquet Jumbo Backyard Games

Image: ©Walmart

Giant croquet offers hours of fun for you, your friends, and your family. It is a sport that involves hitting wooden or plastic balls with a mallet through hoops, also called wickets, embedded in a grass playing court.

The giant croquet set consists of

  • 6 giant croquet mallets,
  • 6 giant croquet balls,
  • 9 large wickets,
  • 2 finishing stakes with flags and
  • 1 carrying case.

The game can be enjoyed by young and old alike.

The 6-hoop croquet setup is the most popular and is the one used all around the world. The game is played by any number of people who are divided into 2 teams or they can choose to play individually.

One team plays with blue and black balls, and green if available, while the other team plays with red and yellow balls, and orange.

Players take turns hitting the balls with a mallet sending them rolling across the grass. The balls are hit in the order of blue, red, black, yellow, green, and orange. You normally only get one hit on your turn.

The goal of the game is to get your team’s balls through the hoops in the right direction and in a particular order.


Croquet Backyard Games Croquet

Image: ©KenWiedemann via canva.com

Croquet is a game that is played by either 4 or 6 people.

The best croquet set consists of 6 hardwood mallets each with a flat striking face on either end. The mallet is 36 inches long and weighs slightly over 2 pounds.

You also get 6 bent iron powder-coated white hoops (9 hoops for the American version), and 6 croquet balls in their 6 different colors. The balls weigh 1 pound each and have a diameter of 3 5/8 inches.

There is a 6-color center peg (2 for the American version) with a removable pin, 6 powder-coated metal clips, 4 corner pegs, 1 laminated color rule card with both Association and Golf croquet rules, and a strong nylon carry bag.

Croquet is a two-team lawn game where one side plays with the black and blue balls and the other side has the red and yellow balls.

The object of the game is to hit the balls with a mallet, scoring a point for each hoop made in the correct order and direction.

The winning side is the first team that scores the 6 hoop points and then finishes by scoring one peg point for each of its balls, thereby scoring 14 points.

Frustrated with inferior quality or generic croquet sets? My in-depth review walks you through the process of identifying the best croquet sets based on your preferences. Take control of your croquet gameplay now.

Soccer Croquet Outdoor Games

Soccer Croquet Fourth Of July Backyard Games

Image: ©Pinterest

Kids love playing with balls, and from a very early age, you can see them kicking a ball with joy.

The object of soccer croquet is to see how many hits it takes you to pass the soccer ball through the wickets.

Now, imagine your child walking into the backyard and what meets their eyes is a colorful collection of hoops. That is what the pool noodle soccer croquet play area looks like.

It is easy to set up the pool noodle soccer croquet activity center, all you need are some hollow pool noodles of different colors, wooden dowels, 2 for each noodle, and a child-friendly soccer ball.

Stick a dowel on either end of a noodle and push it into the ground to make an arch. Do the same with the other noodles, placing them at random and you are ready to start play.

The game is fun for children of all ages, even the very young. Taking turns, each player goes around the field trying to kick the ball through as many wickets as possible.

If the game is played by very young kids, there may not be a need to keep score, just let them have fun.

Backyard Games Horseshoes

Polish Horseshoes Outdoor Games

Polish Horseshoes Ideas For Backyard Games

Image: ©Wikipedia, Amazon

Whether it is your first time playing Polish Horseshoes or you are a regular, you will love the fun and challenge this fun outdoor game provides.

The Polish Horseshoes rules are simple and similar to bottle bash: throw a frisbee at a bottle that is balanced on a pole.

All you need to play is two 6 feet tall poles, 2 plastic bottles or cans, and a frisbee. The poles are set in the ground about 20 to 40 feet apart.

It is an outdoor game that is perfect for playing during your next backyard get together while barbecuing, at the lakeside, or during your next beach trips.

Place one bottle on top of each pole and each player/team takes turns trying to hit the bottle. You can either strike the bottle directly and knock it to the ground, or strike the pole so the bottle falls off.

When one side is throwing, the other side is playing defense by trying to catch the flying disc and keeping the bottle from hitting the ground. After two throws, the defense becomes the offense and takes its two throws.

To earn points the thrower has to hit the pole or the bottle. The team with the highest score wins.

Horseshoes Backyard Games

Horseshoes Backyard Games

Image: ©DAPA Images via canva.com

The game of horseshoes is one of the best lawn games that has been enjoyed for centuries. It’s great fun and similar to a ring toss game. The game of horseshoes is ideal for the whole family or other gatherings where you have people of all ages.

It is played either between two individuals or teams of two people.

The players or teams toss four horseshoes toward two stakes in the ground which are placed 40 feet apart. The players alternate turns and attempt to either throw a ringer circling the stake or get it as close as possible.

It is important to understand how to keep score in Horseshoes.

A ringer, which is when a player encircles the stake with a horseshoe, is worth 3 points. If no one scores a ringer during a round, then the closest shoe to the stake receives one point. However, the shoes need to be within 6 inches of the stake to qualify.

Two points are awarded to the person who threw both shoes closer to the stake than the opponents.

A horseshoe that lands vertically against a stake earns one point.

Horseshoes that land outside of the 6-inch space around the stake do not earn you any points.

The game is played until a player or a team reaches 40 points and becomes the winner.

Football Backyard Games

Football Outdoor Games

Football Backyard Games

Image: ©nycshooter via canva.com

The traditional British game of football is a team sport played by two teams of eleven players on a rectangular field with goalposts at each end. This game is played by kicking the ball toward the opponent’s goal, trying to score.

It has a strict set of rules which must be observed. American football, on the other hand, is similar to what the British call rugby. A proper game of American football is played following some formal laid-down rules.

Backyard football is a simplified and more informal version of American football with the rules a lot more relaxed. Most forms of backyard or street football use ad hoc house rules that vary from neighborhood to neighborhood.

Backyard football, also known as street football or sandlot football is commonly played by the youth as a means of spending some fun time together.

To play backyard football you simply require a ball with a wall or fence used as a goal. If this is not available, items such as clothing can be used for goalposts.

The game can be played by as few as 2 people playing against one another, to 14 people divided into 2 teams of 7 people each.

Flag Football Outdoor Games

Flag Football DIY Backyard Games For Families

Image: ©Kidsports

Football and all its variations are a favorite outdoor game with both adults and children. Backyard flag football is one such variation.

Flag football is played like American contact football except that in flag football no contact is allowed as this results in a penalty for the person who initiated it.

The game is a fun activity for kids and adults and is played in 2 teams of between 5 to 9 players each, where one person is the referee.

What you need to play is a playing field, a football, and flags of 2 different colors.

All players wear their team’s flags tucked into their belts making sure they are secure but not too deep to make it difficult for the opposing team members to remove them.

Just as in the contact game, the offensive team has four attempts to reach a certain point on the field with the defensive team seeking to stop their progress. Instead of tackling the person with the ball, the opposing player takes that person’s flag.

If a team succeeds in reaching the end-zone they score 6 points and have the option to add a further 1 or 2 points with an extra play.

Backyard Games With No Equipment

4-legged Race Backyard Games

4-Legged Race DIY Backyard Games For Kids

Image: ©Wikipedia

Those of you who remember how much fun the 3-legged race is will be excited to learn that they can now enjoy a 4-legged race that guarantees hours of fun and laughter. It is a game that is just as much fun to watch as it is to participate in.

There are several 4-legged race ideas but the classic one is perfect for corporate or church events or a simple outdoor games afternoon with the whole family.

The game is played by a minimum of 4 people but is more exciting when you have more than 1 team of 4 people to create a friendly competition.

The kit comes with 2 high-quality brightly colored ribbon material bands that are tough and heat resistant and have 4 leg holes each. The band has adjustable elastic leggings and is both strong and safe.

To play, each team member places their left foot through the left foot band so that all four members’ left feet are banded on one band walker. They do the same with their right feet and the right band walker.

Each team then runs to the finish line with the team that gets there first being the winner.

Hide and Seek Backyard Games

Hide And Seek Backyard Games For 5 Year Olds

Image: ©Sergey Novikov via canva.com

Hide and Seek is a popular children’s game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Another word for Hide and Seek is Hide and Go Seek.

The game is played by any number of players but not less than three. To play the game, you need to first identify a finder through any means you choose.

The finder, or “it” stays at the home base and closes their eyes, places their hands over their eyes, and preferably faces a corner or a tree. In a loud voice, “it” counts up to a pre-determined number, like 20, at a moderate, steady rate.

While “it” is counting, the other players scatter, each looking for a place to hide. After reaching the pre-determined number, the player who is “it” calls “Ready or not, here I come!” and then attempts to locate all the concealed players. The player who gets found first becomes “It”.

A variation of the game that adds an extra challenge is while “it” is seeking, the hiders come out of hiding, risking their safety to try and get back to home base without being tagged. The first person to be seen or tagged will become the next “it”.

You can also add your version to this great game but don’t forget that the main goal is to have lots of fun.

Musical Statues Backyard Games

Musical Statues Backyard Games For 6 Year Olds

Image: ©capturenow via canva.com

The rules of the musical statues game are simple. In musical statues the kids are encouraged to dance as much as they wish, but once the music stops they have to freeze into musical statues. Whoever laughs or smiles is out.

You will discover that this freezing stage is the most challenging for kids because they are naturally not able to keep still for long.

It is a fun children’s game that can be played at a birthday party, a backyard get together of the whole family or on fun-filled summer afternoons.

Played mostly by kids, the game can accommodate any number of players. It is easy to set up as all you need is a sound system and a spacious area where the kids can move around freely.

Using a different style of music such as a march, a waltz, or an orchestral piece each time will help the children experience a variety of music genres. You will particularly enjoy observing how the change of music changes their movements.

Sometimes the game master can also call a theme for the statues so that the players must impersonate something such as an animal or activity.

The game continues until there is only one person left, who will be announced the winner.

Relay Race Outdoor Games

Relay Race Backyard Games For Slanted Yard

Image: ©groveb via canva.com

A relay race is a fun competitive sport where players enjoy cheering their teammates on. There are several fun relay race ideas for adults which can be played by a group of energetic players.

One of the more popular games is the Water Relay Race which is especially popular during hot summer days.

Each team member takes a turn running with an empty cup to the end of the course to scoop some water, race back with it, and after emptying the water into the empty bucket, passes the cup to the next team member. The team that finishes first and has transferred the most water is the winner.

For 118 more options head over to my collection of fun and memorable relay race ideas.

Another fun relay race game is the chicken relay race, a fun twist to the traditional egg and spoon race.

The chicken relay race begins with the first person in each team putting a tennis ball (chicken egg) between their knees and waddling to a box set up a fixed distance away. They release the ball into the box (nest).

They then run back to the team and tag the next person in line, who then picks up the next egg and runs with it between their knees. The first team to have all their members complete the run is the winner.

Blind Man’s Buff Backyard Games

Blind Man's Buff Easter Backyard Games For Toddlers

Image: ©Robert Kneschke via canva.com

Blind Man’s Buff is a popular outdoor game with children and you will find them playing the game during birthday parties, picnics, family outings, and other fun occasions.

Blind Man’s Buff is a game that can be played by the whole family, children, and adults together. It requires at least 3 players and has no maximum number of players.

The game helps you improve your sense of hearing as this is the only way you can detect movement. All that is needed to play Blind Man’s Buff is a blindfold, a big, level space with no obstacles, and your players.

While standing in the center of the play area, get the person playing the blind man to put on the blindfold.

Turn the “blind man” around several times to disorientate them, then get them to count from 1 to 10 (or any other number) to give the rest of the players time to get away.

When the blind man stops counting, they shout “Blind Man”, and everyone stops where they are and shout “Bluff”.

Guided by the sound of the voices, the blind man starts looking for the other players, tagging them. The first person tagged becomes the next blind man.

Chain Tag Backyard Games

Chain Tag Fun Backyard Games For Birthday Parties 12 Year Olds

Image: ©SDI Productions via canva.com

There are many different ways to play tag one of which is Chain Tag. The game encourages group communication, and teamwork, and helps players develop important communication skills.

This unique game which requires no equipment is guaranteed to be a hit and will get everyone laughing and having fun at your next backyard get together or party.

The number of players required to play the game is limitless, and it can be enjoyed by kids of all ages. The game can be played in a field or the shallow end of the swimming pool.

Like in all tag games, chain tag begins with one person being “it”. “It” stands in the middle of the play area with all the players standing just within the perimeter.

“It” then chases after all the other people and when one person gets tagged, they link hands with the original “ít”. As each person is tagged, they join the chain which continues to grow longer.

The “it” team should remember that the “it” chain, should not be broken at any time as they run around trying to catch the other players.

The last player to get tagged is the winner, and the first person that was tagged becomes “it” for the next round.

Freeze Tag Backyard Games

Freeze Tag Good Backyard Games For Little Kids

Image: ©Syda Productions via canva.com

Everyone is familiar with Freeze Tag where if you are tagged by “it” you are frozen until another player comes and unfreezes you. The game ends when “it” freezes all the players and a new “it” is chosen. It is best played by a group of at least 8 players.

Freeze Tag variations include Everybody Is It where all the children tag and freeze other players. When a player is frozen, she waits to melt until someone else tags the player who tagged her.

In Toilet Tag when a player is frozen, she goes down on one knee and holds her arm out to the side. To unfreeze her, another player sits on her knee and moves her arm down to flush the toilet.

In Chain Freeze Tag, players unfreeze players by holding their hands. They then have to run together in a chain, gathering other frozen players as they go.

If the child who is “it” tags any child in the chain, the whole chain freezes until a free player can grab the hand of a child at either end. Having more than one person as “it” during the same game works very well if the players are many.

Shadow Tag Backyard Games

Shadow Tag Backyard Games For Kids Ideas

Image: ©FatCamera via canva.com

Shadow Tag is one of those fun shadow activities for kids that keep kids playing for hours on a sunny day.

It is a spin-off of the popular tag game, but in shadow tag, “it” tags your shadow, usually with their foot. This means that you need to be vigilant because, unlike the regular tag game, you will not be able to feel when you are tagged.

The game is played by at least two players from two years and above, and the more players you have, the better.

To make the game more interesting for the players, it would be best to group children of similar age groups to avoid the younger ones being overlooked, and the older kids feeling restrained as they are forced to wait for the younger ones to catch up.

To play the game, one person needs to be designated “it”, and they have to try to “tag” the other players by stepping on their shadows. The person tagged then becomes “it”.

If you are playing with younger kids, you can use this as a science lesson by explaining to them how shadows are formed as you help them find their shadows.

TV Tag Backyard Games

TV Tag Inexpensive Backyard Games For Kids

Image: ©Latino Life via canva.com

If your child and their friends are tired of the traditional tag game, show them how to play TV tag. TV tag is yet another variation of the traditional tag game. It is played by a minimum of 3 people, but the more players, the more exciting the game.

As with all tag games, one person starts as “it”. As “it” counts to the agreed number as they are blindfolded or with their eyes closed, the other players go to hide. “It” then embarks on a mission to find the players.

When a person is tagged by “it”, they are frozen in place. To be unfrozen, another player must touch them and must yell out the name of a TV show. Any TV show name can only be used once.

The game continues until all players are frozen. The last person to be tagged is “it” for the next game.

You can choose to vary the game a little depending on the ages of the children. Instead of shouting out TV shows only, the kids can also call out TV cartoon characters as well.

Players who call out a TV show or character that has been used, freeze.

DIY Backyard Games

DIY Dunk Bucket Outdoor Games

DIY Dunk Bucket Summer Backyard Games For Adults

Image: ©Instructable

There is one game you will enjoy watching your kids play during those hot summer afternoons, and this involves a dunk tank.

Unfortunately, the ones at the stores can be quite pricey, so the solution is a DIY dunk tank.

The DIY dunk bucket can be made from any container you have available such as an office trash can or a normal water bucket. It is easy to make, affordable, and plenty of fun to use.

Unlike the dunk tanks you get in the store, the DIY version is portable, lightweight, sanitary, fun for all ages, and uses less water.

The contraption has been likened to a toilet, and if you have played the game, you will agree.

Played by at least 2 children, the dunk tank is set up on a high stand with a hole at the bottom. A plastic chair or stool is placed under the stand and the first child sits on it. The other kids line up and take turns trying to hit a target with a ball.

When the target is hit, the dunk tank tilts over and drenches the child sitting under the stand. The person who hits the target is next to sit on the chair.

DIY Tire Swing Backyard Games

DIY Tire Swing DIY Backyard Games

Image: ©kcline via canva.com

A swing in your backyard is the perfect plaything for the whole family, both children, and adults. A DIY tire swing, in particular, is just what your children need to keep them happy and outdoors for most of the day.

A DIY tire swing is a simple project to undertake as it will take you just a short time to get everything working wonderfully. All you need is a used tire, some strong rope, cord, or chain, and a sturdy branch to hang the swing from.

Unlike the tire swings of yesteryears which had only one design, today you have a collection of tire swings designs to choose from.

The one rope tire swing is the easiest to make as you simply double-loop the rope around the tire and hang it on the branch.

The horizontal tire swing is another alternative. To make it safer, attach some crisscross cords across the opening.

Build a unique tire swing and discover how it will be both,

  • a great toy for the children to play on and
  • for adults a unique place to go and relax.

Spray paint the tire and transform it from something old and used into something new and fun.

Giant Backyard Games

Giant Bubble Wands Backyard Games

Giant Bubble Wands Giant Backyard Games

Image: ©eli_asenova via canva.com

Have fun making giant bubble wands with your children. Children love playing with water (not just during summer) and giant bubble wands paired with bubble solution will keep the children, and adults, entertained for hours.

The homemade giant bubble wands work much better than the shop ones and are way cheaper.

Giant wands can be made from drinking straws, string, wire hangers, and even paper. Paper cones can be made to blow basketball-sized bubbles and bubble domes.

The team at Red Ted Art gives directions for making 2 types of giant wands.

The first one is made using 2 medium-length sticks, and 2 pieces of string, one 1 meter long, the other 1.2 meters.

Tie the 1-meter string at the top of each stick, and the 1.2-meter string to each end of the 1-meter string to form a loop, and you are ready to go.

This works best when the bubble soap is in a shallow dish.

For the straw wand, take some string and run it through both ends of each straw to make a rectangle and tie the string. The size of the rectangle depends on how big you want the bubbles to be. This is good for deep bubble soap containers.

Giant Jenga Backyard Games

Giant Jenga Big Backyard Games

Image: ©OlegMalyshev via canva.com

Giant Jenga, the giant version of Jenga, is one of the relatively new backyard games which offer hours of fun. To be successful in Jenga you require lots of patience, strategy, and a steady hand.

To set up the game, stack the blocks in sets of three until you have a tower that is 18 blocks high. Each new layer of three parallel blocks should be rotated 90 degrees along the horizontal axis from the last layer. It is played with 54 wooden blocks and is suitable for people from 6 years.

You need a minimum of 2 players and as many people as you want. Keep in mind, though, that the more people who play, the fewer turns each person gets.

Once the tower is complete, pick a person to pull the first block and place it on the top row. The trick is to choose the block that will least disturb the stability of the tower. Players take turns doing the same.

The game ends when the entire tower collapses. The game also ends if any individual blocks, other than the piece being pulled out intentionally, fall from the tower.

The winner is the last person to remove and place a block successfully.

Giant Bananagram Backyard Games

Giant Bananagram DIY Backyard Games For Families

Image: ©Walmart

Giant Bananagram is the giant version of a famous, fast-paced, competitive, tabletop word game. The Bananagram rules of play are simple and straightforward. The game is played with two to eight players.

The game starts with 144 tiles, called the “bunch”, placed face down in the center of the table.

For up to four players, each player gets 21 letters, face down.

For five to six players, each gets 15 letters, and for seven or more players, each gets 11 letters.

To start the game, one player says “split” and all players turn their tiles right-side-up. They start creating their collection of intersecting words.

Once a player uses up all their original letters, they say “peel” and take a tile from the remaining letters. Every other player must also take a tile from the bunch and add it to their letters.

When you cannot use a letter, say “dump” and exchange the 1 letter you are having trouble using for 3 new ones. When a player uses up all the letters they say “bananas” and win the hand.

You can challenge words, but there is no penalty for doing so. If a word is rotten, you call out “rotten banana” and remove it from play.

Giant Beach Ball Outdoor Games

Giant Beach Ball Backyard Games Kids

Image: ©Lili Gherban’s Images via canva.com

With a giant beach ball, you will be able to keep children, tweens, teens, and adults having fun for many hours on those hot summer afternoons.

There are a variety of giant beach ball games available and you can get to choose one that suits the age and activity level of your group.

What makes the beach ball games fun is that the ball is lightweight and big, meaning you can throw it around with little effort. As the name suggests, the ball is mostly used to play games during beach trips, but it can just as easily be used to play games indoors or on a field.

The most popular game is water volleyball which is mostly played in a swimming pool during summertime. Depending on how big your play area is, water volleyball is played by people in two teams, each team consisting of 1 to 4 players.

In a proper match, there is a net going across the play area with the 2 teams on opposite sides of the net. Just like in traditional volleyball, players hit the ball across the net to their opponents.

The object of the game is for each team to try and score more points than their opponents.

Giant Checkers

Giant Checkers Best Backyard Games For Kids

Image: ©Stephanie Murton via canva.com

There are many backyard games for teens and Giant Checkers is one of the popular ones.

The British call it draughts while the Americans call the game checkers but regardless of what you call it when you play Giant Checkers you are in for lots of fun.

It is a strategy game played by 2 players each trying to outwit the other. You require an

  • 8 foot x 8 foot Giant Checkerboard,
  • 24 giant checker pieces, 12 red and 12 black and
  • a convenient storage case.

The game is played by two players who begin by choosing which player will have the red pieces, and who will have the black ones. The player with the black checkers always moves first. To be fair, players should swap colors after each game.

The player with the black checkers begins the game by moving a piece forward one square diagonally. Then the other player takes his turn by also moving a piece forward one square diagonally.

Only the dark squares on the checkerboard are used, and the checker pieces are always moved diagonally.

The object of the game is to capture all your opponent’s pieces by jumping over their checkers with yours.

Giant Connect 4

Giant Connect 4 Life Size Backyard Games

Image: ©mtreasure via canva.com

Games for the backyard come in many forms but one game that is guaranteed to entertain those who enjoy strategy games is Giant Connect 4.

It’s the giant version of the popular two-player board game and the most commonly used Connect 4 board size is 7 columns × 6 rows.

In addition to the board, the game comes with 21 red and 21 yellow checkers, a grid that holds the checkers, a stand that holds the grid and two end supports with slots for hooks.

After setting up the game and when you are ready to play, place the board between you and your opponent so you are each on one side of it.

You each take turns dropping one of your discs down one of the slots at the top of the grid into an unfilled column.

The object of the game is to get four checkers of your color in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally while preventing your opponent from doing the same. Whoever does it first is the winner. But, look out your opponent can sneak up on you and win the game.

The game is a draw when the board fills up before either player achieves four in a row.

Giant Cornhole Backyard Games

Giant Cornhole 4th Of July Backyard Games

Image: ©Dayton Daily News

Cornhole is a popular lawn game that is played by two teams who throw bean bags into the holes of a goal board positioned on the ground to score points. The Giant Cornhole game is the giant version, played with huge game pieces.

To play the game you need to have 2 goal boards and 4 bean bags, 4 of one color, and 4 of another color. To set up the game team goals should be set up on level ground opposite from each other with enough distance between them.

The goal hole of each board should be positioned away from the opposing board.

You can play Cornhole with two or four players. Players should be divided evenly into two teams. Two-player teams will have a player at each goal board, and single-person teams will always throw from the same board.

The players at each goal board should alternate throwing bean bags at the opposite goal board until all four are thrown on one side. Then the opposite board players should do the same.

Each bean bag that enters the opponent’s hole scores 3 points. This is repeated until one team reaches 21 points, total, and they are declared the winners.

Giant Dominos Backyard Games

Giant Dominos Large Backyard Games

Image: ©Bristol And Weston Super Bounce

Giant Dominos is a great way to get the whole family playing in the backyard or on the living room floor.

  • Using a foam dominoes set which is made up of 28 giant tiles for a double six set, the game is played by between 2 to 4 players.
  • A double nine set requires 55 tiles and can be played by 4, 5, or 6 players.
  • The double twelve requires 91 tiles and 6 to 12 players.
  • The double fifteen uses 136 tiles.
  • Finally, the double 18 set uses 190 tiles.

The number of players allowed depends on the number of double sets, for example, a double 6 set accommodates 2 or 4 people.

To play the standard “double six game”, each player draws 7 dominoes for their hand and places them where their opponent cannot see them. Place one tile at the center of the playing area and then take turns building off the tiles on the board with the tiles in your hand.

Each tile played has to have a side that matches the open end of a domino that is already on the table. Continue taking turns until someone uses up all of their tiles and is declared the winner.

Giant Farkle Backyard Games

Giant Farkle July 4th Backyard Games

Image: ©phodopus, Billion Photos via canva.com

Giant Farkle is played just like its traditional Farkle game, the only difference is that the giant version is played using giant dice.

It is played with two or more players, and the goal is to acquire points by a systematic rolling of the dice. The game’s rules are easy to follow, the slightly complicated part comes in the Farkle scoring.

Gather all players around the table or flat surface area, and after you have agreed on who will start, the starter is given all 6 dice. They roll the six dice at the same time and set aside any “point dice”, that is 1’s, 5’s, or three dice showing the same value.

A roll of a 1 is worth 100 points, a roll of a 5 is worth 50 points, 3 dice rolled at the same time and having the same value is worth 100 times the face value, for example, three 2’s rolled is 200 points and three 5’s rolled is 500 points.

A Farkle occurs when the dice are rolled and no point dice appear and no points are recorded.

One exception to this rule is that three 1’s rolled is 1,000 points rather than 100 points.

Giant Foosball Backyard Games

Giant Foosball DIY Backyard Games For Adults

Image: ©YouTube

If you are wondering what is human foosball, it’s the giant version of the classic game of table-top foosball but with one major difference: it is life-sized.

You and 6 other people on your team are in the field working together against your 7 opponents.

Giant foosball is a fun sport that is gaining increasing popularity for family outings, building teamwork, or just playing with some friends after work.

You can have 2 types of fields, the enclosed and the unenclosed. A typical field is about 35 feet long and 16 feet wide, with 6 rods, (2 sets of 3 feet, 7 feet, and 10 feet long rods) stretching across the field, 1 set for each team.

The materials you use are completely up to you, but the most popularly used are wood and construction netting.

The rules of the game are very simple, but they do vary from place to place. On average, you should stick with 10-18 players on the field.

Players must hold onto the rod the entire time they are in play as they try to pass the ball to their teammates and try to score goals.

The team with the highest number of goals within a specified period wins.

Giant Guess Who Backyard Games

Giant Guess Who DIY Backyard Games For Kids

Image: ©mediaphotos via canva.com

The aim of Giant Guess Who is for you to guess your opponent’s mystery person before they guess yours.

Giant Guess Who is the giant version of the fun board game by the same name. This classic game is played by two people over 6 years of age.

The game pack consists of 2 game boards, 48 face cards, and 24 mystery cards.

The game is easy to learn. Each player starts the game with a board with cartoon images of 24 people and their first names with all the images standing up.

Each player selects a card from a separate pile of cards containing the same 24 images.

To try and get a clue of your opponent’s mystery person, players alternate asking various yes or no questions to eliminate candidates, such as “Do they have brown hair?”

The player will then eliminate candidates based on the opponent’s response, by flipping those images down until all but one is left.

When you ask well-crafted questions, it will allow you to eliminate one or more possible cards.

If you only have one character left on your board, use your turn to ask if their mystery character is the person that you have left standing on your board. If you are correct, you win.

Giant “Glow In The Dark” Jenga Blocks Backyard Games

Giant Glow In The Dark Jenga Blocks Cheap Backyard Games

Image: ©Carnivals At Heart

I’ve already mentioned the giant Jenga game, the giant version of the regular Jenga game. It is played with giant blocks, many times bigger than the normal Jenga blocks. It is a game that requires both logic and some physical skill.

To add a certain magical touch to the game, use giant “glow in the dark” Jenga blocks in a dark room or at night time in your backyard.

It is perfect for adults, teens, and children in large or small groups, at BBQs, birthday parties, camping bonfires, summer nights during beach trips, outdoor park events, or backyard games.

Giant Jenga is so fun simply because it’s a fun outdoor game and because it requires more physical movement. The additional care required to be taken by the players results in some great adrenalin-fused gameplay.

During a giant Jenga game, players take turns removing one block at a time from a tower constructed of 54 blocks. Each block removed is then placed on top of the tower, creating a progressively more unstable structure.

Players aim to build the tower as high as possible without it tumbling down.

Giant Kickball Outdoor Games

Giant Kickball Backyard Games

Image: ©Amazon

Whether young or old, you will enjoy a game of giant kickball. It is an easy game to learn and because it does not require a lot of strength or skill, it allows players to concentrate on having fun.

Any number of people can play Kickball in theory, but it is usually played with teams numbering between 5 and 15.

Giant kickball has been around for many years and it is just as much fun now as it was in the earlier days.

The game kit includes

  • 1 kickball which is three times the size of the normal kickball,
  • 3 bases,
  • 1 home plate,
  • 1 pump,
  • 3 ball plugs, and
  • 1 plug remover.

The object in a giant kickball match is for one team to score more runs than the other, thus winning the game. Each player tries to do this by kicking the ball and running all the bases and scoring a point.

When not kicking, members of the opposing team attempt to prevent the opposition players from scoring runs and getting them out by catching the ball.

Once each team has had its allotted number of innings, the team with the greater number of runs is declared the winner.

Giant Mikado Backyard Games

backyard games - giant mikado 1 - 800 x 419 wl

Image: ©Spelexperten

The rules of how to play the Mikado Game are simple. Giant Mikado is fun and develops the player’s cognitive and social skills while strengthening motor control and agility. It also enhances concentration and attention and develops planning skills.

Players’ social skills, such as following rules and competing amiably are greatly improved, too.

The game consists of only the giant sticks which are light enough to play on floors inside and durable enough to use outdoors. The sticks are pointed on both ends and are color coded to correspond with their point value.

There is no limit to the number of players, but the smaller the group the more fun.

Play starts with the first player bunching the sticks in their hands which are placed on the table/floor. When the sticks are released, they fall in a circular, jumbled form.

The aim is for each player to pick up a stick without it touching or moving another stick. A player is allowed to stand up but not leave their place, and picked sticks for each player are scored at the end of each round.

After 5 rounds, the player with the highest score is declared the winner.

Giant Othello (Reversi) Backyard Games

Giant Othello Or Reversi Small Backyard Games

Image: ©Wikipedia

Giant Othello (Reversi) is a strategy board game for two players. The game is played on an 8 x 8 squared board without chequers, with a grid of 64 spaces. Accompanying the board, are 64 discs, black on one side and white on the other.

Named after the Shakespeare play due to its traditional black and white pieces, the game offers a fun challenge for all ages.

Initially, the board is empty except for 4 pegs, 2 of each color, placed in the central square on opposing corners. The diagonal, parallel, and perpendicular Reversi openings are designed to help you get control of the game from the beginning.

On each turn, a player places a peg of their color onto the board to capture one or more of the opponent’s pegs. Pegs are captured when a peg placed on the board sandwiches one or more of your opponent’s pegs between two pegs of your color.

Captured pegs are turned over to the current player’s color. Pegs can be captured horizontally, vertically, and diagonally.

The game is over when the board is full or neither player can move. The player with the most pegs of their color wins.

Giant Playing Cards / House of Cards Backyard Games

Giant Playing Cards - House of Cards Halloween Backyard Games

Image: ©pick-uppath via canva.com

Measuring about 8.5 inches by 5.5 inches, these specialty playing cards are the giant version of the playing cards you’re familiar with.

Dealing, holding, playing, and especially shuffling these giant playing cards is a fresh challenge, adding to the fun of the games you have been playing since forever.

Each deck is at least 8 times bigger than the traditional playing cards, and the size of the cards makes it beneficial to those whose vision is challenged.

These giant playing cards/house of cards sets are so comically oversized, making them ideal for magic tricks or constructing a massive house of cards. If you use several decks, you can enjoy seeing your card house find its way closer and closer to the ceiling.

This giant deck comes in a monster mega deck box sure to spark the excitement and curiosity of your friends and family. The cards are noticeably bigger than other large-size cards, as well as extra durable and clear coated for long-lasting entertainment.

You can even get a glow in the dark giant deck of cards, making playing in the dark a more interactive affair.

Watching the poker players struggle to hold all their cards during the game is guaranteed to add to the fun of the day.

Giant Scrabble

Giant Scrabble Backyard Games For Large Elderly Groups

Image: ©Pinterest

Giant Scrabble is a classic word game that can be played by anyone who can read and write. It is a 2 or 4-player game that builds your vocabulary.

Once you understand how to play Scrabble, you can look forward to many hours of fun.

Scrabble is played with 100 letter tiles on a grid board that measures 15 x 15 inches, a tiles pouch, and 4 racks. Place all letters in the pouch and every player draws a letter.

The player with the letter closest to “A” or a blank tile plays first.

After the letters are returned and remixed, all players draw seven new letters and place them on their racks. The first player plays a word making sure it crosses the red double-word score square in the middle of the board.

Players continue building on the words on the board. A score is recorded for each turn played. The game ends when the pouch with the tiles is empty and one person has played all their tiles.

The value of all the tiles the other players have not played is added to the winner’s score. The overall winner is the one who has the highest score after the prearranged number of rounds.

Giant Tic Tac Toe Backyard Games

Giant Tic Tac Toe Easter Backyard Games

Image: ©Pratchaya via canva.com

The origins of Tic Tac Toe, also known as noughts and crosses can be traced back to ancient Egypt, from around 1300 BC (Wikipedia).

To play Giant Tic Tac Toe you need sidewalk chalk or masking tape, 20 six-inch paper plates, a marker, and a stapler.

Giant Tic Tac Toe, the giant version of the classic game of Tic Tac Toe offers a new twist on the family-favorite ring toss game. This is a lively game that can be played indoors or outside by children and adults of all ages. Each game is played by 2 players.

Using chalk or masking tape, make a giant tic-tac-toe grid on the floor if indoors or the ground if outdoors. The grid is made up of a 3 x 3 grid of squares consisting of three rows of three squares.

Decorate five plates with X’s and five with O’s and staple each decorated plate to a plain plate to make disks. Stand two feet away from the tic-tac-toe grid. Take turns tossing the disks, one at a time.

One player is assigned the X plates, the other the O’s. The first person to get three disks in a row, horizontally, vertically, or diagonally wins that round.

Play until you are out of energy.

Giant Twister Game

Giant Twister Game Homemade DIY Backyard Games

Image: ©cottonbro via canva.com

The Giant Inflatable Twister game is a physical activity game that tests your balancing abilities. The Giant Twister game is played by 2 or more players aged above 6 years.

The game consists of a spinner and a plastic floor mat which you can make as big as you wish depending on the number of players. The mat has rows of giant red, blue, yellow, and green spots.

Soon after beginning the game, this laugh-out-loud action game will have you and your friends tangled up in fun in no time.

Players remove their shoes and select a referee. The referee is not a player but will be in control of the spinner, call out the moves that are determined by the spinner, and call out faults from the players.

Players position themselves around the mat as they wait to start. To begin play, the referee spins the wheel and calls out either “hand” or “foot” and the color that the spinner points to.

Each player then attempts to place that body part onto an open space for that color. If there are no open spaces then the referee must spin again.

Each player aims to be the last one standing.

Giant Yard Dices Backyard Games

Giant Yard Dices Fall Backyard Games

Image: ©Andrew Dobrzanski, Billion Photos via canva.com

Whether you are enjoying a family picnic or are just in the mood for a little friendly competition, the giant yard dices are perfect. Hand-made from solid pine wood, each piece is sanded before the pips are hot iron branded into all six sides.

Each set of 6 dice comes in a drawstring bag for ease of carrying and yard dice rules for four different dice games to get you started. These games are Snake Eyes, Yahtzee, Beat The Yard, and Snakes And Ladders.

In addition to these 4 games with the six large dice, you can play just about any dice game you can think of.

The dice are hand-crafted from natural hardwood that is stained, giving them a rustic appeal. Because pine wood is softer, these can be used indoors on carpets or rugs, as well as outdoors, by children and adults, in small groups, or for larger family games.

The smooth finish of the 3½ by 3½ by 3½ solid wood dice makes them good to use for years to come. The inventor of the giant dice was looking to take his favorite games from the tabletop to the yard so he could enjoy both the game and the outdoors.

Giant Yard Pong Backyard Games

Giant Yard Pong DIY Backyard Games For Adults

Image: ©Mr Ps Party Rentals

Bucket Ball is a great Yard Pong game for all ages. The Yard Pong rules are similar to those of the favorite party game known as beer pong, but yard pong is played on a larger scale.

To be able to play the Beach Edition of the Yard Pong game you need an official Bucket Ball starter pack which comes with

  • 12 Bucket Ball buckets, 6 bright blue and 6 orange,
  • 2 game balls,
  • 2 inflatable racks,
  • 1 tote bag, and
  • instructions.

The game is set up in an area 8 feet wide by 40 feet long with a minimum vertical clearance of 12 feet. The 2 sets of buckets are placed in the inflatable racks

  • 15 meters across from one another for beginners,
  • 20 meters for intermediate players and
  • 25 meters apart for advanced players.

To play the game, you require 2 teams each consisting of 1 to 2 players with teammates playing on the same side of the court.

Each player on a team throws the ball trying to get it into the other team’s buckets. If a ball goes into a bucket, the bucket is removed. The team that is first to eliminate all of the other team’s buckets wins.

Jumbo Matching Game (Memory)

Jumbo Matching Or Memory Game Backyard Games For 5 Year Olds

Image: ©Pinterest

The Jumbo Matching Game (Memory) requires concentration, good observation, and memory. Also known as Family Memory Game, it is so easy to play that even very young children can play with ease.

Designed for two players playing against each other, it can also be played by one, three, or more players.

To play, you require a standard deck of playing cards, a playing surface large enough to lay out all the cards, and enough seating for players.

To set up the game, you shuffle all the cards and lay them out face down in rows forming a large rectangle on the table or floor. Make sure the cards are not touching each other.

The first player chooses a card and turns it over. They select another card and turn it over. If the two cards are a matching pair like two Jacks, the player takes both cards.

The player gets another turn for making a match. If the cards are not a match they are turned back over and the next player plays.

Each player takes a turn and the game continues in this fashion until all the cards have been collected. The object of the game is to collect the most matching pairs.

Giant Pass The Pigs Backyard Games

Giant Pass The Pigs Backyard Games For Fourth Of July

Image: ©Its A Family Adventure

Giant pass the pigs is the giant version of the family favorite classic game where players throw and roll pigs to earn points.

Giant pass the pigs is best played by 4 players even though 2 players can also have fun with the game. It comes with

  • 2 inflatable pigs,
  • storage bag,
  • 2 deflation rods,
  • a vinyl plastic repair seal,
  • score pad,
  • two pencils, and
  • a rulebook.

Each player aims to throw the pigs and score as many points in one turn as possible. The first player to score 100 points is the winner.

Giant pass the pigs is one of the best outdoor games for parties and barbeques because of its size. The game does not require a huge amount of mental focus or talent to enjoy.

To play, the players take turns in tossing both pigs simultaneously into the air and you are scored depending on how the pigs land.

The thrower takes as many turns as they dare until either they decide to stop and record their total score for that turn, throw a “Pig Out” and score “0” for that round, or throw an “Oinker” and lose all the points they have accumulated in the game so far.

Good Backyard Games

Bulzi Bucket Backyard Games

Bulzi Bucket Backyard Games For Summer

Image: ©Amazon

Bulzibucket can be played by 2 to 4 children or adults divided into 2 teams.

The game kit consists of

  • 2 collapsible Bulzi buckets,
  • 8 hacky sack bean bags, 4 of each color and
  • a backpack carrying bag.

The buckets can float, allowing the game to be played on water which is awesome in summer.

Setting up the game is simple, just place the Bulzi buckets 12 to 15 feet apart based on skill level. For children, the buckets can be much closer together.

Each team is assigned a color and given 4 bags of that color. Partners line up on opposite ends, and players alternate throwing the bags into the buckets.

Each team has a bag with a green dot, this is the Bulzi bag. It is thrown last and is worth double points.

To score points, a bag has to fall into a bucket.

  • Falling into the top (smallest) bucket earns 3 points,
  • falling into the middle bucket earns 2 points and
  • falling into the bottom (biggest) bucket earns 1 point.

After each round, the deductive scoring method is used to calculate points for each round, for example, if team A scores 8 and team B scores 5, team A is awarded 3 points.

Players continue playing until one team reaches 21 points to become the winner.

Mölkky Backyard Games

Mölkky Best Backyard Games For Small Yards

Image: ©benoit henocq via canva.com

Mölkky is a Finnish throwing game that is played with twelve wooden skittles marked from 1 to 12, and one bigger throwing pin called the Mölkky. The game is suitable for everyone regardless of age and fitness level.

The standard skittles are approximately 2 ½ inches in diameter, and approximately 80 3/4″ inches in length, but can be varied by desire. Skittles of different sizes make this classic game more challenging.

Mölkky is similar to bowling so the Mölkky setup of the skittles similarly resembles the way the pins are arranged in bowling. Making a diamond shape, the skittles are ready for play.

For the first round, players decide who will throw first. After the first round, the order of throwing is set according to the scores, from the lowest to the highest score.

Each player tries to knock over either just one pin or more of them. If a player knocks over just one pin, the number of points they get is the number indicated on the pin.

However, if they knock down anywhere between two and twelve pins, they only get as many points as there are pins. So if they knock down three pins, they get 3 points.

Pocket Shot Backyard Games

Pocket Shot Backyard Games

Image: ©Amazon

The traditional slingshot is a small, wooden, Y-shaped, hand-powered projectile weapon that offers many fun hours of play. Each prong of the Y has the end of a rubber strip attached to it, and the strips lead back to a leather pouch that holds the projectile.

When deciding on the best sling shot for you, look for one that is preferably handmade as this shows a lot of care has gone into it. It should have a leather pouch and brown jute twine, and of course, be durable.

It should be approximately 70 inches long, that is 35 inches long from the end of the loop to the pouch, and the sling should be able to throw anything small enough like marshmallows, small rocks, and even golf balls.

Making your own traditional sling shot is simple, or you can choose to make the pocket shot which is a variation of the traditional slingshot. It is small enough to fit in your pocket.

Making a pocket sling requires very little equipment.

With a plastic bottle and a rubber band, you can make yourself a pocket sling that you can carry around with you so that it is on hand when you want to hit a specific target.

Boochie Backyard Games

Boochie Backyard Games

Image: ©Amazon

The game of Boochie has been described as similar to Bocce Ball, but Boochie can be played indoors as well. If you are familiar with the game of bocce ball, you will love this new twist on the classic game.

Boochie is an action-packed fun game that is played by up to 4 players. In this active game, you try to get your objects closest to the Boochie ball, a large, 12-sided, soft foam ball.

Each player has

  • a bean ball,
  • a plastic toss wring, and
  • a wrist tracker in their color red, yellow, blue, or green.

One player throws the Boochie ball, then players take turns tossing their objects.

Points are awarded for the objects that land closest to the Boochie ball, but extra points may be awarded to other players, depending on the face-up instructions on the Boochie ball, for example, “+2 points to the player with the second furthest away object”.

At the end of each round, each player tallies their points on the handy wrist tracker, which also gives crazy throwing challenges like throwing while standing on one leg or with your eyes closed.

The overall winner is the person with the highest score when scores for all rounds are added together.

Boules Backyard Games

Boules Backyard Games For People With Disabilities

Image: ©leongoedhart via canva.com

The game of Boules originated in France and has become very popular. Boules is a French word meaning balls, and the game is very similar to the Italian bocce.

The aim of the Boules game is simple: two players or teams take turns throwing or rolling a ball as close as possible to the target ball (the jack).

Anyone can play the game as age, strength or speed are not important. Beginners will have just as much fun playing against advanced players as there is always a bit of luck involved while playing.

This versatile game can be played on nearly any level surface, but thin gravel or sand is most appropriate.

To play, toss a coin to decide which team starts. A member from the first team stands in the throwing circle and tosses the jack. They then throw their first boule, trying to get as close to the jack as possible.

The second team takes their turn, and they can either aim for the jack, or they can choose to hit the first team’s ball out of the way.

The team whose boule is closest to the jack gets the point for that round. The first team to reach 13 points wins the game.

Corkaine Backyard Games

Corkaine Backyard Games

Image: ©Amazon

The game of Corkaine is one of those unique yard games that are very addictive. It is a relatively new lawn game that has two teams competing for cups.

The game is so easy to set up and provides great fun for players of all ages and skill levels.

The object of this game is to win as many black cups for your team as possible. The team with the most number of black cups in their stash after all the black cups are won off of the board wins the game.

The game is played by 2 or 4 players at a time.

To set up the game, divide players into 2 teams with 1 to 2 players per team, and after choosing a cork color for each team, give each team 10 corks of their color. Next, place the cups on the board according to the prescribed pattern.

Teams stand facing each other on opposite sides of the game board, 6 steps away from the Corkaine gameboard.

Members of each team take turns throwing their corks into the cups, and the team with the most corks in any cup wins that cup and then follows the rules of that cup’s color.

Rollors Backyard Games

Rollors Game Backyard Games With Wooden Pins

Image: ©Rollors

Outdoor games are fun, but the Rollors yard game trumps them all. The Rollors game is one of the newer games that is loved by children 4 years and above as well as adults.

The Rollors game is particularly good for children as it combines learning, dexterity, and fun as they enjoy the outdoors. Chance together with a certain amount of skill is what is required to excel in this game.

The game comes in an easy-to-carry bag and setting it up only takes a few minutes. A game set comes with 2 goals, 6 large wooden disks, 3 red and 3 blue, and measuring devices.

With the game set and a competitive friend or family member and some outdoor space, you are ready for hours of fun.

Place the Rollors’ goals 25 feet from each other on a level playing ground. The players/teams then “roll” disks at the goal and points are awarded to the player/team that positions their disks closest to the goal.

The discs have numbers on them to determine how many points they are worth. Each side of the disc has a different number, and points are awarded depending on the side the disc lands on.

Great Backyard Games

Pop ’n Catch Outdoor Games

Pop’n Catch Backyard Games For Young Children

Image: ©Amazon

Pop ’n Catch is a variation of the standard 1980s popular catch ball game. It’s a game that can be played by people of all fitness levels, from 3 years of age up to adults.

It is a game that helps to strengthen hand-eye coordination and it offers players a fun time.

The game kit comes with 2 lightweight handheld launch/catch baskets and 2 balls, all of which are waterproof so you can use them to play in the backyard, when visiting a park, during beach trips, or in the pool.

You can choose to play the game with your friend where you launch the ball back and forth. Just aim, click the pop trigger with the thumb, and the ball launches into the air. The other player then attempts to catch the ball in their basket before launching it back to you.

You can also choose to play by yourself, popping the ball straight up, then catching it.

The balls are very light and will not hurt your child should they be hit in the face.

In addition to providing you with hours of fun, the game has also been known to help relieve stress and bring you back to a more relaxed state of mind.

Disc Golf Outdoor Games

Disc Golf What Are The Best Backyard Games For Adults

Image: ©Hoptocopter via canva.com

Disc golf is a sport that is similar to traditional golf, the major difference being that in traditional golf you hit the ball with a club while in disc golf, you hit the target with a flying disc.

The game follows the same rules as traditional golf and is played on a course with either 9 or 18 holes.

Players throw a disc from a tee area towards a target, throwing again from the landing position of the disc until the target is reached. The player who completes the course with the least number of throws is the winner.

By following a few simple steps, you can learn how to throw a disc in disc golf. Your four fingers should be inside the lip on the underside of the disc while your thumb is on top, close to the edge.

The throw is preceded by a 3-step run to give your fling momentum. Raise the disc to chest height and step forward with the back foot, placing it perpendicular to the target.

Your body should be curled away from the target, like a wound-up spring. As you uncoil, pull the disc straight across your body as you release it.

Ring Toss Backyard Games

Ring Toss Backyard Games For 11 Year Olds

Image: ©Natalia Zhukova via canva.com

Rules on how to play Ring Toss game are easy enough to be understood by children, making it a fun game for the whole family.

Throw rings from a distance, aiming to get them over a post. Each ring that lands over a post scores points. The player with the most points wins.

You can choose to buy a ready kit of Ring Toss, or you can opt to make the kit yourself, the important thing is the amount of fun you will have playing the game with your friends.

The DIY kit does not entail a complicated or exhaustive process. Should you go the DIY route, you can use soda bottles to represent the posts. If you want a colorful game, paint the bottles with gloss paint, each bottle a different color.

Every player or team picks a color and gathers all the rings of that color. They take turns tossing the rings from a starting line, which may vary based on players’ age or skill level, toward one or more posts.

The player or team that lands the most rings over the posts or bottlenecks wins that round, and the overall winner or team is the one with the highest overall score.

Bean Bag Buckets Backyard Games

Bean Bag Buckets Backyard Games For Kids With Disabilities

Image: ©Flaghouse

Learn how to play the bean bag toss game and enjoy hours of fun. The game of bean bag buckets is probably one of the newest throw games around, and it can be played by as few as only 2 players. There is no maximum number of players. If there are a lot of players, you can divide them into teams that compete against each other.

The bean bag toss game is perfect for children 8 years and above right through to adults.

The game adds excitement and fun to barbecues, beach trips, the backyard, birthday parties, family outings, picnics, and anywhere else you want to have fun.

The game set includes

  • a game tower,
  • 7 Bucketz,
  • 16 bean bags (8 blue and 8 yellow), and
  • a B3 branded carrying bag.

Teams take turns tossing bean bags into the baskets, scoring 1 to 4 points depending on the bucketz’ placement on the tower. The first team to make it to 21 points wins the game.

The tower is adjustable, taking care of different ages. Even though the game comes with rules for the basic game, you can adapt it any way you want.

The equipment is lightweight, super easy to put together, and promises you lots of fun.

Bucket Ball / Giant Beer Pong Backyard Games

Bucket Ball Giant Beer Pong Drinking Backyard Games

Image: ©Burst via canva.com

To play a game of giant beer pong you require 12 buckets, 6 of one color and 6 of another, and 2 heavy-duty plastic balls that bounce and do not break.

The buckets look exactly like giant-sized solo cups and are approximately 9″ in diameter, and 9″ tall, and the balls are 3.5″ in diameter.

There are various names for the game, bucket ball / giant beer pong / Beirut, and it can be played with children as real beer is rarely used.

Arrange the same colored buckets in a triangle on either side of the playing area, 15 feet apart for beginners, 20 for intermediate, and 25 for advanced players. Fill the buckets with water to the quarter-way mark.

Players of each team stand behind their buckets and each player or team gets to throw one ball per turn. The goal is to throw the ball into a bucket of the opposing team. You can throw the ball directly into a bucket or bounce it off the ground into the bucket.

If a ball goes into a bucket, then the bucket is removed. As soon as one team eliminates all of the other team’s buckets, they become the winners.

Kubb Backyard Games

Kubb Most Fun Backyard Games

Image: ©Maxileon via canva.com

We all enjoy playing horseshoes and we love a game of bowling. For maximum fun in your backyard play Kubb, a combination of horseshoes and bowling.

Kubb yard games are played on an open lawn and guarantee you many hours of fun. The game is easy to play with the ultimate objective being to throw short dowels, the “kubbs” at your opponent’s pieces to knock them over before the opponent does the same to your pieces.

Played by 2 teams consisting of 1 to 6 people per team, the game is so unpredictable and a round can last from five minutes to well over an hour.

With 4 corner stakes mark out a rectangular play area, which is then split into 2 equal sections widthwise. Each section belongs to one team.

Space out 5 Kubb blocks each on the 2 opposite ends of the play area, and then, at the center of the pitch, place the “king”.

Players take turns knocking as many of the opponent’s Kubb blocks over as they can using the dowels. The dowels must be tossed underhand, end-over-end, no helicopters.

To win, a team must knock all of their opponent’s Kubb blocks over and then knock over the king.

Ladder Toss Backyard Games

Ladder Toss Fun Backyard Games For 4th Of July

Image: ©Bargames

Ladder Toss is an easy-to-learn game that offers interactive fun for the whole family. To understand what constitutes the best Ladder Ball set, you first need to understand the game.

Ladder Toss is about throwing two balls that are connected by a string, known as bolas, onto a wooden ladder. The ladder has 3 tiers; bottom, middle, and top. Each level or rung has its value.

You can assign different values to the rungs, but in the standard game the top is worth 1 point, the middle is worth 2 points, and the bottom is worth 3 points. Set the 2 ladders about 15 feet apart, less if you are playing in a small area.

The best Ladder Ball set should be easy to assemble, durable, sturdy, and long-lasting. A regular set includes 2 upright ladders, 3 blue bolas, and 3 red bolas.

The game is designed for 2 or more players aged 14 years and above, playing either singles or in 2 teams. The game is played in rounds each consisting of all the players or teams tossing 3 bolas.

The scores are then tallied for each round and the winner is the person/team with the highest score.

Ramp Shot Backyard Games

Ramp Shot Cheap Fun Backyard Games

Image: ©Amazon

Ramp Shot is a game played by 4 people evenly divided into 2 teams. It can be played on almost any surface, grass, sand, concrete floor, and even a tar surface.

There are 3 different versions of Ramp Shot to accommodate all skill levels, namely

  • Classic,
  • Rookie and
  • Slapback.

To play the game, teammates stand on opposite sides of the playing area and work together to earn points by tossing and/or catching the balls. 3 points are awarded for a shot directly in the net, and 1 point if your teammate catches the ball on a fly after bouncing off the top of the ramp.

If the shooter’s toss comes up short and hits the front of the ramp, the ball will bounce back in the shooter’s direction. The opposing team member can then come in and catch the ball to gain an extra shot for their team.

The first team to score 15 points is declared the winner.

The game is great for keeping everyone on their toes and is a high-activity game.

The grooves on the ramp make it difficult to predict what direction the ball will bounce, greatly adding to the excitement of the game.

Inflatable Backyard Games

Giant Inflatable Gladiators Backyard Games

Giant Inflatable Gladiators Yard Game Inflatable Backyard Games

Image: ©Nateqnews

The Giant Inflatable Gladiators yard game is a game that tests your core strength and your balance and can be played by the whole family, all the way from grandpa down to the little child.

The goal of the Giant Inflatable Gladiators yard game is to be the last person standing.

Just like in the times of ancient Rome, wars have always been fought and combats between experienced and well-trained gladiators demonstrated a considerable degree of stagecraft.

The Giant Inflatable game borrows from this ancient activity and presents it in a way that is fun and highly entertaining.

The game comes with 2 inflatable batons of different colors and 2 podiums bearing the same colors as the batons.

The game which provides lots of fun is played by two people at any one time. Both players position themselves firmly on their podiums facing each other. Each player now tries to knock the other off its podium.

The person knocked off the podium is out and the winner of that battle plays against the next player. The game continues in this manner until there is only one person left standing. That person is declared the winner of the war.

Giant Inflatable Movie Screen

Giant Inflatable Movie Screen Backyard Games Rental

Image: ©Wayfair

Hosting a movie night in your backyard is probably an idea you have been toying with but wondering how to go about it.

Airscreen has you covered with their inflatable outdoor movie screen rental service. You can get a giant inflatable movie screen that matches the size of your space. Airscreen is at the top of their class and their screens easily withstand the wear-and-tear of rentals.

These outdoor movie screens have the highest wind rating in the industry and they are designed to maintain a tight projection surface for optimal viewing and a professional appearance.

There are 3 different Airscreen models available.

The Airscreen nano is the smallest inflatable screen measuring 11.5ft x 9.5ft, large enough to entertain up to 50 spectators. The nano does not need a constantly running blower. It just takes a minute to inflate and can be set up and carried by just one person.

The Airscreen airtight screen size is 20ft x 11.25ft and also does not need a blower when inflated due to its completely airtight frame structure.

The Airscreen classic, 66ft x 33ft, needs a blower that permanently blows air into the frame and gives it the stability that Airscreen is known for in the market.

Inflatable Bumper Ball, Giant Inflatable Bubbles Backyard Games

Inflatable Bumper Ball And Giant Inflatable Bubbles Rent Backyard Games

Image: ©Amazon

Whether you call it inflatable bumper ball or giant inflatable bubbles, the result is the same: a game that is guaranteed to provide the players and spectators of your bubble soccer birthday party with many hours of giggles and outright laughter.

Bubble soccer is like traditional soccer except that the players run around half-encased inside an inflated torus bubble, similar to a zorb, which covers the player’s upper body and head.

The game is played in teams of between 4 to 10 people, and even though it is one of the best outdoor games, it can also be played indoors as long as you have a sufficient play area.

The aim of the game is for your team to score more goals than your opponents.

During the game, players inevitably run into each other, or simply put, they bump into each other, roll, and flip over while trying to get control of the ball. Of course, no one gets hurt as they have huge inflated balloons to protect them.

The game can be played by small children as well as adults, and it is just as much fun watching from the sidelines as it is when you are playing.

Inflatable Jet Mat Backyard Games

Inflatable Jet Mat Fun Backyard Games To Play

Image: ©Amazon

Children love the idea of playing and splashing with water, and if we are true to ourselves, as adults we love it just as much.

The solution to ensure that your children have a fun water-filled day during those hot summer days when beach trips are not possible lies in the inflatable jet mat. The inflatable jet mat that measures 120 inches square will transform your backyard into a water park.

The mat is made of high-quality plastic material making it durable. It is blue to resemble the ocean and to further extend the ocean concept, the mat has cute fish shapes on it.

Assembling the mat is easy, just connect the jet mat to the control system, attach a hose to the controller, and press the button. It is designed to suit the various age groups that are

  • 3-4 years,
  • 5-6 years,
  • 7-8 years, and
  • 9-10 years.

Once the mat is set up, the children stand on it and wait for the fun to begin. At various spots are nozzles that sprinkle water like a garden sprinkler at random.

There will be plenty of laughs as the children try to guess which sprinkler will spray them next.

Inflatable Land Roller Backyard Games

Inflatable Land Roller Fun Backyard Games Adults

Image: ©Amazon

Large, inflatable, and colorful. That is the best way to describe the giant inflatable wheel.

Children love a good rolling activity, and with this inflatable land roller, they will truly have a great time creating happy memories. But do not be fooled, adults will love it just as much.

It is a transparent wheel that boasts bright rainbow colors which make it easy to see where you are going.

Children can choose to either push it from the outside, or they can climb inside and move along by walking, just like a human hamster wheel. With all the colors moving, it will be like being inside a giant rainbow.

Younger children can either get inside with an older child, or they can get in alone and be pushed from the outside.

The wheel can support up to 200 pounds. It is made of strong material that can withstand the amount of heavy pushing and pulling that it will be subjected to.

The inside of the inflated wheel measures 51 inches in diameter, so children will have enough room to stand, lie down or even roll. It is quick to inflate and deflate for easy storage.

Inflatable Play Center

Inflatable Play Center Fun Backyard Games For Home

Image: ©Aaron Hawkins via canva.com

An inflatable play center, like the inflatable toddler playground, has been suggested as having some therapeutic value for children with certain sensory impairments.

The inflatable toddler playground comprises houses and slides. It is designed with features that offer a fun obstacle course with vertical and horizontal elements, a short climbing pyramid, and a single-lane slide.

The young children can bounce, slide, jump, and run in safety, thanks to the fine mesh paneled enclosure with inflatable columns and supports. This form of play is used for recreational purposes, particularly for children.

You can choose from the various themed designs such as

  • the under-the-sea combo,
  • the candy factory slide combo that reminds you of Hansel and Gretel,
  • the module slide combo and
  • the elite slide combo.

Let your child have fun with Dora the explorer while jumping and sliding in the inflatable structure that goes by the explorer’s name.

Should your child be in the mood for a little magic, they will enjoy themselves in either the wizard slide combo or the magic castle slide combo.

If you are having a child’s birthday, the birthday cake slide combo is just what you need to accentuate your theme, while toddlers will love the Zooland toddler adventure.

Inflatable Sumo Costume Backyard Games

Inflatable Sumo Costume Inexpensive Backyard Games For Parties

Image: ©JackF via canva.com

A fun game with these amazing sumo wrestler inflatable rentals provides a splendid way to laugh away an afternoon or evening with family, friends, and colleagues.

The game is played by people over 18 years of age and the rules are very simple. It is played by two contestants at a time, but the number of players is limitless.

The 2 foam-filled giant suits come together with items like the sumo-style Wig Helmets designed for safety, and the Miwashi belt, better known as the diaper.

To play, both contestants take off their shoes, each one puts on their inflatable sumo costume and wig helmets, and they take their places at opposite sides of the sumo wrestling mat.

At the direction of the game supervisor or referee, the two sumo wrestlers face off for the sumo challenge. The contestants try to push, pull, knock over, or wrestle the other sumo opponent off the wrestling mat.

Most of the time, the sumo wrestlers just have fun bumping and throwing their huge, fat sumo bodies into each other with laughter and cheers from the sumo crowd.

The audiences have as much fun watching as do the participants, making this a great rental for your next backyard get together, any party, school, business, or church event.

Giant Inflatable Easel Backyard Games

Giant Inflatable Easel Family Fun Backyard Games

Image: ©Oddity Mall

Children love to paint but this activity should not be restricted to indoors. With the giant inflatable easel your children, 3 years and above, can take their painting outdoors so they enjoy the great outdoor air.

The giant inflatable easel is perfect for indoor or outdoor use, and the set you get from the toy shop includes four 1-ounce paints, four shaped sponges, 2 paintbrushes, and a built-in tray to hold all the art supplies.

It is easy to wash the easel, all you do is hose it down, or if the hose is too far, fill a bucket with water and splash the paints off. It deflates, making it ready for compact and easy storage and transportation for those relaxing beach trips or when visiting a friend’s house.

The easel is 62 inches long, 38 inches wide, and 61 inches high. The frame comes in different colors so you can choose your child’s favorite color.

It is made of heavy-duty vinyl so your children can even finger paint on it without any problem. This outdoor inflatable easel allows your kids to be kids as they explore their imagination through painting, without having to worry about the mess they are making.

Jumbo Backyard Games

Big Foot Racing Outdoor Games

Big Foot Racing Outdoor Backyard Games For Elementary Kids

Image: ©pabradyphoto via canva.com

The Big Foot Race game is a hilarious game that can be played during any occasion from a birthday party, a preschool function, vocational Bible school, scouts camp, or just for a family afternoon of fun or a relaxed backyard get together.

It’s one of those lawn games that can be played by both large and small groups. This game tests your teamwork skills and is a thrill for children and a real challenge for grown-ups alike.

To create the Big Foot racing game, you require a play area measuring 20 feet wide by 30 feet long, at least 2 pairs of slippers each measuring 2.4 m x 45 cm, with 3 straps going across its width, one at the front, another in the middle and one at the back.

You can get more slippers depending on the size of your group. The group forms 2 or more teams depending on the numbers.

The first 3 people in each team get on to one pair of slippers, the right foot on the right slipper and the left foot on the left slipper. By holding the straps, the teams race to a designated finish line. The first team to get there is the winner of that round.

Giant Memory Game Backyard Games

Giant Memory Game Giant Backyard Games For Kids

Image: ©Craftgossip

The object of the Giant Memory game is to memorize the locations of cards as the game goes on so that you can strategize your moves.

The Giant Memory game helps to improve your memory and is usually played by 2 or three players. You can also play solo or with up to 4 players.

The giant version of the board game with the same name requires very basic materials to make your play set.

Cut an even number of giant cork squares, all the same size. 12×12 inches is an ideal size. The number of squares depends on how difficult you want to make the game; the more cards the more difficult the game.

Paint designs on the corks that you intend to use as cards, making sure that you have an even number of cards with a similar design. You can also use stencils to make the designs identical.

Arrange the cards face down and in turns, players turn 2 cards over. If they have the same symbol, the player takes them and plays again. If they are different, the player turns them back face down and the next player has a go.

The player with the most cards at the end of the game wins.

Giant Sudoku Board Backyard Games

Giant Sudoku Board Homemade Backyard Games

Image: ©Robbin Lee, Garrett Aitken via canva.com

All you math lovers and those who love playing around with numbers are guaranteed to enjoy the giant Sudoku board on which you can spend hours playing this mind-cracking game that comes in either 25 x 25 or 16 x 16 Sudoku puzzles. The standard Sudoku game presents you with a 9 x 9 grid.

The big secret about this game is that you do not need to be good at math to play because even though it looks like a math game, it is a game of logic.

The game is suitable for anyone over 8 years, either alone or with family and friends. Sudoku’s purpose is to fill all the grids with numbers 1 to 9. Duplicate numbers cannot appear in the same column or the same row or in the same sub-grid, which contains a 3 x 3 grid or nine cells.

It may sound complicated but if you take the advice given by the experts, the best strategy for Sudoku is to start by solving the easy parts first.

Look for a single empty square in a larger square, check for singular empty squares in the rows and columns, and scan the rows and columns to fill in larger squares.

Life Size Backyard Games

Giant Chess Backyard Games

Giant Chess Backyard Games Ideas For Adults

Image: ©stnazkul via canva.com

Chess is a popular two-player strategy game. Giant Outdoor Chess, the giant version, offers a lot of fun entertainment for you, your opponent, and all those watching.

The game requires that you have a giant chess board which is checked, black and white, 32 giant chess pieces, 16 black and the other 16 white.

Each player should have 1 King, 1 Queen, 2 Rooks, 2 Bishops, 2 Knights, and 8 Pawns, all the same color. Each piece has a unique character and moves in a specific way. The opponents stand on opposite sides with the giant chess board between them.

The chess pieces are then arranged with the pawns filling the second row, the rooks in the corners, then the knights next to them, followed by the bishops, and finally the queen, who is always placed on the square that matches her color, white queen on the white, black queen on the black, and the king on the remaining square.

The players move their pieces in turn across the board, according to their special move style. The objective of the game is to checkmate your opponent’s king by giving him no place to move to.

Human Bowling Outdoor Games

Human Bowling Backyard Games Ideas For 10 Yr Olds

Image: ©Julia Charles Event Management

Human Bowling is all about getting into a big rubber ball and running with it.

The Human Bowling ball resembles a hamster ball but whereas the hamster ball remains in one position the human bowling ball aims to get moving as fast as possible in an attempt to knock down as many pins as possible.

As the name implies, the game is played with a life-sized inflatable ball.

This is a fun game for people of all ages, 5 years and above, and the number of players is not limited. If your players are too many, just divide them into teams that compete against each other.

When you get your pack, it should have 1 Zorb ball, 6 bowling pins, and an inflatable playing area that allows for one or two players to play at the same time. To set up the game, you need a spacious play area measuring at least 20 yards by 20 yards.

Should you require to rent the game rather than buy it, some companies offer this service and some will even send one of their staff to be with you for assistance.

Human Hamster Ball Outdoor Games

Human Hamster Ball Backyard Games For Rent

Image: ©YouTube

You do not need to own any human hamster balls to have fun with them. Several businesses offer a human hamster ball rental service making it convenient for you any time you and your friends want to play a game of human hamster ball.

A hamster ball is a very large inflatable ball that stands almost 9 feet tall, and the fun that children get from playing with a giant hamster ball is immeasurable. They love the feeling that it gives them of walking on clouds.

The balls can be used to play soccer, human dodgems, bulldog, last one standing, sumo, and so much more, all games where the aim is to have fun, and not necessarily to win.

The balls come in different colors, sizes, and styles and can be used by children and adults. They also have a price range that allows you to rent some balls even if you are on a budget.

In the air-filled hamster ball, falls are cushioned, and rolling downhill is reliably injury-free (no guarantees, though).

Depending on the game you wish to play, the balls can be used in a swimming pool, beach, waterpark, lake, river, or on the lawn.

Human Ring Toss Backyard Games

Human Ring Toss DIY Backyard Games For Kids

Image: ©Culdesaccool

All ring toss games have fairly simple instructions; throw rings from a distance, aiming to get the rings over a post. To make your ring toss game a lot more fun for both children and adult players, try Human Ring Toss.

Instead of using stakes as the posts, in Human Ring Toss, two players are used as posts.

The game can be played by 2 players against one another, or if you have many players, divide them into 2 teams. Each player/team chooses a color, and they take the rings of that color.

Using giant, inflatable rings, players/teams take turns tossing the rings from a starting line that is at a distance of 6 feet from the human posts. This distance may be varied based on the age or skill level of the players.

Each ring that lands over a post scores points.

When the players are children, the rules can be made more child-friendly and the human post can bend at the waist and point arms up in the direction of the pool ring to make it easier to ring the rings. You can also use rope rings as these are softer.

The player or team with the most points after an agreed-upon play time is over, wins the game.

Big Backyard Games

Frisbee Outdoor Games

Frisbee Backyard Games For Graduation Party

Image: ©ArtMarie via canva.com

There are a lot of fun Frisbee target games that you can play in your backyard. Most of them you can play by yourself, or with up to 8 people.

Frisbee designers are always looking for new and fun ways to improve the shape or form of the flying disc, or think of new Frisbee games, but if you ask most people they will tell you that the best Frisbee disc is by far the classic one.

It is a very fast-paced and strategic game that can easily double up as a fun workout.

The game is played in a large open field and the ideal number of players in this game is 10, which is 5 on each side. The players on each team try to make it to the other team’s goal by throwing the Frisbee to their teammates.

Once you catch the flying disc, you are supposed to remain in the spot you are in. You should then look for free teammates, and throw the Frisbee to them. The team that scores the most goals in the specified time is the winning team.

Children can also enjoy playing the game.

Lasso Roping Backyard Games

Lasso Roping Backyard Games For Large Backyard

Image: ©THEPALMER via canva.com

Imitate those well-known cowboys we used to see in movies with your lasso roping tricks. However, to be able to do this effectively, you need to get a rope.

Finding the right lasso can be tricky and there are a few things to consider when looking for the best lasso rope for beginners.

When choosing your first lasso, you want one that is both durable and lightweight. Ropes made from Hemp or nylon are often the most popular due to their strong performance and ease of use.

The type of rope also depends on what you want to use it for. For trick roping, you will want to have a rope length that you are comfortable with. It is usually recommended that beginners start with a 13-foot rope, or 15-foot if you have a long arm span, as it is less likely to hit your leg or the ground.

You want a soft lasso, as the more pliable rope will make it easier to gain control.

Having a beginner lasso will make it easier to pick up roping, whether you are doing trick roping or your eyes are set on roping cattle at a rodeo competition.

Pogo Sticks Outdoor Games

Pogo Sticks Backyard Games For Kids If You Don't Have A Lawn

Image: ©RichVintage via canva.com

Pogo sticks continue to be a favorite activity even today. Not only are they great fun, they also offer good exercise. The best pogo stick greatly depends on the age of the person using it, however, a general rule is that it should be sturdy and reliable.

Appropriate for beginner children as young as 5 years, a pogo stick should have textured handle grips, non-slip extra wide and deep foot pads, and a rubber tip for extra control and balance. All of these parts should be replaceable if need be due to wear and tear.

The handlebars should get to around waist level, and the whole body of the pogo stick should be covered with super squishy foam for protection. For toddlers, there is even an imitation pogo stick which is a more child-friendly equivalent that can still get the job done.

Pogo sticks make great active toys and they help train hand-eye coordination and gross motor skills. You do not need the biggest one to jump high; you need one that is a good fit for your height and is made to handle your weight.

It also needs to be well-built and durable, so it can give you many years of fun.

The search stops here for kids & grownups seeking affordability without sacrificing performance. Read my in-depth review of the Top 10 to find the best pogo stick for you.

Zip Lines Outdoor Games

Zip Lines Backyard Games

Image: ©THEPALMER via canva.com

Zip lining offers an exhilarating experience that will have you and your children enjoying every moment.

There are different types of zip lines, but each one consists of a pulley suspended on a cable which is usually made of stainless steel and mounted on a slope. The best zip line for backyard use depends to a large extent on who will be using it as they come in all sizes, from small to large.

When it comes to your child’s outdoor activities and playground equipment, quality means the world to you which is why you should opt for a product that guarantees complete safety.

With a zip line, this means that the line itself needs to be made of a strong, stainless steel cable, and the kit should come complete with a braking system so that the rider comes to a gentle stop at the end.

For children, because the ground is not far, the kit comes with a chair for them to sit in. Those for adult use come with a harness as the drop is quite big.

For children, the incline of the slope is relatively gentle and the ride is shorter than that for adults.

Airsoft Backyard Games

Airsoft Backyard Games

Image: ©anandaBGD via canva.com

Originating from Japan, Airsoft is a tactical game in which players shoot each other with airsoft guns. The airsoft guns resemble their realistic counterparts and players use these guns to fire plastic or biodegradable pellets called BBs.

Airsoft greatly resembles paintball as the overall goal is to eliminate as many opponents as possible without getting shot. The game can be played indoors or outdoors but the important thing is to have a big enough area with a lot of opportunities for players to hide.

Any person over 8 years will find the game exciting as it is a survival-type game that requires strategy.

What you need to play the game is simply an airsoft gun, BBs, and protective gear. There are three types of Airsoft guns LPEG, MPEG, and AEG.

There are special Airsoft fields, or you can choose to play in a private homestead, just avoid public areas such as parks.

Divide the group into 2 teams and give each team an identifying marker. The team members have time to conceal themselves and upon the game moderator’s signal, the people start to hunt their opponents.

There are several Airsoft games all of which are great fun.

Archery Backyard Games

Archery Backyard Games

Image: ©AndrewLinscott via canva.com

Archery is a sport that uses a bow to shoot arrows at a target. It has its roots in ancient times, and the 1840s saw an attempt at turning archery into a modern sport. Today, it is regarded as both a sport and a recreational activity.

It is also a competitive activity that is played by adults and children aged 4 and above.

The best kids archery set is made with high-quality materials that are safe and approved to be used by kids. It gives them real experience, just as though they were handling a real bow and arrow.

The bow and arrows come secured in a case, and once your kid puts the arrows in the quiver, they are ready for a few hours of shooting without the fear of losing any in the course of practicing.

If you construct a backyard shooting range, you will give your kid the perfect incentive to practice their shooting skills. Use a foam block target so you can make it as large as you choose, and then set up a backstop behind the target to catch any stray arrows.

You can then relax knowing your kids are playing in a safe environment.

Large Backyard Games

Jumping Stilts Outdoor Games

Backyard Games With Jumping Stilts

Image: ©lurii Konoval via canva.com

Walking on stilts is a popular activity that started in Northern China. The stilt walkers move around on 2 long stilts tied to their feet, making them taller than everyone else around them.

Stilt walking can usually be seen during important festivals and events such as birthday parties, anniversaries, and corporate fun days.

Stilt walkers have taken their game a notch higher and today you have professional stilt jumpers. Using jumping stilts, or spring stilts, the entertainers can jump, run and perform some acrobatics.

Because the jump stilts help the wearer jump like a kangaroo, they are also referred to as kangaroo shoes. The best jumping stilts are made of carbon fiber springs and have a high performance level.

For added safety, they come with leg cuffs and wide Velcro binding straps. As a final precaution, they should be SGS and CE certified. After that, the rest depends on your age and weight.

Some children kangaroo stilts support between 30 and 50 kilos and the foot platform is 12 inches off the ground. Adult jump stilts can support as much as 180 kilos.

Bounce styles differ, such as hard bounce, soft bounce, and self-adjust bounce.

Soap Boat Races Outdoor Games

Soap Boat Races How To Make Backyard Games For Cheap

Image: ©Whitestorm via canva.com

Children, especially boys love racing and you can satisfy their fantasy by introducing them to soap boat races.

Soap boat races are a lot of fun and will keep your children entertained for hours. The fun part for you as an adult is in making the necessary play pieces for the children.

What you need to do this includes

  • a rain gutter,
  • soap bars (differently colored ones for more fun),
  • toothpicks,
  • paper,
  • a hose and water.

Have each child make a flag for their boat using stiff paper and markers. Stick the flag on the child’s boat with a toothpick.

A small picnic table is good for propping the rain gutter, giving you a nice slope. Place the hose at the top of the gutter, and when each child places their boat at the top of the gutter, they turn on the water.

Watch their faces light up with excitement and cherished bliss when they see how fast the water drives the soap boat down the gutter.

What is even more interesting is watching as each one takes their boat after a race and tries to carry it to the starting point. You are guaranteed lots of laughter as the slippery soap keeps falling.

Water Balloon Dodgeball Backyard Games

Water Balloon Dodgeball Water Backyard Games

Image: ©Imgorthand via canva.com

Dodgeball is one of those lawn games that are fun, and exciting and will keep the children active all the time.

Take this popular game a notch higher by introducing the children to water balloon dodgeball. Best played during those hot summer afternoons when everyone wants to take a dip in the pool, water balloon dodgeball is a great way to cool down.

Water balloon dodgeball follows the same rules as regular dodgeball. Place a large bucket in the center of the field full of water balloons of different colors. If players are many, you can have 2 buckets of balloons.

Teams line up at opposite ends of the field. When “it”, who is standing with the bucket of balloons says “Go” everyone tries to run to the opposite end of the field as the person who is “it” throws the water balloons at them.

Whoever gets hit by the balloon before reaching the other side is out. Once all remaining players have lined up on the other side, “it” says go and the chase begins again.

This goes on until there is only one person left in the game. This person who has managed to dodge all the balls becomes the next “it”.

Small Backyard Games

Red Light Green Light Backyard Games

Red Light Green Light Backyard Games With No Supplies

Image: ©Veneer via canva.com

Just like with traffic lights, the red light green light game is all about stopping and moving. It is a statue game that can be played by children of all ages and by any number of players.

The game is easy to put together and does not need a special playing course just enough space such as an open field, tennis court, or gym.

The game can be played anywhere and anytime, for example during parties, at school, in daycare centers, in summer camp, or during a fun family afternoon. It can be played both as an indoor or outdoor game.

To begin, you need to select a traffic cop, who will mark out the playing area.

Have the children line up in a row across from the traffic cop who will be calling out “Red Light, Green Light!” Whenever “Green Light!” is called out, players run forward.

However, when “Red Light!” is called out, they must stop immediately and freeze. The object is to stay as still as possible. If a person moves and is seen by the cop, they go back to the start.

The first person to get to the finish line is the winner and becomes the cop for the next round.

Simon Says Backyard Games

Simon Says Backyard Games With No Equipment

Image: ©ffirst, Umsa Design via canva.com

Whatever the occasion, when someone shouts, “Let’s Play Simon Says”, everyone will jump up for joy. Simon Says is a popular game that requires concentration, enhances your listening skills, yet allows you to flow with the tide of fun.

The game is simple and can be played by any number of people, but not less than three. Even though it is initially a children’s game it is also played by adults.

To play the game, you need your group of enthusiastic players and a big space, either indoors or outdoors. To start the game, one person volunteers or is suggested to be Simon.

Simon stands in front of the players, facing them, and tells the players what to do. If Simon says, “Simon says touch your nose,” then players must touch their noses. But, if Simon simply says, “jump,” without first saying “Simon says,” players must not jump.

Those that do jump are out. So, the players must only obey commands that begin with the words “Simon Says”. If you are Simon, the object is to try to fool the players to follow your commands when they should not.

The last player left standing wins and becomes the next Simon.

Karaoke Party For Adults

Karaoke Party For Adults Backyard Games For Seniors

Image: ©SolStock via canva.com

Plan a special party for your friend or partner and organize a karaoke party for adults.

Karaoke party ideas for adults include fun and challenging karaoke party games, making it interesting for you to choose the version that best suits your guests.

Arranging for a karaoke party is simple, all that is required is

  • a stereo set,
  • projector,
  • a bed sheet or large surface for projecting video,
  • microphone,
  • speakers and
  • your favorite songs synced in offline mode.

No karaoke party would be complete without some props like

  • wigs,
  • hats,
  • glasses,
  • scarves

and random musical instruments like

  • tambourines,
  • maracas,
  • harmonicas or
  • toy instruments.

Drop an assortment of rugs and cushions for the guests to relax on.

In the “Name That Tune” game, one person sings a section of a song, and guests in teams try to guess the song first.

Another fun karaoke version is “Rewrite The Song”. In teams, guests pick a song title out of a hat, and within 10 minutes, they should rewrite the lyrics. Each team then presents its version of the song.

Everyone then votes on whose rap was the funniest and best performed. The funnier the lyrics the more fun the guests will have.

Backyard Karaoke Party For Kids

Backyard Karaoke Party For Kids Backyard Games With Singing

Image: ©pepifoto via canva.com

Music, singing, challenges, and lots of fun; that is what you can expect when you organize a kid’s karaoke party.

Karaoke is a video game developed in Japan in which an amateur singer sings along with a music video using a microphone. The video is an instrumental version of a popular song.

To assist the singer, the lyrics are displayed on a video screen, along with a moving symbol that follows the lyrics.

It is easy to set up a backyard karaoke party for kids.

With a projector, a bed sheet, or a large surface for projecting the video, and your favorite songs, you are ready to start putting together your fun area. A microphone and speakers go a long way in making your “stage” a little more professional.

To add a welcoming feel, throw around some bean bags as chairs, oversized pillows, or even haystacks.

A karaoke party is all about the stage, add stage curtains and a decorative backdrop. String up some lights, nothing complicated, some fairy lights, tiki torches, or Christmas lights are perfect.

Some snacks like microphone cupcakes will keep your guests happy while they pretend to be their favorite rock stars as they sing and perform their songs on stage.

King of the Hill Backyard Games

King of the Hill Game Outdoor Games For Backyard

Image: ©FatCamera via canva.com

Children love imitating royalty, and the King of the Hill children’s game is just the game for them.

The King of the Hill game is played by children 8 years and above. The players identify the “hill” which is preferably a small hill or a mound. The first person on top of the hill becomes the first king.

The king stays at the top of the hill while everyone else tries in turn to dethrone him by pushing him off the hill. The person who succeeds in doing this, either through pushing or shoving, which are the only moves allowed, becomes the new king.

The game can still get quite rough which is why it is not permitted in most school playgrounds.

When playing in teams, the leader of the first team to get up the hill at the start becomes the king. The leader of the opposing team tries to shove off the current king and if he succeeds, becomes the new king.

Allies of both leaders in the meantime, try to push their opponents off the hill, but they cannot touch the king.

In the end, the reigning king and his allies win that round of the game.

Best Backyard Games

Paddle Ball Outdoor Games

Paddle Ball Backyard Games With A Ball

Image: ©-Oxford- via canva.com

What is paddle ball? Paddle ball is a game played by 2 people against each other, or by 2 teams of 2 people each. The goal of paddleball is to hit a ball with your paddle so it bounces off a wall and back onto the court.

The paddle ball court is a simple 4-walled room that measures 40 feet or 12 meters by 20 feet or 6.1 meters. It should have clear markings to indicate the various play positions.

The wall that the ball is hit against is called the front wall, and this should be 20 feet wide and 20 feet high.

Paddleball uses a special heavy rubber ball designed specifically for paddleball. When dropped from 6 feet the ball should only bounce about 3.5 feet in the air.

To play the game, the starter bounces the ball once on the floor and then hits it so that it bounces off the front wall. The receiver from the opposite team responds by hitting the ball back so that it bounces off the front wall.

Points are earned, and the game continues with this back-and-forth play until one person/team gets 21 points and is declared the winner.

Speedminton Backyard Games

Speedminton Games For Backyard

Image: ©Helios8 via canva.com

Speedminton combines the best of badminton, squash, and tennis which is why it is also known as Crossminton. The game is fast-paced, has simple rules, and can be played by anyone who can hold a racquet.

It is obvious that the racquet you use is important and that is why you should choose your racquet with care. The best badminton racket for beginners is one that is strong, durable, made of carbon fiber, and crafted as a single unit.

A racquet in the 4U weight category provides a nice balance of ease of use, as well as enough weight to build some strength.

The Speedminton court is composed of two 18 feet squares with a distance of 42 feet in between.

Speedminton is played by 2 people who stand in their respective squares and pass the birdie back and forth.

It is played in best of five sets format. Each set is played till one player reaches 16 points with at least a two-point margin. If a player reaches 16 without the two-point margin, the set continues until one player is ahead by two points.

The player to first win three sets is declared the overall winner.

Playground Sets Backyard Games

Playground Sets Must Have Games For Backyard

Image: ©joearrigo via canva.com

Getting your children to play outdoors does not necessarily mean taking them to the nearest playground. Gardener’s Path has some of the best-rated playground sets that you can put up in your yard or garden.

Playground sets are convenient because they pack a lot of activity in a small space.

The Kids Creation Redwood Circus 3 Swing Set comes in a modern design and its solid wood structure is very sturdy and strong.

It has 3 swings, a rope ladder, a climbing wall, a slide, and a playhouse. Underneath the elevated playhouse is a sandpit.

There is also the Woodridge II that is provided by Backyard Discovery.

Made of pure cedar, this play set is just what your child needs to keep them outdoors during those beautiful, sun-shiny days.

It has an enormous upper backyard fort, a porch, and a crow’s nest. There is also a lower play deck, 2 belt swings, a trapeze swing, a slide, and a sandbox.

The Clubhouse Climber is for children from 2 years and allows up to 4 children to play on it at any one time.

It has a lookout tower, slides, a skylight, a rotating steering wheel, and lower-level tunnels for crawling fun and hide-and-seek adventures.

Tree House and Playhouse Backyard Games

Tree House And Playhouse Games For Backyard Fun

Image: ©Lisa Stuart via canva.com

Every child dreams of having a tree house. There is something extraordinary about having your own space, high up in a tree, where you can watch the world go by.

A tree house combines everything children love: outdoors, fun, imaginative play, and a sense of well-being.

If what you require is a treehouse for small backyard, you can opt to get a custom tree house or playhouse which can be site-specific and designed to fit all kinds of challenging terrain, a small space, a steep hill, lots of trees, or any challenging space that just calls for something unique.

For those DIY fans, The Spruce provides a selection of 17 free playhouse plans that you can have fun with your children putting up.

  • These include the shingle-style cottage with a peaked roof by Playhouse Planner. This basic design lets you add your personal touches.
  • The log cabin playhouse is reminiscent of what you see in those Western movies.
  • The grizzly playhouse is so real, it looks like someone shrunk their house. This solid house is 6 x 6 and is made from pine, cedar, or plywood.

Whatever style you choose is guaranteed to bring your child lots of joy.

Flickin Chicken Backyard Games

Flickin Chicken Fun Games For Backyard Party

Image: ©Amazon

We all love eating chicken, but flicking them is not very likely unless we are playing the Flickin Chicken game. This is a game that promises loads of laughter whether it is being played by children or adults.

Designed to be played with 2 to 4 people, the Flickin Chicken game set comprises 4 rubber chickens, a target disc, a score pad, a pencil, and the rule, and it is so compact, you can carry it anywhere.

The objective of the game is to toss your rubber chicken as close to the target as possible in the least amount of throws.

To play the game, let the youngest player throw the target disc as far as they can, and then they throw their chicken after it. The rest of the players take turns until everyone has thrown their first round.

Each throw counts as a point, and bonus and penalty points can change everything and the way the game is going.

The player with the least amount of points wins the round.

For any subsequent rounds, the player with the chicken furthest from the target gets to throw first.

Keep score of all the rounds. The lowest scorer after nine rounds wins.

Federball, Badminton Backyard Games

Federball Badminton Olympic Backyard Games

Image: ©lancegfx via canva.com

Whether you call it Federball, Badminton, or any other name, one thing is certain, it is the best Badminton racket game around. Good for all ages, the game is easy to play, and players use lightweight racquets to hit a shuttlecock across a net.

Badminton can be played as a singles game with just two people, or a doubles game with four people, two in each team.

The game is suitable for both indoor and outdoor play, and the court needs to be smooth and non-slip.

The ideal court measures 44 feet by 20 feet and has 30 feet of vertical clearance with no tree branches if it is outdoors. The net which is positioned halfway across the court should be five feet high in the center.

Points are scored when a player makes a fault such as

  • the shuttle lands outside the prescribed area,
  • the shuttle hits the net,
  • a player double-hits the shuttle with the racket to make it cross the net,
  • the shuttle hits the body of a player, or
  • the shuttle hits the ground.

A simple scoring system is followed which is best of three sets of 21 points. Whoever wins 2 sets in total wins the match.

Outdoor Ping Pong Backyard Games

Outdoor Ping Pong Simple Backyard Games For Father And Son

Image: ©Sergey Novikov via canva.com

Table tennis or ping pong is a game that will help you improve your hand-eye coordination, your speed, and your team spirit.

Both indoor and outdoor ping pong is played by 2 or 4 people and is a fast-paced game.

The best outdoor ping pong table measures 2.74 meters or 9.0 feet long, 1.525 meters or 5 feet wide, and 0.76 meters or 2.5 feet high.

Ping pong paddles do not have a regulation size, but it is good to remember that small paddles are hard to use successfully while bigger paddles weigh too much and are cumbersome. Both can slow your game down by making it difficult to maneuver your strike effectively.

The only regulation about the paddles is that they must be made of wood and rubber, and competition paddles must have two colors.

Outdoor ping pong is not as serious as indoor ping pong and is played more for fun by both children and adults during outings or a fun afternoon with friends.

Outdoor tables are made of a mixture of metal and wood and finished with a coating to protect them from sun, rain, and wind. Outdoor tables also tend to have sturdier frames.

Cool Backyard Games

Double Dutch Backyard Games

Double Dutch Backyard Games

Image: ©Michael H via canva.com

Skipping is lots of fun, but you are guaranteed even more fun and challenges when you go for Double Dutch. This is a skipping game that uses two ropes at the same time, one being turned clockwise and the other anti-clockwise, with just a second or so in between the turns.

The Double Dutch rope length is between 12 and 14 feet long, and both ropes should be of the same length and material.

Double Dutch is played by a minimum of three people, two to turn the rope and at least one person to jump.

The crux of the game lies in the turners’ ability to keep the rhythm and so this requires people who are coordinated. The circles need to be the same size.

The jumpers use their coordination skills to jump the ropes in turn. Once the jumpers join in, it is the responsibility of the turners to adjust their speed. This is why the role of turner is so important.

The outcome rests largely on the turner’s ability to adapt to the jumper and stay on beat.

As the jumpers become more experienced they can perform tricks like gymnastics, breakdance, or fancy foot movements.

Hacky Sack Backyard Games

Hacky Sack Backyard Games

Image: ©JRLPhotographer via canva.com

The only rule in the game of Hacky Sack is that you cannot use your hands or arms to keep the ball from falling to the ground. It is a game that can be played individually or in a group, and is great for enhancing your flexibility and mobility.

There are no special clothes for this game, just play in what you feel comfortable in. Regarding Hacky Sack shoes, wear something flat with a wide-toe spread, flat instep, and outstep.

Expert players like tennis shoes, but the official shoe of the International Footbag Players Association is the Adidas Rod Laver.

Hacky Sack is about getting the right motor control of your body and predicting where the hack will be after it is hit. This just takes practice.

Players aim to keep the sack in the air for as long as possible. If it hits the ground, start over. Besides using the feet, the chest, head, shoulders, and knees are commonly used.

When playing in a group, you want to complete the circle and get a “hack” which is when the bag has completely gone around the circle and everyone has kicked it.

British Bulldog Backyard Games

British Bulldog Backyard Games

Image: ©Monkey Business Images via canva.com

The British bulldog game can be played at any place, at any time because it does not require any equipment at all, just a group of eager children.

The play area is flexible and the game can be played on a street, on a playground, between cloisters, in a large hall, or on a playing field.

There is no set number of players for British Bulldog nor is there a set-size play area. All that you need is a space that is big enough to allow the children to run around freely and have fun.

Depending on how large the group of players is, two or three players are chosen to be the bulldogs for the first game.

The bulldogs stand in the middle of the play area. All remaining players stand at one end of the play area, also known as home.

Players aim to run from one end of the field of play to the other, without being caught by the bulldogs. When a player is caught, they become a bulldog themselves.

The winner is the last three players to remain free. They automatically become the next bulldogs.

Four Square Backyard Games

Four Square Backyard Games

Image: ©Mainely Photos via canva.com

Some sidewalk chalk, a hard and flat surface like a smooth concrete driveway, a bouncy ball like a soccer or volleyball, and at least four people are all you require to be able to play a game of Four Square.

The Four Square playground game is also just as simple to prepare. With the chalk, draw a large square and divide it into four equal smaller squares. There is no standard square size.

The server quadrant is marked with a server’s box where anyone serving hits the ball from.

The designated server occupies the server’s quadrant while everyone else chooses one of the other quadrants to occupy.

The server drops the ball and as it bounces up, hits it with an underhand serve so that it bounces inside any of the other players’ squares to be considered a good serve.

The server is allowed 2 tries to get a successful serve, after which they lose their server spot and the players rotate so that the next server can occupy the serving quadrant.

The ball must bounce just once before the next player passes it on. The object of the game is to move up to and hold the server’s position.

Hop Scotch Backyard Games

Hop Scotch Backyard Games

Image: ©Baloncic via canva.com

It is easy to understand how to do hopscotch. This children’s fun activity-filled game can be played with several players or alone. It is a no-stress game that requires very little to get started.

All you need is a sidewalk, driveway, or any concrete surface, normal or sidewalk chalk to draw the game board, and either some bean bags, small stones, or rocks that can be used as a marker.

The two basic rules to remember are that you can only have 1 foot in each square and you hop over the square with the rock or marker in it.

Alternating turns, players throw their marker onto the first square. They then hop over that square to the second square on one foot. On double squares, they must land with their feet side by side.

Then turn around and come back the same way only when they get to the square with their marker they must balance on one foot and pick up the marker.

If completed with no mistakes, the player goes again and throws their marker on the 2nd square and so on until they have completed all ten squares.

The winner is the first one to finish all 10 squares.

Shuffleboard Backyard Games

Shuffleboard Backyard Games

Image: ©Jupiterimages via canva.com

A shuffleboard is a large, smoothly polished rectangle, normally made of wood that is marked at either end with scoring lines.

The shuffleboard game is designed to be played by two people as a singles game, or by four people as a doubles game, and promises a lot of fun for everyone, young and old.

The easy shuffleboard rules are quickly understood, making playing fun as you do not need to keep reminding yourself of any complicated rules. The game is played by sliding colored, round weights along the board in turn with an opponent.

There are eight weighted discs, four blue and four red. The scoring lines running across each end have a score value of either 1, 2, or 3.

In each round, only the weight which has traveled farthest along the board is counted, so only one player, or team in doubles, scores for each round.

For example, if the weight that has traveled the furthest along the board at the end of the round is red, then all the red scores are added up. The blue score for the round is zero.

The person or team with the highest score at the end of the pre-agreed number of rounds is the ultimate winner.

Chippo Golf, Golf Cornhole Backyard Games

Chippo Golf Golf Cornhole Backyard Games

Image: ©Amazon

Like all things good, Chippo golf is a really easy game to play.

Anyone who loves golf and backyard games will have a field day with Chippo Golf, Golf Cornhole, or whatever name you wish to give this game.

After flipping a coin to determine who starts, the first player takes three shots in a row, hitting the ball toward the cornhole-like board and then tallying their total score.

The second player standing next to the first goes next. The player with the highest total score wins that “hole”. If playing in teams, each player scores points for their team.

There are 2 popular scoring methods, but one thing is constant, 1 point for just hitting the board, 3 points when the ball enters the larger center hole, and 5 points when the ball enters either of the 2 top corner holes.

You get double points if you bounce your shot off the chipping mat before it enters the hole.

Using the Match Play method, the player with the highest score for the hole gets 1 point.

Cornhole Style scoring requires the person with the highest score to minus the score of his opponent. The resulting number is his score.

Easy Backyard Games

Octopus Tag Backyard Games

Octopus Tag Backyard Games

Image: ©wrangel via canva.com

Tag games are many and one exciting version is Octopus Tag. Octopus Tag is played by children of all ages.

To mark the play area or the ocean, players stand in a line, holding hands, then spread out and the furthest ends will be boundary lines. Mark them with tape or paint.

One person is chosen to be the octopus and to differentiate them, the octopus is given a special hat to wear. The other players are the fish, and if desired, they can each be given a fin to wear.

With the fish lined up on one end of the ocean, the octopus from the center of the ocean calls out “I am the Octopus, full of black potion. Let’s see if you can cross my Ocean!” the fish try to swim across the ocean without being tagged by the octopus.

Any player tagged before reaching the other end becomes a crab and must freeze in their spot, and they try to tag other players who also become crabs.

When all fish get to the other side, the octopus and crabs chant again and the fish cross back across the ocean. The last fish tagged becomes the next octopus.

Play Catch Backyard Games

Play Catch Backyard Games

Image: ©Milatas via canva.com

The Play Catch game is probably one of the first games that a child learns to play.

Basic Play Catch is a game where one person throws the ball or beanbag to the other player who catches it and throws it back. The players can be 2 children, 2 adults, or a child and an adult.

Children learn to catch a ball from around 4 years, so this would be a good age to start playing this game, even though younger children can also have fun trying to catch the ball.

There are many variations of the basic game, but they all guarantee the development of hand-eye coordination, dexterity, confidence, and plenty of fun.

If the game is played during a party or an occasion where there are many children, a good variation of the game is to have all the children form a line facing the thrower who is standing a few meters away. The difficulty of the game is regulated by the distance.

The thrower then throws the ball to any child at random. That child tries to catch the ball and if successful throws it back to the thrower. This goes on until all the children have had several fun catches.

Rock Paper Scissors Tag Backyard Games

Rock Paper Scissors Tag Backyard Games

Image: ©yamasan via canva.com

The traditional Rock Paper Scissors game is a hand game usually played between two or three people, where the 2 players simultaneously form one of three shapes, “rock”, “paper”, and “scissors” with an outstretched hand. The one whose shape is superior wins that round.

Blend this game with the regular Tag game and you get the exciting game of Rock Paper Scissors Tag.

This hybrid Rock Paper Scissors Tag game is played in 2 teams. Each team stands in a line facing the other team members across the playing field.

After a signal from the leader, the teams walk towards one another and each pair of players plays the traditional Rock Paper Scissors.

The person who loses immediately turns around and tries to run to their team’s safety or beginning line without being tagged by their opponent. The winner of the Rock Paper Scissors game chases the other player attempting to tag them before they reach the safety or beginning line.

A variation of the game involves each team secretly agreeing on the shape they will form. The 2 teams turn around and the team members of each team make the agreed shape. The team whose members make the superior shape wins the round.

Tag Backyard Games Ideas

Tag Backyard Games

Image: ©Syda Productions via canva.com

Tag is probably one of the first games children learn to play as they are growing up. The game goes by many names such as “stuck-in-the-mud,” “catch-and-catch,” and “you’re it.”

There are many variations of the game, but they all follow the basic flow of the classic game which is one person is ” it,” and his or her job is to touch someone else. When you are touched by the person who is “it”, you immediately become “it” yourself.

The best Tag games use no equipment, just a collection of eager-to-play adults or children of all ages. These games include Freeze where when a person is tagged, they freeze on the spot but can be unfrozen by being tagged by a fellow player.

Blob Tag starts with 2 people who are “it”. They join hands and when they tag other people they join their line.

In Band-Aid Tag, when a player is tagged, they put one hand on the spot where they were tagged. When tagged a second time, they do the same with the other hand. If tagged a third time, they become “it”.

When players are of different ages, have a set time of how long a person can be “it”.

Flashlight Tag Backyard Games

Flashlight Tag Backyard Games

Image: ©Tima Mirosshnichenko via canva.com

Flashlight tag is best played by children at night.

In case you feel it is not safe to play at night, or you suspect some of the children may be scared of the dark, you can play during the early evening, or during the day in a section of the field that is not well-lit.

A minimum of 3 children is all you need to play, but as with all tag games, the more people you have the better. Should there be enough players, you can divide them into 2 teams.

The simplicity of the flashlight tag rules makes it easy for young children to understand. The game follows the rules of the classic Tag game.

One person is chosen to be “it”. They are blindfolded or they simply close their eyes and count to an agreed-on number, like 50.

Armed with a flashlight, “it” goes looking for the players who scuttled into hiding while “it” was counting. Instead of touching the person to tag them, any person “it” finds “it” shines the flashlight on them.

The flashlight version of the tag game provides a level playing ground for all players as “it” can shine the flashlight from a distance.

Steal The Bacon Backyard Games

Steal The Bacon Backyard Games

Image: ©MargoeEdwards, Billion Photos via canva.com

Stealing is wrong, but there is one time when stealing is not only right, it is fun. This is when playing Steal the Bacon.

Steal the Bacon is played by 2 teams and an umpire. Members of each team are given a number, with players in the opposing team given corresponding numbers.

The 2 teams stand in a row, facing their opponents with some distance between them.

An object, usually a glove or scarf is selected to be the “bacon”. This is placed in the exact middle of the play area.

The players chant, “Bacon, bacon! Who has the bacon?” and the umpire responds by calling out a number. The player from each team who is assigned that number runs to the center of the play area.

They try to snatch the bacon and take it back to their team without being caught by the opposing player.

The umpire can decide to call out more numbers to release other pairs of opponents if the original players have difficulty grabbing the bacon or simply to make the game more exciting.

Each team scores a point when their player gets the bacon back to the team before an opposing player tags them.

Fun Backyard Games For Parties

Limbo Backyard Games

Limbo Backyard Games

Image: ©franckreporter via canva.com

Add some fun to your party by introducing the limbo dance.

The limbo is a dance that originated in Trinidad and has become a popular dance all over the world. The dance is relatively simple and can be performed by all ages, children and adults.

It is a fun party activity as it has no limit to the number of people who can participate. Dancers take turns attempting to bend low enough to stay below a bar held by two people.

The technique for a successful limbo dance is easy but requires practice and concentration throughout the dance.

All you need for the game is a limbo stick which can be any long rod such as a curtain rod or a smooth stick from the outside. Some rope, a long scarf, and cable can also work as long as it is held taut. Some music helps to provide the party spirit.

When everyone has had a turn, the stick is lowered with each round, and the game is won by the player who passes under the bar in the lowest position.

This sounds simple; the catch is that dancers have to bend backward and pass without touching the stick.

Stilts Outdoor Games

Backyard Games With Stilts

Image: ©jmartinstock, TITUS GROUP via canva.com

A carnival is an exciting event in any place and the most amazing attraction is by far the man on stilts. Any child wonders how they can imitate the man looming above their heads.

Surprise your child with a pair of stilts and sit back and watch as they enjoy hours of fun as soon as they learn how to walk in them.

Learning how to use stilts may seem like a daunting task but it is fairly easy as long as you follow some simple steps.

You can choose to make the stilts yourself using guidelines offered by professional DIY advisors.

If your child is a beginner, you should start them off with beginner stilts which are about 1½ inches. A pair of low stilts is a great way to teach your child about balance without sending them out on an impossible mission.

Because stilt walking takes some skill, it is recommended that you give stilts to children 8 years old and above. Make sure there is an adult around the first time your child tries the new stilts.

They will be wobbly at first, but with a little practice, they will be walking tall in no time.

Tug of War Backyard Games

Tug of War Backyard Games For Parties

Image: ©Gannet77 via canva.com

A game of tug of war is one of the most ancient games and there is evidence that it was played across the ancient world including ancient Greece, Egypt, and China. It is a popular sport that pits the strengths of two teams against each other.

When played as a recreational game, it can be played by any number of people, men, women, and children.

An odd number of players is preferable, where one person is the referee and the remaining players are divided into 2 teams. However, going by the international tug of war rope rules, each team should consist of 8 people.

Whereas you can use any rope during recreational tug of war, international standards require the rope used to be of a circumference of approximately 11 cm and marked in the middle with a center line as well as two marks that should be placed 4m from the center line on each side.

The objective of the game is to win by pulling the opposition and the opposition’s 4 m marker towards the center so that the mark passes the center line, resulting in a win.

Most tug of war matches are played using the best-of-three format.

Dolphins And Sharks Outdoor Games

Dolphins And Sharks Outdoor Backyard Games

Image: ©Andrea Izzotti via canva.com

Dolphins and Sharks is a fun game for children, and the more players, the merrier.

The Dolphins And Sharks game requires a big playing space and children who are ready to play. To start playing, one person is chosen to be the shark, and 2 opposite ends of the play area are identified as safe refuge areas.

All the players gather together at the center of the play area, and when the shark shouts “Go”, the players run away from the center, looking for safety at either end of the play area.

The shark runs after them and anyone tagged by the shark becomes a shark during the next round. The game ends when all the dolphins have become sharks.

A variation of the game divides the players into 2 groups, dolphins and sharks, with one person as the leader.

With the teams standing in the middle of the play space, the leader shouts “dolphins” or “sharks” and the team called has to run to their designated safe area at one end of the play area without being tagged by the opponents. Tagged players join the enemy team.

During play, the leader calls any team randomly. The game ends when one team is eliminated.

Drop-Cloth Toss Backyard Games

Drop-Cloth Toss Game Backyard Games

Image: ©Pinterest

The Drop-Cloth toss game is just one example of an outdoor bean bag toss game that offers children and adults lots of entertainment.

Not having equipment from the store should not deter your fun time, in less than an hour you can get a game going.

Take a big canvas dropcloth and in the center, cut out a big triangle. At each corner, cut out squares of equal size. To add color to your cloth and to stop it from fraying in the future, bind the edges of the shapes with different colored duct tape. Write values for each hole.

Using holes at the corners of the canvas, suspend the cloth between two trees or posts, and the fun can begin.

The game can be played alone, but like with most other games, it is always a lot more fun when you play against other players.

There is no maximum number of players, and if your group is large, simply divide them into teams of equal numbers.

Players alternate, taking turns tossing the beanbag through the holes, the value of the hole being the points earned.

The person or team with the highest score at the end of the game is the winner.

First N Ten Backyard Games

First N Ten Backyard Games For Families

Image: ©Walmart

Games are the greatest form of entertainment and the First N Ten game, the newest outdoor game, is no exception.

First N Ten is a team game that can be played at parties, picnics, backyard get togethers, and backyard fun days.

The kit comes with a tote bag and includes

  • 2 field goal posts, each of which is a stand with 2 prongs called uprights,
  • 4 official First N Ten flying rings, 2 red and 2 blue,
  • 1 drawstring carrying bag and
  • gameplay instructions.

This game is made from furniture-grade PVC pipe and fittings which provide tremendous strength, and under normal use and care, your game will last for years.

Assemble the parts and place the goals some distance apart, with team members behind their posts. Each team takes turns throwing the ring to the opponent’s post.

Hit the upright to earn 1 point. If the ring passes between the uprights, you get 3 points, and if you throw a ringer, you get 5 points.

Score an instant win if you ring both rings on the left and right upright. The first team to get 21 points wins the round.

The overall winner is the team that wins the most rounds.

Fun Easy Backyard Games For Kids

Chinese Whisper Backyard Games

backyard games - chinese whisper games 1 - 800 x 419 wl

Image: ©DAPA Images via canva.com

If you want to hear lots of laughter during your child’s birthday party, introduce the children to the telephone game. This is one of the more popular Chinese whisper games and is played by people of all ages.

There is no limit to the number of people who can play; if you have too large a group of players, you can divide them into smaller groups and have the groups compete against each other.

The minimum number of players is usually 5 if you want the game to be fun.

The players stand next to one another in a long line. If you prefer, you can get them to sit down on the ground.

The first person in the line thinks of a phrase or short sentence and whispers it to their immediate neighbor. The neighbor then passes on the message to the person on the other side.

This goes on until the message is passed on to the last person. If the players are sitting down, this person stands up and tells the whole group what the message was.

The first person then tells the group what the original message was. The discrepancy in the messages is usually hilarious.

Capture the Flag Outdoor Games

Capture The Flag Best Backyard Games

Image: ©Chandleraz

Two flags of different colors, a large field with lots of obstacles and places to hide, and a group of at least eight eager-to-play children are all you need to play a game of Capture The Flag.

As with most games, there are different ways to play Capture The Flag. The traditional method is the most popular.

The object of the game is simple. There are two teams and each team has a flag or other defining object. Each team tries to capture the other team’s flag and take it to their home base.

First, the playing area is divided into two territories using any available markers.

The game begins with the members of each team hiding their flag anywhere on their territory. Each team member tries to capture the other team’s flag by taking it to their territory. This needs to be done before the other team finds your flag.

The first team to capture the other team’s flag is the winner.

To prevent your opponents from getting to your territory, you can take them to “jail” by tagging them. When tagged, the player freezes on the spot until they are tagged by their teammate, effectively taking them out of jail.

Washer Toss Backyard Games

Washer Toss Summer Backyard Games

Image: ©Pinterest

The game of washer toss is one game that has many names such as washer pitching, washers, huachas, or washoes. The game is a close cousin to the horseshoe game as it involves teams of 1 or 2 players taking turns tossing washers toward a box or hole.

Although there are many different variants of the game the general washer game rules are very straightforward.

If the washer lands inside the box, the players earn points.

If, however, the washer lands in the cup in the middle of the box, the player gets extra points.

During the throw, the player throwing should not step past the front edge of the box, or else that throw will not be counted for the round.

To play this game you need 2 washer boxes which are typically 15 inches x 15 inches with a 4½-inch hole in the center. The boxes are placed 25 feet or 7.6 meters apart or closer if playing with children.

You also require two sets of washers, each set a different color and each washer measuring about 2 ½ inches on the outside with a 1-inch hole in the center, and of course a suitable playing area.

Balloon Down Backyard Games

Balloon Down Backyard Games For Parties

Image: ©andipantz via canva.com

When you look out of the window, all you see is a beautiful day that is just calling you to step outside. Enjoy that time with family and friends by having a friendly competition and playing a game of balloon down.

This is a balloon-tossing game that is fun for adults and children of all ages.

Balloons are inexpensive, exciting to play with, and colorful, making balloon games a handy option for any occasion where fun and laughter are desired.

Balloon down is an easy game to set up. Blow up 3 balloons with helium. Using a permanent marker write a different number on each one, tie them with some string, and tie them to a weight.

If you wish, you can choose balloon colors that mean something to you or the players.

On one side of the field, draw a line to indicate the throw line. Place the balloons about 10-15 feet away, more if playing with adults alone.

Using small balls, each player gets 5 balls to throw and hit as many balloons as possible. The number on any balloon that is hit is the score given to the player. The person who scores the most points wins.

Hot Potato, Kartoshka Backyard Games

Hot Potato Kartoshka Kids Backyard Games

Image: ©CharlieAJA via canva.com

The classic game of Hot Potato, Kartoshka as it is sometimes referred to, is played by both children and adults.

You need at least 3 people to play hot potato, but it is more fun with more people. It requires very simple play equipment, just a ball, a potato, or any other medium-sized, round object, and some music.

Players stand in a circle, and when the music starts playing, the players pass the ball in the circle. When the music stops, the person holding the ball is out. The players pass the ball fast as they do not want to be out, hence the “hot potato” reference.

The winner is the last person standing.

There are several hot potato game variations.

One variation of the game is using a water balloon instead of a ball or potato.

Another fun one is to get each player to take a step back after each pass. Soon the players will be so far apart from each other that passing the potato is challenging.

When playing with younger children, instead of being out when a person drops the ball or when the music stops, let them kneel but continue playing. They can stand if they make the next pass properly.

Marco Polo Backyard Games

Marco Polo Game Backyard Games

Image: ©FamVeld via canva.com

If you have at any one time played the Marco Polo game, you will know that the rules are very simple. The Marco Polo Game rules recommend that the game be played by at least 3 people, but this is one of those games where the more players you have, the more fun the game.

With the objective of the game being to have fun in the pool, one person is designated “Marco”. With closed eyes, “Marco” counts to an agreed number, like 10. During that time, the other players scatter around the pool.

Marco then tries to tag the players guided by his limbs and sound. Marco occasionally calls out “Marco” and the players regardless of where they are must all shout “Polo”, a shout whose aim is to guide Marco to at least one player.

The first person to be tagged becomes Marco.

To add to the fun of the game, you can have an additional rule which allows any player except Marco to exit the pool to avoid being tagged. If Marco should happen to catch that player out of the water by yelling “Fish out of water,” that player then becomes the new Marco.

Quoits Backyard Games

Quoits Backyard Games

Image: ©shank_ali via canva.com

For years, Quoits has been one of the favorite lawn games for the whole family.

The Quoits throwing game has some similarities with ring toss. It involves throwing rubber rings across a certain distance so that they land over a spike. Because the game requires very few special skills, it is suitable for both children and adults.

Today, there are many versions of this game, but the traditional version is still the most widely played. The objective of the game is to land your quoit either over the spike or as close to it as possible.

The ideal playing area is a flat rectangular land that is 30 feet long and 10 feet wide, but any big space is perfect. At the center of the play area is a metal or wooden stake lodged into the clay, with about 4 inches above the ground.

Quoits is played between two teams of either two or four players. When only two players are competing, both pitch quoits from the same side of the pitch, using the same foul line.

Players take turns to pitch the quoit, each player or team aims to earn 21 points.

The person or team that earns 21 points first wins as long as there is a 2-point difference between the points of the two players or teams.

Fun Backyard Games For Adults, Kids, And Families

Carnival Party Backyard Games

Carnival Party Backyard Games

Image: ©alessandrobiascioli via canva.com

You want your party to be different and memorable. That is why organizing a carnival party makes sense.

There is a wide range of backyard carnival games for children and adults that you can make at home.

A fun game like Bean Bag Toss is simple to make and fun for children and adults. Arrange 5 basins of various colors in any fashion you like, and label each one with a value. Have bean bags that players throw in turn from the throw line to get them inside the basins.

With a shower curtain pinned to the ground, you have the basic grid for a giant Tic-Tac-Toe game. Using safe paint or duct tape, make the grid. Rubber discs make excellent play pieces.

Teenagers will love a game of balloon darts. Simple to make using a peg board and a bunch of colored balloons.

People will love playing Ring Toss with the stakes made of unwrapped lollipops which are stuck into a corkboard. To give the game a sweet twist, any person whose ring encircles a lollipop can take the lollipop.

To make your backyard festive make simple, bright-colored booths for each game.

Chinese Checkers Backyard Games

Chinese Checkers Backyard Games

Image: ©WestLight via canva.com

What makes Chinese Checkers such an awesome game is that people of all levels can enjoy playing.

Played by two, three, four, or six players either individually or with partners, Chinese Checkers is a strategy game whose aim is to be the first player to move all ten pegs across the board and into the triangle opposite. The first player to occupy all 10 destination holes is the winner.

The game comes with a six-pointed star-shaped board. Each point of the star is a triangle consisting of ten holes. Each triangle is a different color and there are six sets of ten pegs with corresponding colors.

When played by 2 players, the game starts with pegs in triangles opposite each other.

In a 3-player game, the pegs start in three triangles equidistant from each other.

Four players start with pegs placed in 2 pairs of opposing triangles.

With six players, all of the 6 triangles are used.

Players take turns to move a single peg of their color either simply to an adjacent vacant hole or making one or more hops over other pegs. Each hop must be over an adjacent peg and into a vacant hole directly beyond it.

Cornhole Outdoor Games

Cornhole Backyard Games

Image: ©CatLane via canva.com

The game of cornhole is played on a level rectangular play area.

The cornhole equipment consists of 2 cornhole boards, and eight bean bags, 4 of each color. Each bag is 6 by 6 inches and has 1 pound of corn inserted.

The boards are placed 27 feet apart with the goal hole of each board positioned away from the opposing board. There are also designated pitcher’s boxes and foul lines.

Cornhole is a game promoting a friendly competition where the two teams which are made up of 2 single players or a player with a partner strive to score the highest marks.

The game’s rules are simple and the game can be played by people of all ages as long as they can lift the bean bags and throw them.

Team members stand at the start of a board facing the opponents across the 27-foot space. The 2 teams alternate throwing their bean bags aiming for the goal of the board across the play area and when a bag enters the goal, it earns the team 3 points.

When all 8 bean bags have been thrown, the inning is scored. The team with the highest score after 21 innings is the overall winner.

Hook And Ring Toss Backyard Games

Hook And Ring Toss Backyard Games

Image: ©Pinterest

The hook ring toss game is a game that can be played solo or with a group of friends. The hook and ring toss game proves that for you to have loads of fun, you do not need to go out of your way financially.

It simply involves a ring suspended on a string, which you must swing onto a hook.

With a little effort and some easy-to-find materials, you can make your own ring and hook game for your backyard, providing a great way for your family and guests to enjoy themselves during your next backyard get together or neighborhood barbecue.

If you prefer the DIY ring toss game set, choose one that comes with everything you need to play, including 2 different size O rings. This is a convenient feature because you can start with a large ring and then graduate to a smaller O ring when you are ready for an increased challenge.

A player gets 3 chances to land the ring on the hook. Each chance is scored and after the 3 chances, it is the next player’s turn. The aim is to reach a set number of points. The first person to reach that set number of points wins.

Bowls, Lawn Bowling Outdoor Games

Bowls Lawn Bowling Backyard Games

Image: ©pollypic via canva.com

Bowls, Lawn Bowling, or Flat Green Bowls is a game whose objective is simple, to roll balls so that they stop close to a smaller ball called a jack or kitty.

The game of Lawn Bowls dates as far back as the 13th century, and it is interesting to note that at some point it had been banned by the king and parliament, both fearing it might jeopardize the practice of archery, which was at that time so important in battle.

It is played on a flat bowling green by 2 opposing teams of equal numbers. Bowls is an outdoor game so you can imagine how dirty the bowl is likely to get.

With the right set of lawn bowls accessories, you can maintain the bowl in tip-top shape.

  • With a toothpick, remove dirt from the grooves in the bowl.
  • Then, wash the bowl with some warm water and some mild detergent.
  • Mineral spirits can be used to take care of stubborn dirt.
  • Extra fine steel wool is perfect for reducing accumulated marks or scratches from the bowl.
  • Using a microfiber cloth, wipe the bowl dry.
  • Finally, apply a special bowls polish to remove minor scratches and restore your bowls’ finish and shine.

Fling a Ring Backyard Games

Fling a Ring Backyard Games

Image: ©Made In Michigan

When you cross horseshoes and disc golf, you get a brand new game – fling a ring. Fling a ring is an innovative outdoor backyard game that captures the skill of the 2 games.

The game set gives you 2 red and 2 blue discs all with unique locking features which assist in disc catching and locking. You also get 4 stakes, 2 with flags and 2 without.

Stick a plain stake in the ground followed by one with a flag at least 6 inches away, but on the same line. Opposite the flag, a few meters away, stick the remaining stakes in the same way.

With the players standing at opposite stakes, they take turns throwing their discs, trying to hook them on the stake across from them to earn points.

  • 1 point if the throwing ring is within a disc length of the post,
  • 2 points if the disc hits any part of the opposite post,
  • 3 points if the stake is within the finger-locking features of the disc, and
  • 4 points if the disc is locked in the small circle on the disc.

The game is played to a score of 21 points and the winning team must have at least 2 points more than the other team.

Fun-Air Scoop Outdoor Games

Fun-Air Scoop Backyard Games

Image: ©Wayfair, Amazon

In a gym class, activity center, or your backyard, enjoy a game of Fun-Air Scoop Ball. With a name like Fun-Air Scoop, you can expect nothing short of a fun game full of laughter.

The game can be played by people of all ages and skill levels as the rules are simple. The goal for all the players is to try to catch and toss the lightweight ball with the scoop.

The game set comes with 2-inch diameter softball-size fun balls and a pair of 11-inch hand-held scoops. The scoops are made of heavy-duty plastic with easy flexibility.

You can get scoops and balls in different colors, but the traditional color for the scoops is green and purple, and for the ball it is white. The set is portable and takes up minimum storage space.

Either way, it’s the excitement of the game that makes it truly colorful.

The repetitive action of tossing and catching the ball helps develop hand-eye coordination for players and increases dexterity.

It is said that this game is the training ground for those who wish to play a great game of Lacrosse, and so the fun you have serves a deeper purpose.

Jianzi Backyard Games

Jianzi Backyard Games

Image: ©Pinterest

From China comes Jianzi, a game that goes back many centuries. The game, Jianzi is named after the only equipment you need to play, a type of shuttlecock.

To make a Jianzi, wrap paper around a coin with a hole in the center and then decorate it with feathers.

Jianzi is played by children and adults and offers lots of fun while keeping you fit. This is because the objective of the game is for all players collectively, to keep the jianzi in the air by striking it with their feet. Other body parts except hands can also be used to strike the jianzi.

You can either play the game with a group of friends or alone.

The official jianzi game is played on a court similar to badminton and volleyball, while the recreational game can be played in your backyard, a street, or a park.

There are 2 forms of play,

  • the circle kick where 5 to 10 players stand in a circle. Using upward kicks, they keep the jianzi in the air for as long as they can.
  • The other is between 2 players where each one tries to keep the shuttle in the air longer than the other.

RingStix Backyard Games

RingStix Backyard Games

Image: ©YouTube

RingStix is one of those fun lawn games that can be played by anyone, from young children 10 years and above, to senior citizens. It is a modern version of the children’s favorite game, “catch”.

You can play RingStix anywhere, in your backyard, at the park, or even during beach trips as the rings float. Playing on a windy day is also possible as the high-quality rings have been made to work well in the wind.

When you get the set, it comes with 4 Sticks shaped like inverted swords, 2 Rings, 1 red ring, and 1 glow in the dark ring so you can play when the sun goes down.

You can play on your own or with as many friends as you like.

To play is simple.

  1. Take 2 sticks, cross them, and place the ring at the base of the crossed sticks.
  2. Spread your arms outwards like you would when going in for a big hug.
  3. As you pull your arms out the ring will slide up the end of the stick and shoot forward.
  4. Your partner, standing 50 yards away, tries to catch it with their stick.
  5. They then fling it back and play can go on for hours.

Outdoor Backyard Games


Lacrosse Backyard Games

Image: ©nycshooter via canva.com

Lacrosse is a fast-paced game that is guaranteed to give you all the exercise you desire.

The three things you need to play are a lacrosse stick, a lacrosse ball, and lacrosse gloves.

All that hitting with the stick can be a little rough on your hands. To protect them, you need a pair of the best Lacrosse gloves.

These gloves should be made of suede or mesh for breathability. Gloves with textured palms and fingers at the points of contact with your stick are also great for improving your grip.

Ensure the gloves fit well. Most gloves come with an adjustable strap that secures the glove around your wrists, making sure you can get that ideal fit.

A helmet, eye protection, comfortable shoes, and clothes complete your kit. Now that you are well-equipped, you are ready to play.

Even though the names of the positions and their precise responsibilities vary in men’s and women’s field lacrosse, the aim of the game is the same; to hit the ball, just like in hockey, and try to score as many points as possible.

When the allotted time is over, the team with the highest score is the winner.

Djubi Classic Outdoor Games

Djubi Classic Backyard Games

Image: ©Djubi, Red Balloon Toy Store

Similar to the classic game of catch, Djubi classic is a game that has been described as one where you “Hook it! Launch it! Catch it!”.

The Djubi classic set comes with a launching hook, a catching net, a comfortable, ergonomic handle, 2 racquets, and 2 balls.

To play, one player points the racquet toward the target, pulls back, and releases the ball that can easily fly up to 100 feet.

The partner will try to catch the ball by positioning their net in front of the incoming ball. The deep net easily traps the ball and makes catching the ball fun.

Djubi allows players to launch balls with amazing distance and accuracy. 100-foot launches are normal after a short learning period.

It’s a quality, outrageously fun outdoor game for children 8 years and above, and parents, and grandparents alike. The game is so easy to play that anyone will enjoy it, and it gets all people outdoors, active, and having fun.

For safety, the ball is made of a soft material, there are no sharp edges on the racquet, and the racquet grip is designed for comfort and security.

Flagger Toss Outdoor Games

Flagger Toss Game Backyard Games

Image: ©Amazon

The creator of the flagger toss game probably got inspiration from the game of football where referees are constantly throwing flags or showing cards when there is a foul or penalty.

The flagger toss game set comprises 2 bright orange pylon targets, 6 flags, 3 red and 3 yellow, 1 durable canvas bag to carry everything in, and a set of rules.

To enable the pylons to stand upright on any surface, they are each filled with a 3-pound sandbag and a square tube that rests on top of the sandbag base.

The game is so compact and easy to carry around that you can play the game anywhere anytime, during your beach trips, at a tailgate party, in the backyard, or at the park.

The game is played by 2 people or people in 2 teams.

Place the pylons about 7 feet apart, less if you are playing with children. Standing at opposite pylons, each team throws their flags as close as possible to, or into, the opponent’s pylon target.

Landing a flag inside of a pylon is called a “Flagger”, and can give you an instant win.

After each person or team plays their 3 flags, the team whose flag is nearest the pylon wins the round.

Hook and Latch Toss Backyard Games

Hook and Latch Toss Game Backyard Games

Image: ©Amazon

One of the main goals of a party is to have fun and there will be plenty of this with the Hook and Latch toss game.

This 2 player game is relatively new and can be played at any event or your next backyard get together.

The Hook and Latch toss game is played using 2 high-quality velcro self-stick mitts with a diameter of 7 inches, and 1 fuzzy ball. The mitts have a band handle on the back of them which the players use so their hand becomes a catcher bat.

The pink and green mitts and the ball of the same colors add to the festive air surrounding the game.

Playing this game is simple, one person throws the ball and the other player catches the ball with the bat. The ball sticks to the bat with the help of the velcro.

This simple, highly addictive game is played by any age group, from small children to adults.

The pack is small for easy storage, making it fun for indoor play, a day at the park, or to carry to any play area.

While enjoying themselves, the game helps to develop hand-eye coordination and gross motor skills, making it a must-have game for your kids.

Hookey Ring Toss Backyard Games

Hookey Ring Toss Backyard Games

Image: ©Walmart

Originating from Australia is Hookey Ring Toss, a lawn game that is guaranteed to have you laughing and having fun for a long time.

The Hookey Ring Toss game has been referred to as a safer version of darts as it is all about focusing and aiming.

To play, you need to have a round board similar to a darts board, but this one has L-hooks attached to it. Under each hook is a number from 1 to 13, arranged in a special order.

Each player aims to throw a rubber ring and hook it on any of the rings. The value given to the ring you hook translates into points.

Each player takes turns throwing 6 rings at the Hookey board, adding up the points after each throw. The first player to reach the previously agreed score is the winner.

Because of the simple rules and the fact that all the pieces are safe to use, Hookey Ring Toss is good fun for both children and adults.

Combining elements of ring toss and darts, Hookey Ring Toss is perfect for those who want to sharpen their aim as well as those who just want to have fun.

Laser Quest Outdoor Games

Host a laser tag outdoor party and turn your playground into a fun, excitement-filled arena.

The game of laser quest combines the classic game of hide-and-seek and the fun game of tag with a high-tech twist that is appealing to both children and adults.

Laser tag or laser quest is safe and clean. You do not need to wear safety equipment because players do not shoot pellets or paintballs; instead, laser tag uses completely safe infrared beams that won’t hurt anyone.

Not using pellets or paintballs also means that there will not be any residue or cleaning up involved after playing.

The game is suitable for a wide age group and is great for both indoor and outdoor play.

The guns are lightweight and easy to use, and the set comes with a sensor and either a headband or a vest with sensors. This allows players to shoot at another player to connect the beam to one of the other player’s sensors.

When your sensor is hit, you are eliminated. Put your hands and gun up in the air to let other players know you are out. Do not give your team any information about enemy players.

Rolling 3 Yard Outdoor Games

Rolling 3 Yard Game Backyard Games

Image: ©Amazon

By combining the two time-tested lawn games Bocce and Cornhole you get a great brand new fun lawn game called “Rolling 3 Yard Game”.

The game is loved by children and adults and is played in 2 teams.

The game set includes a beautiful frame and 6 balls, 3 red and 3 blue, and a carry bag. The frame is wooden with 3 goals for the ball to enter. The 2 outer slots are bigger and earn the player 1 point each, while the smaller middle slot earns 3 points.

Set the frame anywhere from 12 to 20 feet from the throw line, depending on who is playing. The 2 opposing teams line up at the throw line. 1 player from each team throws 3 balls.

When all the balls have been thrown, the score for the round is taken, but only one team gets any points in a round. To understand the score for the round, if team A gets 5 points and team B 7, then team B gets 2 points, that is 7 minus 5.

The next pair then takes their turn, and this goes on until all have played.

The first team to get 15 is the overall winner.

Beanbag Race Outdoor Games

Beanbag Race Backyard Games

Image: ©YouTube

Young and old alike will have lots of fun playing beanbag race. A large crowd is perfect for a bean bag relay race.

All you need is some tape, string, or any type of marker with which to mark a dividing line along the course of the track. You will also need at least two bean bags.

Divide each team into two, one group at the start line, the other group at the end line.

One contestant from each team lines up at the start line.

The umpire of the game suggests the mode of transporting the bean bags and each player competes with their opponent carrying the bean bag in the specified mode. This can be tucked

  • under your chin,
  • on your back,
  • between your knees, or
  • in any other fun way.

If a participant drops the bean bag they return to the start line and begin again.

The players at the start line will race to the end line with the bean bag in the required position, and hand the bag to their teammate who runs back with it to the start line.

This continues until each person has run. The team to finish first is the winner.

Lemon Spoon Race Backyard Games

Lemon Spoon Race Backyard Games

Image: ©patronestaff, Billion Photos via canva.com

The lemon spoon race is very similar to the famous egg and spoon race in that it is fun and can be played by any number of people. All you require are lemons and tablespoons for each participant.

The lemon and spoon race rules are very simple.

Mark the start and finish line of the race, and provide each participant with a lemon and a spoon.

Each participant has to complete the race by holding the spoon in their mouth with the lemon placed on it.

The person who drops the lemon during the race goes back to the beginning and starts again.

The one who finishes the race first is the winner.

If you had divided the people into batches, to get the overall winner you can have a final race with the finalists of each batch.

As the children have fun, they are also learning a few things.

The first is to follow instructions.

By owning up when they drop their lemon, they also learn to be honest.

When they run back to the beginning, it is a sign of obeying rules, another important lesson.

Another fun thing they learn is balancing and coordination, and of course, clean competitive sport.

Popular Backyard Games

Hula Hoop Backyard Games

Hula Hoop Backyard Games

Image: ©Robert Kneschke via canva.com

The hula hoop has been used by children and adults around the world throughout history, but the present type of hula hoop came into existence in 1958.

Whether you want to hula hoop for fun or to compete with your friends, one thing is certain, apart from a huge load of fun, you will also reap physical, mental, and spiritual benefits as well.

While hula hoop tricks evolve with lightning speed, to get started you should first learn the hula hoop dance for beginners.

Standing inside the hula hoop lift it about waist high and have it touch your back. Then lean a little into a back arch.

With one foot in front of the other, keep the hula hoop parallel to the ground and give it a strong push with your hand towards your tummy so that the hula hoop rotates around your body.

The aim is to keep the hoop spinning around your body for as long as possible without dropping.

For best results, it is advisable to get a hula hoop of the right size, weight, and style.

The ideal hula hoop size is determined by placing the hoop vertically on the ground. It should reach between your waist and mid-chest.

Juggling Backyard Games

Juggling Backyard Games

Image: ©Mordolff via canva.com

The most common form of juggling is “toss juggling”. This is the art of throwing balls and other objects in the air and controlling them as they land. The trick is in keeping them in motion throughout.

Juggling may look hard to the onlooker, but there are simple guidelines to teach you how to juggle. Some juggling tricks for beginners are easier if you use the right balls.

You might find it easier to use bean bags as they will not bounce. Otherwise, choose balls with minimal bouncing abilities. Or if you want to take up juggling as a regular activity, there are balls specifically made for juggling and they work great because they do not bounce at all or roll all over the place.

When tossing, toss the ball so it rises only up to eye level. When you get better at juggling, you will be able to throw it higher.

Toss it at a slight angle so that when it starts to fall it is moving in the direction of your opposite hand. This will make it easier to catch.

Another secret is to relax, set a rhythm and stick to it so that your movements are smooth and fluid.

Jumping Rope Backyard Games

Jumping Rope Backyard Games

Image: ©RODNAE Productions via canva.com

Jumping rope is a fun activity that you can engage in at any place as long as you have a skipping rope and some space. Skipping is popular with young children, especially girls, but it can also be enjoyed by energetic adults.

You can skip on your own or with a group of friends. If with friends, you can make it more fun by seeing who can make the most jumps during their turn.

As a beginner, you are going to want a skipping rope that makes it fun for you to get the hang of it.

The best skipping rope for beginners is probably the one with plastic beads. These are by far the most fun ropes to watch someone using as they produce a show of color.

The sound of the rope on the floor helps you find your rhythm, an important aspect of skipping.

These ropes also have handles that are easy to grip and are not too light or too heavy.

There are many variations to skipping which include skipping tricks, having two people turn the rope for you, and jumping to a jingle.

The aim of skipping is for you to have and enjoy the exercise.

Lawn Twister Backyard Games

Lawn Twister Backyard Games

Image: ©RODNAE Productions via canva.com

Lawn twister is an amazingly customizable game, for example, you can use neon colors for your 80s-themed party, or use your children’s favorite colors to get them excited.

Twister is a physical activity game of balance and it’s much more fun to play outdoors as a lawn game. The grass tends to have a better grip, and you can fall easily without hurting yourself.

The game is played by 2 to 4 players aged 6 and above. Players aim to outmaneuver their opponents by placing hands and feet on the colored circles as directed by the spinner.

The twister set comes with a Twister mat, 1 spinner board with arrow and base, and a rule book. If you are playing on the lawn, you can use some spray paint to mark the different colored circles.

The twister game rules are simple. In a two-player game, no two people can have a hand or foot in the same circle.

The rules are different for more players due to the scarcity of colored circles.

A person is eliminated when they fall or when their elbow or knee touches the mat.

The winner is the last person standing.

Trampoline Backyard Games

Trampoline Backyard Games

Image: ©Karolina Grabowska via canva.com

Jumping up and down is just about the best way for children to expend their energy, so why not make it fun for them by giving them a trampoline?

Not only are you guaranteeing your child lots of fun, but with the best mini trampoline for kids available, you are setting them on the path to a healthier lifestyle.

Trampolines for kids are just like any standard trampoline, but they are designed specifically with younger users in mind.

Some mini trampolines come with a pre-assembled mat, so you will not have to struggle to attach tight springs or stretch cords.

They have six legs which greatly increase stability.

These smaller trampolines are fitted with special safety features designed to keep children from injuring themselves.

You can get a trampoline that not only has a safety net but also an inside railing so that the children can hold onto it for stability.

You can get your trampoline in a variety of colors, and for additional safety, they have padded poles and spring covers.

Trampolines for kids are available in four shapes, namely, round, oval, square, and rectangular.

The trampoline is not recommended for children who are 2 years and below.

Egg and Spoon Race Backyard Games

Egg and Spoon Race Backyard Games

Image: ©Stockbroker via canva.com

The egg and spoon race is a game that tests your speed, balancing skills, and coordination. It is a game played by both children and adults and can be played by as many people as are willing.

With a large group, break them into smaller groups so that everyone has a turn to play.

The egg and spoon race rules are very simple, just balance your egg on your spoon and run without dropping it until the finishing line.

All you need to play are some tablespoons, the number depends on how many people you want to have racing at a time, and some eggs, preferably boiled, or in the absence of eggs you can use potatoes, ping pong balls, or anything that will fit on a tablespoon.

To start the race, all those in the first round line up at the start and place their egg on the spoon. When the umpire shouts, “Go”, they all race as fast as they can without the egg rolling off the spoon, to the finish line.

If someone drops their egg, they should go back to the beginning and start again.

The winner is the first person to cross the finish line.

Potato Sack Race Backyard Games

Potato Sack Race Backyard Games

Image: ©Robert Kneschke via canva.com

Bringing together coordination, speed, and concentration, the potato sack race provides lots of fun both for those taking part as well as those watching.

The game is so much fun that you will find both adults and children playing it during their events whether it is a birthday party, picnic, fun day or your next backyard get together.

This is one game where the more people you have competing, the more fun it is.

Potato Sack Race Rules

The potato sack race rules are easy to understand. There are many variations of the game but the most popular is the individual sack race.

FOR CHILDREN: To play, children stand at the beginning line with both feet inside their sack waiting for the start signal for them to hop to the finish line.

FOR ADULTS: When the start signal is given, adults can be made to run to the sack, put both feet in and begin hopping toward the finish line.

Whether children or adults, contestants must keep both feet in the sack and at least one hand on the sack at all times.

The sack must remain as close to the waist as possible and should not fall below the knees.

The first person to cross the finish line wins.

Three Legged Race Backyard Games

Three Legged Race Backyard Games

Image: ©SolStock via canva.com

The three legged race is one of those traditional lawn games that have stood the test of time. It is a fun outdoor game that is guaranteed to bring you a lot of laughs and maybe a few tumbles.

To prepare for the race, get the people into pairs. If possible, match people of similar build and height, but you can also choose to ask the people to pick their partner.

With the partners standing next to each other, tie their inner legs together at the ankles with some ribbon. That is, the right leg of the person on the left and the left leg of the person on the right are tied together. This gives the impression that the pair have just 3 legs between them and not four.

Mark the start and finish points and get the pairs to line up at the start point. On your signal, they all run as fast as they can toward the finish line. The first pair to get to the finish point is the winning team.

The fun of the race is not winning but ensuring that you and your partner do not end up face-down on the ground.

Balloon Race Backyard Games

Balloon Race Backyard Games

Image: ©SolStock via canva.com

Balloons are the basis for some of the best outdoor games. You can have a friendly competition, i.e. a balloon competition, or just have fun with a variety of different lawn games.

With so many options to choose from, it depends on how old the players are and what you consider would be fun for them.

An old-time favorite is the three legged balloon race.

This is a fun activity with minimum preparation and children have lots of fun and active play to burn off that energy they have.

The traditional three legged race involves players working in pairs. They are handicapped by having two of their legs tied together, making them race with three legs instead of four. To win, each pair must work out how to move effectively as a team.

Now add a balloon that they have to balance supported by their heads and you have a game that is a real blast to play.

If you have a lot of children and you want to keep them all entertained, put pairs into teams and try a three-legged balloon race relay.

When working with a small play area, the children can still have fun, just make the teams run back and forth along a shorter course.

If you do not have batons, get pairs to tag or high-five team members, or use bean bags instead.

Laser Tag Backyard Games

Laser Tag Backyard Games

Image: ©JackF via canva.com

The game of laser tag is a tactical game played by children and adults.

Each player is given a vest that has sensors that can be hit by a laser gun firing an infrared beam. Once the player receives a certain number of hits, his weapon stops working and he is considered “dead”.

Laser tag is almost always played at an indoor arena that is designed specifically for laser tag. There will be enough obstacles for cover, and the lights will be dimmed to make the game more intense.

Outdoor Laser Tag

Laser Tag Outdoor Party Backyard Games

Image: ©Maria Lindsey Content Creator via canva.com

However, a game of outdoor laser tag is also just as fun.

What is required is for the players to determine the play area to contain the game.

You can choose to play either in 2 teams if you have a large group of players, or individually if the players are not many.

It is advisable to wear dark clothes which will make it easier for you to blend in with the surroundings.

Points are gained every time you hit a player, and the person or team with the most points at the end of the pre-agreed game time wins.

A winner also emerges when one person or team eliminates their opponents.

Summer Backyard Games

Frisbee Tic-Tac-Toe Outdoor Games

Frisbee Tic-Tac-Toe Backyard Games

Image: ©Parent Lane

In your backyard, you can enjoy playing Frisbee Tic-Tac-Toe, a Frisbee yard game that has delighted children and adults for many years.

The game can be played in 2s or in 2 groups of players.

When played by 2 opposing players, one player has their set of Frisbees in one color, while the other player’s Frisbees are a different color. Players stand a given distance from the grid.

Taking turns, each player throws their Frisbee onto the grid. The first player to get 3 of their Frisbees in a row wins the round.

When playing in teams, each team has its colored Frisbees.

Standing at some distance around the grid, teams take turns throwing their Frisbees. The first team to get 3 in a row wins the round.

The overall winner is the person or team to win the most rounds.

Making the Tic-Tac-Toe grid is simple. Take a shower curtain, tarp, or big blanket and mark out the grid using duct tape, or you can paint it on. Another option is to use some sidewalk chalk.

Ensure that the boxes are big enough to play on, and then call together your friends for an afternoon of fun and games.

Paddle Tennis Outdoor Games

Paddle Tennis Backyard Games

Image: ©Unknown Artist via canva.com

We all know about lawn tennis, but not many are aware that there is another variation of the game called paddle tennis. This game is played using a tennis ball with reduced pressure to reduce the bouncing element.

However, the paddle is different from the traditional lawn tennis racquet.

Whereas lawn tennis players use a racquet made of taut strings, the racquet used in paddle tennis is made of solid material such as wood or rubber, or titanium covered with graphite.

Instead of strings, the paddle is textured or perforated to give it a better drip of the ball.

The racquet sometimes has a metal rim around the head and is 18″ in length and 9.5″ in width.

There are two styles of courts, East and West coast styles. Because the paddle tennis court is smaller than the lawn tennis court, it becomes the ideal lawn game for those with limited space in their backyard.

The game is played by 4 players in the doubles format, and the scoring system is like that of lawn tennis. Matches are best of five sets.

Unlike lawn tennis, in paddle tennis, all serves must be underhand, and the server is only allowed one serve.

Racquetball Outdoor Games

Racquetball Backyard Games

Image: ©Bill Oxford via canva.com

The unique thing about racquetball is that it is a sport that is played with a hollow rubber ball. The game is similar to the game of squash.

Even though there is no specific type of clothing required to play racquetball, there are 2 things that are highly recommended; eye protection and proper shoes.

The best racquetball shoes are designed for enabling quick lateral as well as forward and backward movement.

The game is played by two players or teams. The object of the game is to outscore your opponent while reaching an agreed score.

Most competitions are played in a best-of-three format, with games scored to 15. Should there be a tie, the tie-breaker is played to 11.

Play begins with a serve where the server bounces the ball on the floor and then hits it directly to the front wall.

After a successful serve, the opposing player must hit the ball against the front wall either in mid-air or after the ball has bounced once.

After the ball is hit by the returning player, the ball must travel to and hit the front wall using any number of walls including the ceiling before the ball hits the floor.

Sponge Brigade Backyard Games

Sponge Brigade Backyard Games

Image: ©halfpoint, Billion Photos via canva.com

There are not too many things that children love more than playing with water, so if you are planning a children’s party, you need to have some sponge water games, the most popular being Sponge Brigade.

This is a game that is best played by a group of children split into 2 teams. If your group of children is quite large, add more teams, but all teams must have the same number of players.

In their teams, the children lie down in a line, face up. If you have some short children, have them move so that their feet are in line with their neighbor’s. The two teams should have their feet facing each other.

Wet 2 large sponges with water from a bucket placed at the start of each line.

Beginning with the person nearest the bucket of water the players pass the sponge from one person to the other down the line and back again using just their feet.

If a player drops the sponge, they are allowed to sit up and pick up the sponge, but they must do it with just their feet, no hands allowed.

Whichever team completes this exciting task first wins.

Spring Time Tic-Tac-Toe Backyard Games

Spring Time Tic-Tac-Toe Backyard Games

Image: ©Hiob via canva.com

Tic-Tac-Toe in the winter is an indoor game, but Spring Time Tic-Tac-Toe is a game played with family and friends in your backyard as you enjoy the beautiful summer weather.

Spring Time Tic-Tac-Toe has been a favorite for many years and the simple rules make it a great lawn game that can be played by young children.

Tic-Tac-Toe uses easy-to-make pieces. All you need are

  • a board and
  • 6 play pieces, 3 each of the same type.

The board can be made from any material that you have on hand such as wood, stone, a muslin bag, or your concrete floor. If you choose to use a round wood slice to make the board, go for a large piece of wood to make it easier to play on.

With some non-toxic paint, draw the 9-square grid.

Just like the board, the pieces can be made from any material you have available. River rock, wood pieces, or any smooth stones are perfect play pieces.

Paint 3 of them with the same design, and the other three with another design such as 3 ladybugs, 3 bumble bees, flowers, huts, or anything you like.

This makes it a lot more fun to play with than the traditional noughts and crosses.

Easter Backyard Games

Chubby Bunny Backyard Games

Chubby Bunny Backyard Games

Image: ©DAPA Images, MarcoGovel via canva.com

Whether it is Easter time or not, there is one game that is guaranteed to keep the children having fun outdoors. This is Chubby Bunny. Chubby Bunny is a fun game that will have the players fall over with laughter.

Played mostly by children, the game requires each player at a time to stuff their mouth with either marshmallows or cotton balls, and then attempt to repeat a certain phrase.

As it is impossible to speak clearly with your mouth full, the noises that come out of the players’ mouths as they try hard to enunciate each word are hilarious.

Commonly played around campfires, it is also played at parties. If you are alone, you can still play the game, especially if you intend to discover tricks of speaking when your mouth is full.

Chubby Bunny is more of a pastime game than a serious competitive game and can be played when people are trying to wind down after a long day.

Scoring is easy, go one person at a time, and keep score of how many marshmallows each person fits into their mouth.

The person who gets the most marshmallows in his or her mouth wins.

Unique Backyard Games

Maranada Tactic Toss Backyard Games

Maranada Tactic Toss Backyard Games

Image: ©Amazon

There are many versions of the tic-tac-toe game, some designed to be played indoors, others outdoors.

Velcro tic-tac-toss is a Velcro target game that allows you to take this fun game outside. The game is extremely simple to play and is suitable for a large range of ages.

The game is played by two people and the object of the game is to get three balls in a row on the game board.

Making the game available to your family and friends is a fun project and the materials you need are easily available.

  1. Take a big board and cover it with felt.
  2. With duct tape, mark the 9 square grid.
  3. Cover 6 ping pong balls with Velcro and color 3 of them one color and 3 a different color.

Now have players take turns tossing their balls at the board so the balls stick to it. The first to get 3 balls in a row wins the round.

If you want a play set that is ready to use, go for Maranada Tactic Toss. The game set contains

  • a board and
  • 6 balls, 3 red and 3 green.

It is safe and portable and can be played anywhere, indoors and outdoors.

Marshmallow Shooters Backyard Games

Marshmallow Shooters Backyard Games

Image: ©ClarkandCompany, Touchr via canva.com

Children love marshmallows and there is no doubt that they will love the game of Marshmallow Shooters. This is a game that uses a whole load of marshmallows cut into small pieces and a Marshmallow gun which is simple to make.

The guns are made from 1/2″ PVC pipe and connectors. To give them a more interesting look and to differentiate which gun belongs to who, spray paint them in the children’s favorite colors.

The nice thing about using the PVC piping is that you can take it apart as needed to get out stuck marshmallows, and also to air dry it.

To play the game, the children load their guns with the mini marshmallows into the mouthpiece, and voila, let the battle begin.

There are several games that you can play.

  • “Marshmallow Target” is about shooting marshmallows to hit a certain target. The person with the most hits wins.
  • “Fill Up A Cup” has the children load up their shooters with several marshmallows and take turns shooting them to see how many they can get into a cup.

Whatever game of Marshmallow Shooter you prefer, you are guaranteed a time of lots of fun and laughter.

Peteca Backyard Games

Peteca Backyard Games

Image: ©gonzalo martinez via canva.com

A lot of games are named after a specific piece of equipment used to play the game or the action involved in playing. Peteca, a traditional sport in Brazil, is no exception.

The word Peteca comes from the Tupian word for “hit” (Wikipedia). In the beginning, Peteca was played during celebrations, but today it is a game that can be played at any time in any place, including your next backyard get together.

It is played by both children and adults either in the doubles or singles format using a form of shuttlecock similar to the one used in badminton.

The shuttlecock is 7 inches high, weighs 22 grams, is constructed with a special air-cushioned rubber base, and is balanced with a tuft of brightly colored feathers of various combinations.

Players aim to hit the shuttlecock with their hands over a high net, similar to a volleyball net so that it lands on the other side of the net.

The shuttlecock can only be hit once by one person to get it over the net.

It is played to the best of three game matches, and the first player or pair to score twelve points wins the set.

Plinko Backyard Games

Plinko Backyard Games

Image: ©Etsy

Bring the same excitement experienced during “The Price is Right” TV show to your backyard. The Plinko game is a guessing game where players win chips by guessing the right price for consumer goods.

Plinko relies on luck and is currently the most popular pricing game and the play pieces can be made in your backyard using simple materials.

These include

  • 3 pieces of 30″ x 20″ foam boards,
  • some duct tape,
  • glue,
  • scissors,
  • about 50 toothpicks,
  • 3 recycled lids to serve as Plinko chips, and finally
  • glitter, stickers, and other decorative things.

To play the game, the player is shown an item and is asked which of the 2 digits given the price of the item starts with. Players answer using their best judgment and earn 1 chip for every digit they guess correctly.

With these chips, the players go to the Plinko board and after deciding which prize they want to win, place a chip on what they think is a winning line and release the chip which then travels through the maze until it reaches one of the bottom slots.

If they win a prize the amount of the prize is added to the total of winnings.

Water Balloon Pinata Backyard Games

Water Balloon Pinata Backyard Games

Image: ©DSCimage via canva.com

A children’s party without a game of piñata is not complete. On those beautiful warm summer afternoons, a game of water balloon piñata will help to keep the children cool.

A game of water balloon piñata is guaranteed to provide your little party guests with hours of fun. Because of the many colored balloons, the game also brings a lot of color to your party.

Played by children of all ages, you and the children will have lots of fun setting up the balloons for play.

To make your own backyard game, most of us would automatically choose to use high-quality balloons, but the secret to a successful piñata game is simple, just buy cheap balloons. This is because the material is thinner, making it easier for them to burst.

Choose balloons of a variety of colors and shapes fill them with water and then tie them at the top.

Tie a strong line between 2 trees and hang the balloons on your line with string, ensuring the children can easily reach them with a stick.

Finally, arm the children with a stick.

Let everyone get a turn to have a chance to hit the balloons to break them.

Sea Attack, Giant Battleship Backyard Games

Sea Attack Giant Battleship Backyard Games

Image: ©Houle Games

With a name like Sea Attack, Giant Battleship, or You Sank My Battleship, you can expect nothing less than a battle of wits during this naval combat that brings together friendly competition, strategy, and excitement.

The Giant Battleship game is the giant version of the original board game by the same name. It can be played during any event, carnival, picnic, and social gathering, and promises great fun for the whole family.

The game was originally played using pen and paper, but due to its popularity, has evolved into a game that can be played using computers, electronic gadgets, or a board.

There are game boards that are 9’ x 5’. They require a play area of 10’ x 5’.

Players try to outwit their opponents and sink their ships while protecting their own. The game goes on until one player sinks all the ships of the other player.

Battleship is played with two players who each have their own fleet of ships. They can both configure their battle plan however they choose by placing their ships around the board.

It is perfect for an indoor or outdoor event where you are looking to add hours of excitement and lasting memories.

Spud Game Outdoor Games

Spud Game Backyard Games

Image: ©RobertoDavid via canva.com

Most of us know spud means potato, but mention spud to children and they will jump up and down with excitement. They associate the word with the Spud game.

This is played by at least 3 children or adults, and there is no limit to the number of players.

Spud Game Rules

The Spud game rules are simple.

Each player is assigned a number from 1 through to the number of players.

The person who is “it” stands in the middle of the play area with all the other players making a circle around them.

If there are few players, they all take a step back to widen the circle. “It” then throws the ball straight up and calls a number.

The other players run away from the center until the player whose number is called catches the ball and calls out ‘Spud’.

All players freeze on the spot, and the person with the ball tries to hit one of them.

The target is allowed to catch the ball.

If they do not and the ball touches them, they are penalized with one letter from SPUD.

The person who gets all 4 letters sits out.

The winner is the last person standing.

Zip Ball Backyard Games

Zip Ball Backyard Games

Image: ©Greenes Fine Foods

Going to the gym can sometimes feel like a real chore. Before dragging yourself to the gym, try out a game of Zip ball. You will discover that not only is a game of Zip ball a healthy way to work out, but it is also a whole load of fun.

Played by anyone over 3 years, the game can be played as fast or as slow as you wish, and the little ones will enjoy watching their progress as they get faster with practice.

This is a 2-player game that challenges your hand/eye coordination.

When you get the set, it comes with an 8” plastic ball with an extremely long string that ends on both ends with 2 handles. When it is held out, the game makes the shape of a long rectangle that has been pinched in the middle.

The game is easy to play. Each person gets hold of their set of handles and the string is held taught. By maneuvering the strings, one player slides the ball to their partner, who then snaps the strings apart so the ball slides back to the other player.

The aim is to keep the ball moving for as long as possible.

Zorbing Outdoor Games

Zorbing Backyard Games

Image: ©Krugloff via canva.com

Imagine the excitement of rolling down a hill inside a giant plastic bottle. That is what Zorbing is all about.

The Zorb appears to be a spherical plastic ball that is open on both sides and which is transparent, allowing you to see through it. Examined closely, you will discover that it is 2 balls made of flexible plastic.

The ball on the outside measures 9 feet 8 inches in diameter, while the inner ball is 6½ feet. The space in between the two balls is for absorbing the shock as riders roll downhill. The air trapped inside the two balls also ensures the Zorb remains inflated throughout.

The Zorb is transparent and can accommodate up to 3 people.

When Zorbing, the riders have an ample supply of air as the Zorb has an opening on the side that is 2 feet wide. Some orbs even have 2 openings.

You can also put some water inside the Zorb so that the roll-down becomes an extension of your beach experience.

A Zorb rolls on its own, pulled by gravity down the slope.

When placed on water, the riders can technically “walk on water”, an exceptional experience.

Jousting Outdoor Games

backyard games - jousting 1 - 800 x 419 wl

Image: ©Pinterest

Take your children back to the middle ages by introducing them to Jousting. Those knights of the middle ages used Jousting as a means of sharpening their skills.

They would sit on horseback and using blunt-tipped lances, would spur with each other. The aim was for each participant to strike the opponent while riding towards him at high speed.

Jousting for kids is a much milder version of that medieval activity. Using inflatable push bumpers, kids can enjoy trying to push down their opponent, just like those knights of old did.

Ancient knights had to balance on a horse, but in today’s game, the children balance on an inflated platform.

The object of the game is to try and destabilize your opponent by pushing them with the bumper. First one to lose their balance and step off the inflated platform loses.

This is a 2 player game that is just as much fun for adults as it is for kids.

When playtime is over, simply disassemble and deflate the platforms and bumpers and store them safely away.

This activity offers a fun way to train your upper body, core, and balance.

Kendama Backyard Games

Kendama Backyard Games

Image: ©NorGal, NorGal, miwa_in_oz via canva.com

The game of Kendama can be traced to Japan where it came up during the 17th or 18th century. It is a game that will put your skills to the test.

The name Kendama comes from the pieces used in the game. There is the handle, “ken”, a ball, “tama”, and 2 cups. The fun thing is that they are all joined together with string.

While holding the handle, the object of the game is to balance the ball on the spike or catch it with the small cup on the side, or the bigger cup on the other side. This is similar to the game of cup and ball where you catch the ball with the cup.

The art of balancing is known as performing tricks.

There are no specific rules in Kendama, and the game is left to the player to decide on the tricks to perform.

The Kendama can be held in different types of grips and the grip that a person decides to use depends on the specific trick they want to perform.

The main grips are the ken grip, sara grip, tama grip, and candle grip, and the player can use these either individually or in combination.

Kerplunk Backyard Games

Kerplunk Backyard Games

Image: ©Pinterest

Play Kerplunk with between 2 to 4 players aged 5 years and above, and experience the thrill of the game. The rules of the game are simple, and anyone can learn how to play Kerplunk.

The game set consists of a transparent plastic tube with a hole at the bottom. The tube rests on a tray with four separate numbered trays. You also get some plastic rods of various colors, with the majority being yellow and orange, and dozens of different colored marbles.

To set up the game, push the straws through the holes in the middle of the tube so that they form a lattice pattern. The marbles are placed in the tube, supported by the straws.

Players take turns removing a single straw at a time from the tube while trying to minimize the number of marbles that fall through the web and into their tray.

Once a player has committed themselves to a particular straw by touching it, they must remove it.

The player with the fewest dropped marbles wins.

The tension escalates as each straw is removed because this brings the remaining marbles closer to crashing down, hence the name of the game.

Water Backyard Games

Aqua Pod Backyard Games

Aqua Pod Backyard Games

Image: ©Walmart, Volusion

An aqua pod is the ideal water accessory for all ages.

More like a floating playground that everyone can enjoy, the aqua pod allows your family, friends, and even your pets a chance to get wet and cool off in the safest and most comfortable environment possible, your backyard.

The goal of the aqua pod is all about maximizing your fun on the water. With an aqua pod in your backyard, the children can simply change into their beachwear and hop onto the pod for an afternoon of cool fun.

The pod combines the two things that children love most, water and playing outdoors.

It is made of strong and durable material so there is no danger of it tearing as the children jump on it.

Your children can spend many hours jumping, rolling, lying down, sitting, making waves, chasing the fish, and just giggling, and no adult supervision is required.

The pod is so much fun, you can carry it for your child to the neighbor’s birthday party.

It comes in many colors, so you can choose the one that best suits your fancy.

On those beautiful sunny summer days, you can also choose to lie on the pod, reading.

Backyard Waterpark Games

Backyard Waterpark Backyard Games

Image: ©itsskin via canva.com

There is something about the combination of water and grass on a hot day that is irresistible to children. Those of you who used to run around under a sprinkler can attest to that.

You can create the same level of fun for your children by constructing a backyard waterpark, a place where the children can enjoy a fun time playing with water.

Since a waterpark has little or no standing water it’s a safe place for children to play.

You can start your backyard waterpark by using a small backyard splash pad. This fun pad has ground nozzles that spray water upwards out of the splash pad’s rain deck. You can construct your splash pads with a textured non-slip concrete surface or with crumb rubber.

The children get to experience the sensations of different water movements such as flowing, misting, and jetting, greatly adding to their fun.

You can devise a variety of games for the children, all of which offer an unequaled aquatic play adventure. The games include

  • musical chairs (or musical spouts),
  • water sponge tag,
  • tight rope rapids,
  • eco-friendly water bombs, and so much more;

it all just depends on your imagination.

Children will enjoy and create lasting childhood memories at the splash pad.

Belly Balloon Break Backyard Games

Belly Balloon Break Backyard Games

Image: ©bagi1998 via canva.com

Balloon popping is fun both for children and adults and that is why this activity is ideal for parties, picnics, fun times and your next backyard get together.

Belly balloon break is a fun balloon-popping game that will deliver all the fun and laughs that make your day full of memories.

To play, have enough balloons for each guest to get one.

Let each person blow up their balloon to a specified size, and place it under their shirt.

Have everyone try to pop each other’s balloon bellies using only their bodies. Whoever has the last balloon to pop wins that round.

Ensure you have enough balloons for the guests to play as many rounds as they wish.

A variation of the game has the guests divided into pairs.

Each pair of players is given 10 balloons to blow up.

When all the groups have their balloons ready, start the clock and each couple starts to pop as many balloons as possible before the time is up.

Balloons are popped one at a time, and can only be popped by squeezing them between the players’ chests. Other body parts are not allowed.

The couple that pops the most balloons is the winner.

Pool Volleyball Backyard Games

Pool Volleyball Backyard Games

Image: ©gilaxia via canva.com

If you do not want to just lounge by the pool all summer, you should look into getting pool volleyball.

Pool volleyball is just one of the many variations of the traditional volleyball game. Pool volleyball is a great game to incorporate during your afternoon by the poolside. The game is played by any number of people divided into 2 opposing teams of equal numbers.

It is a fun game for children and adults and does not require any complicated equipment.

Best Pool Volleyball Set

What’s the best pool volleyball set for you will depend to a great extent on your pool setup, storage space available, and plans for the set itself.

There are some volleyball sets that have an adjustable net, making them suitable for children as well.

Other sets have nets that are larger than usual, some as large as 20 feet, making them great when you have a big pool with many people who desire to play.

The nets are sturdy, of good quality, and have a stand that will not tip your net over during strong wind.

A game of pool volleyball involves hitting the ball back and forth over the net, either following rules or just for fun.

Water Balloon Launcher Backyard Games

Water Balloon Launcher Backyard Games

Image: ©Voyagerix via canva.com

Playing water balloon games is a great way to spend those hot summer afternoons with friends and family.

In water wars, players are divided into 2 groups with each group on opposite sides of the play area. They each have buckets of water balloons in their station as well as a water balloon launcher.

Each team races to place a balloon in the launcher pulls down on the handle, aims, and fires. The aim is for the balloon to soar high through the air and come crashing down on the opponent’s battle station.

There are strategically placed slots and holes in the structure that allow the water to come through meaning you risk getting sprinkled, sprayed, or saturated.

The first team to give up loses.

Water Balloon Launcher Types

There are several ways to make a water balloon launcher, all of which are very simple to make and use easily available materials.

If you wish to play alone, you can make the single-person launcher, or if launching with your friends is more your game, the 3 person launcher is perfect.

Some are made of wood and rubber, others PVC, while the crossbow launcher looks like something from a children’s movie.

Water Balloon Volleyball Backyard Games

Water Balloon Volleyball Backyard Games

Image: ©Be Unite

Summer is a time for fun, and there is no better way to enjoy your time outdoors than with a game of water balloon volleyball.

Water balloon volleyball is similar to traditional volleyball, except you use water balloons and to toss the ball over the net, sheets are used.

The game is best played by adults and children from 12 and is best played in two teams of between 2 to 8 players each. The game is played on a volleyball court or you can tie a rope between two trees and play in your backyard or on the beach.

You require 2 sheets, or 2 beach towels, one for each team, a minimum of 60 water balloons per game, and a bucket to store filled water balloons until needed.

The aim of the Water Balloon Volleyball game is for each team to toss the balloon over the net using their sheet or towel as their launcher and earn points. Teammates have to work together to make it a success, and this enhances the team-building spirit.

Since the balloons are getting tossed back and forth, you can be sure that there will be a lot of balloons bursting which all goes towards making the game a lot of fun.

Backyard Games – A Few Closing Words

Backyard Games A Few Closing Words

Image: ©Yuganov Konstantin via canva.com

It has been a pleasure welcoming you to my blog.

Did you enjoy your journey through this wonderful world of amazing backyard games?

I truly hope so.

Playing games in the backyard combines the best of both worlds.

You can have fun playing an exhilarating game with family and friends while also being outside and enjoying nature.

If you need more backyard games ideas you can come back here often to browse through this collection and discover more fun backyard games when you want to.

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