118+ Fun Relay Race Ideas For Adults And Kids

Relay Race Ideas

Relay Race Ideas – Let The Race Begin

Are you on a quest to find some new and exciting fun relay race ideas for adults or kids?

If you’re planning a backyard party, this extensive list of more than 118+ fun relay race ideas is exactly what you need.

Continue reading to prepare the most memorable party your guests have attended in a long time.

Relay Race Ideas For Toddlers

Seal Relay Race Ideas – Easy Racing Games For Toddlers

Relay Race Ideas For Kids

Image: ©pixelshot via canva.com

Seal Relay Race is one of the easy racing games for toddlers mostly because it requires no equipment, just a group of enthusiastic children.

The game can be played as a race or a relay.

As a relay, players are divided into 2 teams with half the members of each team behind line A and the other half behind line B.

At the signal, both beginners crawl on their bellies toward line B where they tag the first person in line.

They crawl to line A, and the game continues until all children have played. The first team to finish wins.

Bobby Car Relay Race Ideas – Race Car Games For Toddlers

Kids Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©Pikist

Movement fascinates little children which is why race car games for toddlers are such a favorite.

Bobby cars are great for children as young as 2 years, and by peddling, they can keep the car moving.

To set up a Bobby car relay race, divide the children into two teams with half of each team on opposite sides of the “race track”.

The 2 beginners start the race and when they reach the other end, the next 2 then take on the race.

The race continues until every child has had a turn and the team that finishes first wins.

Relay Race Ideas For Kids

Peanuts On The Move – Peanut Relay Race Ideas

Kid Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©skynesher via canva.com

Peanuts on the move or Peanut relay is a game played by adults, teenagers, and children from 9 years.

The game is a great example of how to achieve results when everyone works together.

Team members stand in a line with each person clasping the hand of the person on either side.

A chair is placed on each end of the line with one holding 9 peanuts.

The aim is for the players to transfer the peanuts from one chair to the other, one peanut at a time with their hands clasped together.

The first team to achieve this wins.

Below The Broom Relay Race Ideas – Fun Relay Games For Kids

Relay Race Ideas Kids

Image: ©LeoPatrizi via canva.com

Fun relay games for kids are just the thing to keep them healthy while having lots of fun.

One such game is Below the Broom relay.

This is a lot like Limbo except that it is played in teams.

Each team forms a line, one behind the other.

The person at the beginning of each line runs to their team’s broom suspended between 2 chairs, wiggles under it, and runs to the other end.

They tag the next person who then runs back, also making their way under the broom.

The first team to clear all of its people wins.

Magic Wand Relay Race Ideas – Fun Relay Races For Kids

Fun Relay Race Ideas For Kids

Image: ©A Girl And A Glue Gun

Fun relay races for kids like the Magic Wand relay race recreate fairy stories. 2 teams file behind the start line.

The first person in each team scoops water with a spoon, races to the opposite end, and pours the water into a jar, running back and giving the spoon to the next person, who runs the same course.

When everyone has run and the container is full, players scoop the powder into the container with water.

The last person stirs the portion, is turned into a toad, and hops back to the start line. The first toad wins for the team.

Indoor Relay Race Ideas For Kids

Basketball Race – Indoor Relay Race Game Ideas For Kids

Indoor Relay Race Ideas For Kids

Image: ©filo via canva.com

Basketball Race is one of the indoor relay race game ideas for kids that is great fun.

The game has half the members of each team at the start line and the other half at the finish.

The first person in each team goes on all fours and rolls their basketball using their head to their teammate on the opposite side.

Number 2 rolls it back to number 3 and so on until everyone has had a turn.

You can substitute the basketball with a ping pong ball or an ice cube and have players push it with their noses.

Shoebox Slide – Indoor Relay Race Ideas For Kids

Relay Race Ideas For Kids No Equipment

Image: ©Pinterest

Shoebox Slide is a game you can have children play on cold days when you are looking for indoor relay race ideas for kids.

Two empty shoeboxes without lids are placed at the front of each team.

All number 1s put one foot in each box and shuffle to the end-line turn around and come back.

Number 2 takes the boxes and the game continues until all team members have had a turn.

A variation especially for very young children, place the lid which has a hole in it, onto the box, and players slip their foot inside each hole.

Squeeze My Hand Relay Race Ideas – Fun Relays For Kids

Team Relay Race Ideas For Kids

Image: ©Joaquin Corbalan via canva.com

Some fun relays for kids require minimal energy like the Squeeze My Hand Relay Race.

Children seat in a line on the ground with both teams facing each other.

The leader sits in between the two teams who have their eyes closed (except for the first person) and hands held.

They flip a coin and only if it lands on heads does the first person in the team squeeze their neighbor’s hand.

The squeeze goes down the line to the last person who raises the object placed next to them.

The first team to do this earns a point.

Tool Belt Relay Race Ideas – Indoor Relay Games For Kids

Team Running Relay Race Ideas For Kids

Image: ©DAPA Images via canva.com

Tool Belt relay race is one of the best indoor relay games for kids.

Divided into 2 teams, half at point A and the other half at point B, the first person in each team puts on the tool belt, runs to their pile of tools, stuffs the belt with the tools, and runs to point B.

They hand the belt to the lead person at point B who wears it and runs to empty the belt.

They run back to the second person at point A, and the race continues.

When all team members have run, the team to finish first wins.

Outdoor Relay Race Ideas For Kids

Human Chain Relay Race Ideas – Relay Race Games For Kids

Relay Race Ideas For Team Building

Image: ©Unknown via canva.com

Relay race games for kids come in many forms and the Human Chain relay is probably one of the funniest.

The children are divided into 2 teams.

Each team makes a line, one in front of the other.

All the members bend down and stretch their right hand between their legs.

The person behind them holds the hand with their left hand.

So, each person has their right hand between their legs and their left hand stretched in front.

The objective is to run to the end point, turn around and race back, all without breaking this delicate human chain.

Rubber Boots Relay – Fun Relay Race Ideas For Kids

Fun Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©wholden via canva.com

Children love wearing their parent’s shoes so they will love taking part in the Rubber Boots relay, one of the hilariously fun relay race ideas for kids.

The children line up in two teams with a pair of oversized rubber boots at the head of the line.

At the signal, the first person wears the boots over their shoes and runs to the turning point where they turn around and race back.

The boots go to the next person until all team members have run.

Balancing while running fast is where the fun is.

Team to finish first wins.

Move The Boulder Relay Race – Relay Race Ideas

Move The Boulder Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©Photocreo via canva.com

Relay race ideas instill a sense of teamwork among the children.

In the Move The Boulder relay race the children are divided into teams.

Each team is given a large Styrofoam ball painted grey to resemble a boulder which is placed at the front of the line.

A box is placed 6 feet behind the last player in each team.

Players move the boulder to the next player without using their hands.

They can crawl on all fours, pushing the boulder with their head.

The last person places the boulder in the box.

The first team to complete the task wins.

Nuts And Bolts Relay – Kids Relay Race Ideas

Nuts And Bolts Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©tuchkovo via canva.com

Nuts and bolts relay is a fun game that shows how practical kids relay race ideas can be.

Children in teams are each given a nut and bolt identical to the other children’s.

All the team’s nuts are dropped in their team’s bowl.

Nuts of differing sizes are added to both bowls.

On the signal, the first person in each team runs to their bowl, looks for the right nut for their bolt, runs back to their team, and tags the second person.

The game continues with everyone having a turn.

The team that finishes first is declared the winner.

Relay Race Ideas For Preschoolers

Continuous Hoop Relay – Relay Race Ideas For Preschoolers

Indoor Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©pixelshot via canva.com

Continuous Hoop relay is one of those relay race ideas for preschoolers that teaches them the importance of working together.

Divide the group into teams and give each team a hoop which is placed some distance away.

The first person on each team runs to the hoop, picks it up and all the team members run through it one by one.

The hoop is given to the second person who runs with it to the next stop and holds it up for the team members to go through.

All players have a turn holding the hoop.

The first team to finish wins.

Horse And Cart Relay Race Ideas – Relay Races For Preschoolers

Outdoor Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©constantinopris via canva.com

Even though the Horse And Cart relay is more suited to older children, it can be adapted to fit the category of relay races for preschoolers.

The children are divided into teams of 4 players each, and every team is given a blanket with a stuffed toy on it.

Each child holds a corner of the blanket and on the signal, they run as a team toward the end of the play area where they turn around and run back.

They rotate corners and repeat the race until all have been in all the corners. The first team to complete wins.

Bunny Bunny Relay Race Ideas – Field Day Games For Preschool

Relay Race Ideas For Elementary School

Image: ©PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay via canva.com

The Bunny Bunny relay race is one of those field day games for preschool children that are just as much fun to watch as they are to play.

Be prepared for lots of laughs.

Children are divided into teams that have equal numbers.

Starting at the start point, the first person of each team hops like a bunny to the pre-marked point.

They turn back and when they get to their teammate, they tag the next person who hops in the same way.

This continues until all team members have had a chance to hop. The first team to finish wins.

If you are in need for more game ideas for your next event that’ll leave your guests craving for more have a look at my in-depth review of 250 backyard games.

Caterpillar Relay Race Ideas – Easy Race Games For Kids

Good Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©Tiero via canva.com

Caterpillar races are one of the easy race games for kids as all you need are the children and some masking tape or spray paint to mark the start and finish lines.

Divide the children into teams depending on how many they are.

Each team has the members stand in a line, one behind the other with each child placing their hand on the waist of the child in front.

When the leader says “Wiggle”, each caterpillar races to the finish line remaining connected throughout.

Should the connection break at any time the caterpillar stops and reconnects before running again.

Relay Race Ideas For Teens

Filled Boots Relay Race Ideas – Relay Races For Teens

Easy Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©pixelshot via canva.com

Filled Boots is one of the relay races for teens.

Team members stand one behind the other with a pair of really large gum boots in front of the line.

At the signal, the first person in each team puts on the gumboots and fills them with water.

They run to the end line and without removing the boots empty the water into a bucket.

They run back and pass on the boots to the next person who does the same.

The game ends when all players have run.

The team that finishes first and has the most water wins.

Wondering Hearts Relay Race Ideas – Relay Games For Teenagers

Wacky Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©FatCamera via canva.com

As with other relay games for teenagers, Wondering Hearts is about teamwork.

All the players are given a straw about 2 to 3 inches long.

The first person on each team is given a box with some tissue hearts in it.

They use the straw to pick the hearts one at a time and pass them to the second person who passes them to the next and so on until the last person puts the hearts into an empty box.

The exchange between each pair is done only with the straws using suction power. The first team to finish wins.

Skateboard Relay Race Ideas – Teen Relay Race Ideas

Relay Race Ideas For Teens

Image: ©VaheAramyan via canva.com

Most teen relay race ideas like the Skateboard relay race are played in teams.

One half of each team forms a line on one side A and the other half on the opposite side (B).

The first person on each team is given a skateboard, helmet, and knee pads.

On the signal, they put on the protective gear, hop onto the skateboard, and dash to their teammate on side B.

They hand number 2 the skateboard and protective gear which they put on and race on the skateboard to their teammate on side A.

The game continues until one team finishes first.

Under The Bridge Relay Race Ideas – Relay Games For Teens

Team Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©StockPlanets via canva.com

The Under The Bridge relay is the ideal game when you have a large group of children as it is best played with 10 children or more.

It is one of those relay games for teens that will never grow old.

Each team has its players kneeling on the ground in a line.

When everyone is in place, each child supports themselves on their hands and knees or feet, forming a tunnel.

The last person in each line crawls through the tunnel and takes their tunnel position next to the leader.

Everyone does this, and the first team to finish wins.

News Travels Relay Race Ideas – Fun Relay Games For Youth

Relay Race Ideas No Equipment

Image: ©pixelshot via canva.com

Fun relay games for youth are a source of entertainment for both the players and any person spectating.

News Travels is one of these fun games.

Team members run in pairs with a newspaper page between them and hand it over to the next pair.

Sounds easy enough until you realize that the pairs cannot use their hands to hold the newspaper as they run.

Should the pair drop the newspaper or should the newspaper tear completely into 2 pieces, they are to start from the beginning.

The first team to have all its pairs finish first is the winner.

Dizzy Bat Relay Race Ideas – Indoor Relay Games For Youth

Relay Race Ideas For High School

Image: ©dehooks via canva.com

On those chilly days, have fun with Dizzy Bat, one of the great indoor relay games for the youth.

Players form the regular relay lines and line up behind the starting line.

At the end of the race area, two bats are placed.

The first person in each team races up to their team’s bat, stands it up, places their forehead on the bat, and turns around 10 times.

They are now dizzy.

Their next goal is to race in their dizzy state, back to the start line, and tag the next person.

The first team to have all its members finish wins.

Rollover the Group Relay Race Ideas – Relay Games For Youth

Relay Race Ideas For Teams

Image: ©ElenaNichizhenova via canva.com

In teams of 5 to 8 people, team members can enjoy the game, Rollover the Group.

This is one of those relay games for youth that requires the leader to choose team members carefully.

The members should be similar in weight as the name suggests, each team has its players lie down next to each other.

The last person in the line rolls over the team members, coming to rest at the start of the line.

The next person has their turn to roll, and this goes on until all teammates have had a go.

The first team to finish wins.

Clothes Peg Relay – Relay Race Ideas For Youth

Relay Race Ideas For Middle School

Image: ©premkh via canva.com

The great thing about relay race ideas for youth is that they rarely require sophisticated equipment.

Clothes Peg Relay is a fun game.

As with all other relays, the game is played by at least 2 teams. Each player is given a clothes peg.

The first person on each team is at the start line while subsequent team members are placed at strategic points along the play area.

The first person picks up a coaster with their peg and runs to number 2.

The coaster changes pegs, with number 2 running to hand it to number 3, and so on.

Relay Race Ideas For Youth Groups

No Hands Baton – Relay Race Ideas For Youth Groups

Middle School Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©technotr via canva.com

Relay race ideas for youth groups take a normal activity and turn it into an out-of-the-ordinary game.

We are all used to a relay where the baton is passed on from one runner to another using their hands.

In No Hands Baton, the relay is exactly like the traditional relay race except for one tiny detail.

In the No Hands Relay, the baton is carried under the armpit and should not be touched with the hands.

The hilarious part is watching the two players try to exchange the baton.

The game ends when everyone has run.

Soccer Relay Race Ideas – Relay Games For Youth Groups

Soccer Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©Robert Kneschke via canva.com

In addition to introducing the player to a lot of fun activities, relay games for youth groups also enhance teamwork and other social graces.

In Soccer Relay, team members are paired.

On the signal, the first pair run toward the end of the play area, passing a soccer ball between them.

When they get to the end, they turn around and return in the same manner.

They then tag the second pair who start their soccer-racing adventure.

When every pair in the team has had a turn, the team to finish first is declared the winner of the game.

Back Seat Driver Relay Race Ideas – Relay Race Games For Youth Groups

School Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©FamVeld via canva.com

It is natural to expect the driver of any vehicle to be at the front.

Back Seat Driver is a good example of relay race games for youth groups where things do not happen as expected.

Players work in twos.

The first person gets on the small bike or tricycle and is blindfolded.

The partner seats behind the driver and from their backseat position directs the driver as they meander around the cones placed along the way to the turning point where they turn and race back to the start point.

The second pair takes over, and so on.

A Different Kind of Leapfrog Relay Race Ideas – Youth Group Relay Games

Exercise Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©LPETTET via canva.com

We are all familiar with Leapfrog, but the youth group relay games introduce you to a different kind of leapfrog played in the water.

Each team has a maximum of 4 players.

The teams form their line in waist-high water, standing one behind the other with their legs apart.

The last person in each team goes through the tunnel formed by the teammates’ legs and takes their position at the front of the line.

That is the signal for the new last person to go.

The first team to get all members on the other side of the pool wins.

Relay Race Ideas For PE

Animal Run Relay – Relay Race Ideas For Physical Education

Workout Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©THEPALMER via canva.com

When teachers use relay race ideas for the physical education class, they are relaxed as they know that the children love games like Animal Run Relay.

The teacher assigns an animal to the children so that the number “ones” in both teams are the same animal, like a horse, the second person”twos” are a duck, and so on.

On the signal the first pair race to the end line running like the animal they are imitating.

They turn around and run back, tagging the second person.

When each player has run, they sit down.

The first team to have all its members sitting wins.

Getting Up Challenge Relay Race Ideas – Relay Races For Physical Education

Gym Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©Sunny Studio via canva.com

The Getting Up Challenge Relay is a hilarious activity that will have everyone, adults, and children in stitches.

This is one of those relay races for physical education sessions that require you to be very flexible.

In pairs, one runner from each team, the players race to the end-line where they lie down on their backs and fold their arms across their chest.

Now comes the fun part.

They are to get up without using or moving their hands.

When they finally succeed, they run back to the start line and tag the next team member.

Ball Mountain Relay Race Ideas – PE Games For Large Groups

Fitness Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©beardean via canva.com

PE games for large groups need to be exciting and captivating to ensure that everyone is kept alert.

Ball Mountain Relay is a good one for this.

Players in two teams line up behind the start line.

The first runners in each team run to the place their balls are heaped inside a hula hoop.

They take one ball, run to the end-line and place the ball in the bag.

They run back to the start line and tag number 2.

When the last person places the last ball into the bag. they carry it back to the hula hoop.

Jump The Rope Relay Race Ideas – PE Relay Games

Simple Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©Robert Kneschke via canva.com

There is a lesson to learn in PE relay games like Jump the Rope relay. In two teams, the first person in each team is handed a jump rope.

On the signal, the starters begin jumping while their team members count the jumps aloud.

They jump for 1 minute after which they give the rope to the next person.

If the jumper misses a jump, the team stops counting and waits out the remaining seconds then hands the rope to the second person.

The game continues until everyone has jumped.

The team with the fastest time and most jumps wins.

Relay Race Ideas For High School

Throw And Catch Relay – Indoor Relay Race Ideas For High School

Inside Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©Cyacobchuk via canva.com

Indoor relay race ideas for high school come in handy during those cold days.

The Throw And Catch relay keeps the players active without too much movement.

The players line up in their teams, one behind the other.

The first person on the team is given a basketball.

On the signal, they pass the ball over their heads to the person behind.

This goes on until the last person gets the ball.

They throw it to the first person and if they catch it, the team wins.

If neither team catches the ball, the game starts again until one team wins.

Feather Relay – Relay Race Ideas

Silly Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©LPETTET via canva.com

Feather relay uses the feather as a javelin.

This is one of the relay race ideas that require a lot of endurance and commitment.

In teams, the first person takes the feather and, on the signal, they throw it, javelin style towards the end line.

The player follows the feather, stops where it has landed, and throws it yet again.

When they get to the end line, they pick up the feather and run with it to the start where the next person repeats the feather throwing.

The first team to have all team members run and finishes first wins.

Hopping Relay Race – Relay Race Ideas For High School

Relay Race Ideas High School

Image: ©SolStock via canva.com

Relay race ideas for high school have evolved and the evidence is in the Hopping Relay Race.

Using the modern-day Space Hoppers, teams will have a hilarious time.

Divided into their teams, players line up relay style with a Space Hopper placed in front of the first person.

When the signal is given, they get onto the hopper and hop their way to the finish line where their teammate is waiting.

Number 2 jumps on the hopper and hops back.

This back-and-forth continues until all players have had a turn.

The first team to finish wins the game.

Relay Race Ideas For College Students

Human String Relay – Relay Race Ideas For College Students

Relay Race Ideas For College Students

Image: ©Billion Photos via canva.com

Suitable relay race ideas for college students can be challenging, but Human String Relay is always a hit.

Team members stand next to one another with the first person holding a ball of yarn whose end is attached to a spoon.

On the signal, the first person drops the spoon inside their shirt to come out at one leg.

The next person picks the spoon and does the same.

When all team members have attached themselves, the last person starts the unraveling process as the beginner winds the yarn back into a ball.

The first team to finish the process wins.

Human Rock, Tree, Bridge Relay – Relay Race Ideas For College Athletes

Relay Race Ideas For Athletes

Image: ©SolStock via canva.com

Relay race ideas for college athletes like Human Rock, Tree, and Bridge Relay use 3-player teams.

On “go”, the first person in each team runs a pre-determined distance and then falls on hands and knees with the head tucked in forming a rock.

Number 2 runs, jumps over the rock, and then stands with arms outstretched to become a tree.

Number 3 runs, jumps over the rock, circles the tree twice, and then gets down on the hands and legs to form a bridge.

Then, the “rock” gets up, circles the “tree” twice, goes under the “bridge” and forms a “rock” again.

This goes on until one team finishes first to win.

Melt The Ice Cube Relay Race Ideas – Ice Cube Relays Explained

Messy Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©golfbress via canva.com

Simply listening to ice cube relays explained is enough to show you how fun the races are.

Six people in a team are what is needed to enjoy Melt The Ice Cube Relay.

Standing next to one another, the first person takes an ice cube and rubs it between their hands trying to melt it.

When their hands get too cold, they pass the cube to number two, and so on down the line.

The first team to completely melt their ice cube wins.

A variation uses a frozen t-shirt. The first team to get the t-shirt unfrozen enough to wear wins.

Crawling Skateboard Relay Race Ideas – Skateboard Racing Game

Summer Camp Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©Pilin_Petunyia via canva.com

You would expect a skateboard racing game to be fast, but one version of the Crawling Skateboard relay has players going quite slowly.

With a skateboard per team, players go in turns sitting on the board and racing to the finish line where they tag the next person.

The fastest team wins.

A variation of the game has each player carry a container of water on the skateboard which they empty into a bucket at the end of each player’s turn.

After all the team members have had their turn skateboarding, the team that has transported the most water wins.

Relay Race Ideas For Family

Puzzled – Games For Family Reunion Picnics

Relay Race Ideas Indoor

Image: ©issalina via canva.com

Puzzled is one of those games for family reunion picnics that is great for large groups.

The game uses identical 50-piece jigsaw puzzles with the same picture, one puzzle per team.

Each player selects one piece of the puzzle from their team’s box and dash to the designated table where the puzzle is to be assembled.

If they can affix the piece they do so, if not they run back to their table with it and a person from the next team has a go.

The game continues until the puzzle is completed.

The team contributing the most pieces wins.

Do The Laundry Relay Race Ideas – Family Relay Games

Fun Relay Race Ideas Two Teams

Image: ©101cats via canva.com

The various family relay games like the Do The Laundry relay race are great for bonding.

This is a fairly new game.

Each team gets a laundry basket with clothes and some clothespins.

When the race begins, player 1 from each team grabs a clothing item from the basket, dashes to the clothesline, hangs up the garment using two pegs, runs back and tags the next member, and goes to the back end of the line.

Player 2 picks another item and runs to the clothesline.

When the last player hangs their clothing and goes back to the end of the line, the game ends.

Caterpillar – Family Relay Race Ideas

Family Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©Egor Kamelev from Pexels via canva.com

Family relay race ideas would not be complete without mentioning the Caterpillar game.

The game provides lots of laughter as players imitate the caterpillar.

Suitable for all ages, the only item needed to play this game is a blanket.

The game starts when player 1 stands with the feet on one piece of carpet while both hands rest on another piece of carpet.

The players move forward by sliding both hands forward and then pulling the legs from the back to the front.

This is repeated until they get to the end-line and tags the next player. The fastest team wins.

Caterpillar Relay Race Ideas – Caterpillar Race Idea

Relay Race Ideas For Family Reunions

Image: ©Darkdiamond67 via canva.com

Caterpillar is a fun game for people of all ages.

This particular Caterpillar Race idea is a little more difficult than the traditional version.

Not only is the game fun, but it is also used in children’s hospitals to teach toddlers the basics of hand-eye coordination.

The only material necessary to play is a single blanket per team.

The first player in each team positions themselves with their feet and hands on a single blanket.

They move forward by sliding feet and hands together, tagging the next player at the end-line, with each player having a turn.

The fastest team wins.

Relay Race Ideas For Adults

Cotton Nose Race – Adult Relay Race Ideas

Relay Race Ideas For Adults

Image: ©dp3010 AND trigga via canva.com

When it comes to adult relay race ideas, this always gets the “are you serious” reaction from the onlookers, and sometimes from the players as well.

A fun game, Cotton Nose Race has every player getting their nose dubbed with Vaseline.

Each team is given a little ball of cotton wool which they pass from player to player.

The interesting bit is they are only supposed to use their nose.

No hands or feet allowed.

The team that manages to transfer the cotton ball from the first to the last player in line is the winner of this strange game.

Chop Stick Relay Race Ideas – Relay Games For Adults

Relay Race Ideas For Team Building

Image: ©KritchanonA AND mihalec via canva.com

There are some relay games for adults that sound straight out of a Chinese comedy show.

Chop Stick Race is one. Each team gets a bowl full of cotton balls and a pair of chopsticks.

On “Go!” Player 1 from each team tries their best to grab as many cotton balls as possible.

They then take off, running to the finish line.

They deposit the cotton balls into an empty bowl, and races back to the starting line where they pass the chopsticks to Player 2 waiting in line.

After every player has run, the team with the most cotton balls wins.

Hula Hoop Relay – Fun Adult Relay Race Ideas

Fun Relay Race Ideas For Adults

Image: ©corelens via canva.com

Looking for fun adult relay race ideas?

The Hula Hoop relay begins with each team forming a relay line at the start place.

The teams are given a hula hoop.

When the leader gives the signal, the first person in each team pushes the hula hoop with their hands or a stick up to the end-line, turns around, and races back to the start line where the next player is waiting to take the hula hoop.

The relay continues until each player has run with the hula hoop, and the first team to finish wins.

Create an obstacle course for more challenges.

Bring The News – Relay Race Ideas

Relay Race Ideas For Teams

Image: ©Billion Photos via canva.com

Lighthearted fun is what you can expect from the many relay race ideas.

The rules for the Bring The News relay race are simple.

After marking a start and finish line, hang large newspaper pages over the first player in each team.

This covers the head, arms, legs, and shoulders.

On the signal, they run to the finish line.

Sounds simple enough until you realize that the players are not allowed to hold any newspaper in place.

If a newspaper falls off, the player must stop, replace the newspaper and continue the race.

The team whose members finish first is declared the winner.

Indoor Relay Race Ideas For Adults

Panty Hose Football Relay Race Ideas – Indoor Relay Games For Adults

Fitness Relay Race Ideas For Adults

Image: ©KenStock from Pixabay via canva.com

Panty Hose Football is one of those exciting indoor relay games for adults.

Divide players into 2 teams, half on one side of the play area, and the other half on the other end.

Players are given an orange each which they put in one leg of the pantyhose provided.

The other leg is tied around the waist.

Each team has an orange.

Using just their hip movement, the first player uses the orange in the pantyhose to hit the other orange until it reaches their teammate on the other end.

The relay continues until one team finishes first to win.

Tickle The Lemon Relay Race Ideas – Adult Relay Races

Outdoor Relay Race Ideas For Adults

Image: ©Billion Photos via canva.com

Adult relay races are a lot of fun.

Take, for example, Tickle The Lemon Relay.

Each team is given an unsharpened pencil and a large lemon.

Team members line up one behind the other with the first person at the start line.

At the signal, the first players take their pencil and push their lemon right down to the end line about 10 feet away, turn around, and push it back to the start.

After being tagged, number 2 takes the course.

This goes on until all players have had a turn.

The first team to finish is declared the winner.

Tissue Go Round Relay – Relay Race Ideas For Adults

Indoor Relay Race Ideas For Birthday Party

Image: ©ZeynepOzy via canva.com

Relay race ideas for adults are mostly simple yet fun.

Tissue Go Round Relay uses face tissues and drinking straws to provide a fun-filled activity.

Players are divided into teams depending on the size of the group.

Each team forms a circle and they all have a straw in their mouths.

The first person places a facial tissue on the end of their straw, breathing in to stop the tissue from falling.

The object of the game is to pass the tissue from one player’s straw to the next without using any hands and be the first team to finish.

Baby Care Relay Race Ideas – Relay Races For Adults

Baby Care Relay is a fun game to have during a baby shower.

Like with other relay races for adults, expect lots of laughter during the race.

Two large, identical dolls are placed on a table some distance from the start.

Each player in the team has a turn running to the doll and removing one item of clothing from the doll.

By the time all clothing items are off, every member of the team should have had a turn.

The first team to finish wins.

If teams are large, add more activities like bathing the baby and dressing them again.

Outdoor Relay Race Ideas For Adults

Rubber Tube Relay Race Ideas – Relay Races For Adults Outdoors

Office Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©aodaodaod via canva.com

There are many things you can do with the inner tube of a tire and one of them is to use them for a Rubber Tube relay.

This is one of those relay races for adults held outdoors that promises you a lot of exercise.

Players in teams line up relay-style.

When the leader gives the signal, the first person in each team takes their team’s rubber tube and races to the end-line and back, all the while rolling the tube.

They hand the tube to the next person, and the game continues until one team finishes first to win.

Stilt Relay Race Ideas – Relay Race Games For Adults

Outdoor Relay Race Ideas For Adults

Image: ©ferlistockphoto via canva.com

Walking on stilts is a task in itself, but can you imagine taking part in a Stilt Relay?

This is one of the relay race games for adults that will have you doubling over with laughter.

The rules of the race are very simple, each person in the team, one at a time gets on the stiles and makes their way as fast as they can to the end-line where their team member is waiting to take the stilts and make their way back to the start.

After all the teammates have had a turn, the team that finishes first wins.

Dry Ski Relay Race Ideas – Outdoor Relay Games For Adults

Super Fun Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©vm via canva.com

Just like many other outdoor relay games for adults, Dry Ski Race requires simple equipment.

The skis are made from a piece of board with belts screwed on as straps.

Each team is split in two, one group at the finish and the other at the end-line.

Before the race starts the first 3 runners in each team wear the skis.

The first runner races to the end-line while on the skis.

They then tag number 2 who races to the start as runner 1 gives the skis to number 4.

This continues until the fastest team wins the race.

Hockey-Ball Relay – Backyard Relay Race Ideas For Adults

Relay Race Ideas For Adults

Image: ©Augustas Cetkauskas vaizdai via canva.com

Hockey-Ball relay is one of those backyard relay race ideas for adults that test your coordination skills.

In teams, players line up at the start line, each with a hockey stick and a ball.

The first player races pushing the ball with the stick up to the end-line turns around and runs back to the start.

Number 2 takes number 1’s ball and together with theirs races the two balls along the same course.

Number 3 runs with 3 balls, number 4 with four balls, and so on.

The first team to finish running all their balls successfully wins the race.

3-Legged Drinking Race – Relay Race Drinking Game Ideas

Drinking Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©kate_sept2004 via canva.com

When it comes to relay race drinking game ideas, the 3-Legged Drinking Race is a classic.

We have 2 teams.

Within each team, there are several pairs of 2 people.

Each pair must stand side-by-side and have their inside leg tied to the leg of their teammate.

This is done at the ankle. On “Go!” the first pair from each team runs towards a table in the distance, pours liquor in a glass, runs back to their team where the next pair must drink the liquor, empty the glass, and run with the glass towards the table, repeating the process.

The first team to finish is declared the winner.

Don’t Spill The Drink – Relay Drinking Game Race Ideas

Relay Race Ideas Adults

Image: ©tomassworks, Scrudje via canva.com

If there is a relay drinking game that calls on coordinated teamwork, then Don’t Spill The Drink is it.

Divide players into teams, then further split them into two-man pairs.

On “Go!” the first pair from each team runs towards a table with glasses filled with water and a tray.

They must use nothing but their poles to transport the tray with a glass of water balanced on it back to the starting line where they drink the water.

The next pair takes the poles and runs off toward the table.

The first team to empty all their glasses wins.

Cross The Ocean Relay – Drinking Relay Race Ideas

Adult Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©Billion Photos AND magraphics via canva.com

There are drinking relay race ideas that are perfect for the pool.

Cross The Ocean Relay is one.

A rope is suspended overhead across the pool.

A timer is started as Player 1 sits on an air mattress and pulls himself to the opposite end.

After crossing the pool player has to drink a shot.

Player 2 then hops on the mattress and pulls himself back to the other side.

This is repeated until all members of the team have taken their drinks.

The timer is stopped.

Members of the next team line up for their turn. The team with the fastest time wins.

Stamp Or Drink – Relay Race Ideas

Halloween Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©Beachboy via canva.com

Stamp Or Drink is one of those “different” relay race ideas.

A letter-stamps are placed about 30 meters away from the players, one per team.

On “Go!” the first players run to a stamp station, stamp a part of their body with that letter then dash back to the team and the next runner takes over.

Once the allotted time is up, the number of stamped body parts is counted.

A body part is counted once even if two players in a group both have a stamp on the particular body part.

The losing team must each drink a shot.

Relay Race Ideas For Field Day

Cotton Ball Race – Field Day Relay Races Ideas

Fun Relay Race Ideas For Adults

Image: ©ninuns via canva.com

Some field day relay races are similar.

Cotton Ball Race is very similar to the Egg and Spoon race.

The two teams are lined up in relay style at the start line.

Beside each team are a spoon and a container with some cotton balls.

The first person in each team takes the spoon, places a cotton ball on it, and races to the end-line where they place the cotton ball into the empty container on that end.

The player runs back to the start line and hands the spoon to number 2.

The game continues until one team finishes first.

High Five Relay Race Ideas – Field Day Races

Fitness Relay Race Ideas For Adults

Image: ©Zurijeta via canva.com

The great thing about field day races is that you can pick them depending on the children you have.

The High Five relay race is best for children who are very energetic as it is a high-activity game.

The 2 teams are split in two, half on either end of the play area.

Number one in each team races to the opposite side and when they get there, they tag number two with a high five.

Number two races to number three, and so on.

When all players have had their turn, the first team to finish wins the race.

Three Musketeers Relay Race Ideas – Field Day Relays

Bootcamp Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©linfernum via canva.com

The Three Musketeers relay race is one of the field day relays that is guaranteed to result in a lot of fun and laughter.

People are divided into teams of three, and the teams are all lined up at the starting line.

The three members stand with their backs to each other forming a triangle.

They lock their elbows and wait for the signal.

Once it is given, the teams of three race to the end line with their arms interlocked.

Should any arms unlock, the team begins again at the start line.

The first team to reach the end-line wins.

Relay Race Ideas For Camps

Roll That Tire Relay Race Ideas – Camp Relay Games

Cool Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©rukawajung via canva.com

Camp relay games are designed to provide you with some fun outdoor entertainment and Roll That Tire will not disappoint.

Players in their 2 teams form lines at the start line.

When the signal goes, the first person on each team takes their tire and races to the end line.

They go around the cone and race back handing the tire to number 2.

The tire continues changing hands until all the players of the team have had their tire rolling turn.

The team that has managed to keep control of their tire and finish first is declared the winner.

Fill The Bottle Relay – Summer Camp Relay Race Ideas

Relay Race Ideas For Kids Water Bottles

Image: ©Leung Cho Pan via canva.com

Summer camp relay race ideas introduce several cool games such as the Fill The Bottle relay race.

Players in teams sit one behind the other.

Each player has a small paper cup and the first person has a bottle full of water.

The last person has an empty bottle.

The first person pours some water into their cup.

Without turning around, they pour their water into the cup of the person behind them.

The last person empties the water into the second bottle.

When the first bottle is empty, the team with the most water in their second bottle wins.

Backpack Relay Race – Camp Relay Race Ideas

Relay Race Ideas For High School

Image: ©Jacob Lund via canva.com

Camp relay race ideas like Backpack Relay Race are both good fun and enhance children’s coordination skills.

The children are divided into 2 teams.

Each team lines up behind the start line, and a few steps away is their backpack filled with camping stuff like a blanket, flashlight, water bottle, and so on.

The first person waits for the go signal and then runs to the backpack, carries it on their back, and runs to the end line.

They turn around, run back to the star, and hand the backpack to number 2. This continues until one team finishes first.

Walking The Plank – Bootcamp Relay Race Ideas

Relay Race Ideas Bootcamp

Image: ©Aleksandr Kichigin via canva.com

Those who love watching pirate movies will have no problem understanding the phrase “walk the plank”.

The Walking The Plank game is a great bootcamp relay race idea that is just as exciting as the pirate movies.

The children in their teams of 3 line up one behind the other with their left leg on a corrugated cardboard rectangle placed at the start line.

Every player has their left foot tied to the plank and their arms around the waist of the person in front.

On the signal, each team walks to the finish line.

The first team to finish wins.

Relay Race Ideas For Small Groups

Popcorn Relay Race – Relay Race Ideas For Small Groups

Relay Race Ideas For Small Groups

Image: ©dbreen from Pixabay via canva.com

Relay race ideas for small groups are perfect for indoor parties or similar events where space is at a premium.

An example is the Popcorn Relay Race.

This one brings back fond childhood memories.

The first person in each team grabs a handful of popcorn from the large bag beside their team and dashes towards the finish where they dump the popcorn into the trashcan and hurry back tagging the next player in line.

This grabbing, emptying, and tagging go on until each player has had a turn.

The first team to fill the trashcan with popcorn is the winner.

Horse And Tail Relay Race Ideas – Small Race Games

Horse And Tail Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©DonaldMorgan via canva.com

Small race games like Horse and Tail relay races are just full of fun.

The objective of the game is for the children to give the pony a rainbow-colored tail.

Each team lines up behind the start line, with everyone holding a colored streamer.

On the signal, Player 1 from each team runs to the horse picture pinned on the tree and sticks their ribbon to the pony’s tail.

Player 1 runs back and tags the next player in line.

Proceed until one team has attached all their ribbon streamers, forming a beautiful horse’s tail.

For a fairy’s party, use unicorns instead of ponies.

Formula One Relay Race – Funny Relay Race Ideas

Funny Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©Thierry Carpico from Pexels via canva.com

It is impossible to discuss a funny relay race idea without mentioning the Formula One Relay Race.

Assign each team a pit-stop area for their cardboard “race car”.

At the signal, the first player from each team runs around the course to their team’s pit stop, while carrying the team’s car.

When in the pit the other teammates “remove” his old wheels and install new ones by using cello tape to attach the new tires of a different color.

If a tire falls while on the track, the driver must stop and pick it up.

The first team to finish all laps is the winner.

Newspaper Or Crate Relay – Relay Race Ideas For Teams

Relay Race Ideas For Teams

Image: ©Billion Photos via canva.com

When it comes to relay race ideas for teams, the Newspaper or Crate relay is a popular choice.

Requiring only a couple of newspaper pages, anybody, anywhere can join in the fun.

After dividing the players into teams, each team gets three sheets of newspaper.

On the signal, Player 1 takes off heading towards the end-line where they will tag the next players.

However, there is a catch; the players are only allowed to move forward on top of the newspaper, and they are not allowed to touch the ground.

The first team to cross the finish line wins the race.

Relay Race Ideas For Large Groups

Shoe Hunt – Relay Race Ideas For Large Groups

Relay Race Ideas For Large Groups

Image: ©pglover via canva.com

Looking for relay race ideas for large groups and the one that instantly pops into mind is the Shoe Hunt race.

Every player takes off one of their shoes and throws it into one huge pile.

On “Go!” the first players in each team dash towards the mountain of discarded shoes and try to locate their shoe.

When the players find their shoes, they hurriedly put them on and then race back to the start line.

This goes on until the last player on each team is back in line.

The first team to finish is the winning team.

Bench Relay Race Ideas – Large Group Relay Games

Bench Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©HarryHuber via canva.com

Large Group Relay Games like Bench Relay require teamwork.

In teams of 5 to 6 people, players place the first of two wide, bench-like boards on the ground.

They stand on the board and put the second board in front of them.

They all step forward and onto the 2nd bench.

They then pick up the first board and move it to the front.

All without touching the ground.

Touching the ground loses your team a point.

This board-walking process is repeated until they get to the finish.

The first team to reach the end and also have the most points wins.

Human Hurdle Relay Race Ideas – Large Group Relay Ideas

Human Hurdle Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©Wavebreakmedia via canva.com

The Human Hurdle Relay race falls in the large group relay ideas as it requires at least 10 players.

Have each of the two teams lie down on the grass in a circle with their heads towards the center.

Every player is assigned a number.

On the signal, Player 1 runs around the circle, jumping over the bodies of his fellow teammates on the ground until he arrives back at his space where he promptly lies down.

Player 2 then gets up and does the same, and this continues.

The first team to complete the hurdle fastest is the winner.

Pass the Parcel – Funny Relay Races Ideas

Funny Relay Races Ideas

Image: ©Billion Photos via canva.com

Pass The Parcel falls under the funny relay races.

It is a race with no running involved, and where the baton is passed in a very different manner.

The first player of each team is handed a rolled-up newspaper.

On the signal, they bend over and pass the newspaper between their legs to Player 2 behind them.

Player 2 passes the newspaper to Player 3 in the same manner, and so the newspaper finds its way down the line.

The game continues until the newspaper-like baton reaches the last person.

The team to get the paper to the last person fastest wins.

Relay Race Ideas For Team Building

Pass The Balloon Relay Race – Relay Race Ideas For Team Building

Relay Race Ideas For Team Building

Image: ©Sergey Novikov via canva.com

When you want people to bond, incorporate some relay race ideas for team building with games like Pass The Balloon Relay Race.

This game requires speed and concentration.

The two teams form their relay lines.

The first person on each team is given a balloon, beanbag, beach ball, or water balloon.

They pass this under their legs to the person behind them.

They pass the balloon overhead to the next person.

The last person runs with the balloon to the front of the line and the passing begins again.

The first team to have everyone in their starting positions wins.

Fill The Truck Relay Race Ideas – Relay Games For Team Building

Fill The Truck Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©DAPA Images AND kstudio via canva.com

Fill The Truck Relay Race is one of those popular relay games for team building.

The game requires the teams to discuss and come up with the best way of achieving their goal.

The teams are given a box each which represents trucks.

The truck is full of rocks.

The members are supposed to devise a way of moving the rocks from the truck to the dump site, an empty box some distance away.

They can pass it from one to the other, have each person running with some rocks, and so on.

The first team to empty their truck wins.

Pull The Blanket – Team Building Relay Races Ideas

Team Building Relay Races Ideas

Image: ©Sensory Processing

Team building relay races that require coordination are great fun.

Pull The Blanket is a good example.

It is best played on a very smooth surface, whether indoors or outdoors, to avoid injury.

The teams are given a blanket each.

They go in turns having one of them sit on the blanket.

They are then pulled by their teammates across the play area to the end-line, turn around and travel back again.

Each member of the team must have a turn being pulled on the blanket.

The first team to have all members enjoy this special ride is the winner.

Conveyor Belt Relay Race Ideas – Team Building Relay Games

Conveyor Belt Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©rcphotostock via canva.com

The same way a conveyor belt transports goods smoothly from one place to another is the way the Conveyor Belt Relay works.

This is one of the team building relay games that require members to work fast.

Each team has 2 blankets which they use to spread on the ground.

The team members, one at a time, use the blankets to move from one end of the play area to the other where they tag the next player.

Stepping on the ground is not allowed.

The first team to have all its players “ride” on the conveyor belt wins.

Relay Race Ideas For Party

3 Legged Race Ideas

3 Legged Race Ideas

Image: ©SolStock via canva.com

We are all familiar with the 3-Legged Race and these 3 Legged Race ideas available help spice it up.

For example, why not make it a relay race?

The players are divided into two teams.

Half of each team is at the start line and the other half at the end line.

Team members stand in 2s, side-by-side.

They have their inner legs tied together at the ankle.

At the signal, the first pair in each team races to the end-line and tags the second pair who run back to the start line.

This continues and the first team to finish wins.

Drop the Penny – Indoor Relay Race Ideas For Birthday Party

Indoor Relay Race Ideas For Birthday Party

Image: ©AnthonyRosenberg, kone, Canva Creative Studio via canva.com

Drop the Penny is one of the fun indoor relay race ideas for birthday party events.

Divide players into teams with team members lining up behind the start line.

When the signal is given, the first person in each team runs to the turn-around line, picks a penny from a bowl, and runs halfway back where they find an empty egg carton.

Holding the coin waist-high, they drop it into the carton.

They then run on to the start line where number 2 starts their run.

The first team to have a coin in every carton up is the winner.

Hunting For Coins Relay – Relay Race Party Ideas

Relay Race Party Ideas

Image: ©bit245 via canva.com

There are some messy relay race party ideas and Hunting For Coins Relay is one of them.

Divide players into teams.

They line up at the start point.

When the signal is given the first player from each team runs up to a tray with honey and tries to remove the coin from the honey without using their hands.

They then move to a bowl of cereals where they try to retrieve the hidden object.

When successful, they run back to their team and the next player repeats the process.

This goes on until one team finishes first to win.

Cracked Whistle – Winter Relay Race Ideas For School Holiday Party

Winter Relay Race Ideas For School Holiday Party

Image: ©Garrett Aitken AND Billion Photos via canva.com

Cracked Whistle is one of those winter relay race ideas for a school holiday party.

Children love eating snacks which is why they will love taking part in this relay race.

The first person in each team runs to a table some distance from the start.

On the table are some crackers.

They eat 2 crackers and then try to blow a whistle, made harder by the dry mouth.

When they finally manage, they run to the start line and tag the next player.

This continues until all players have had a turn.

The first team to finish is the winner.

Relay Race Ideas For Backyard

Sack Race – Backyard Relay Race Ideas

Backyard Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©Robert Kneschke via canva.com

Hopping around like a bunny becomes a lot more fun with the Sack Race, one of the backyard relay race ideas that have been around for a while.

Players are divided into 2 teams.

Each team has its members line up half at the start line and the other half at the end line.

When the signal is given, the first person in each team gets into the sack provided and races to the end-line where number 2 is waiting to race with the sack back to the start line.

This back-and-forth continues until one team finishes first as winner.

Popcorn On The Head Relay – Backyard Relay Race Ideas For Adults

Backyard Relay Race Ideas For Adults

Image: ©Billion Photos via canva.com

Keep a group of adults entertained by playing the Popcorn On The Head relay, one of the backyard relay race ideas for adults.

The players are in 2 teams and they all form at their respective lines at the start point.

The game aims to have all your team members race to the end line, turn around and race back to the start line to tag the next person.

All this is done while balancing a cup of popcorn on their heads.

When everyone has had a turn, the team with the most popcorn left in the bag wins.

Move The Wagon Relay Race Ideas – Outdoor Relay Games

Move The Wagon Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©Choosept

Several outdoor relay games bring together adults and children and Move The Wagon is one of them.

Take your group and divide them into groups.

Pair members of the same team together, pairing children with adults where possible.

One person of the pair is the pusher while the other is the wagon.

The wagon balances on their outstretched hands with their legs held by the pusher.

On the signal, the first pusher in each team pushes the wagon and races to the end line where they tag the next pair.

The team who finishes first wins.

Cup-Stack Relay – Fun Relay Race Ideas

Fun Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©Tammy Watts via canva.com

A Cup-Stack relay will keep your guests happy and laughing the whole time.

As one of the fun relay race ideas, this game is great for players of all ages.

Divide the players into 2 teams and have them line up relay style at the start line.

On the signal, the first player in each team runs to the end-line where there are some plastic cups stacked.

They unstack them and run back to tag number 2.

Number 2 runs to the tray of cups and stacks them before running back.

This continues until one team finishes first and wins.

Relay Race Ideas with No Equipment

Wheelbarrow Race – Relay Race Ideas For Kids No Equipment

Relay Race Ideas For Kids No Equipment

Image: ©StockPlanets via canva.com

When it comes to relay race ideas for kids, no equipment is necessary.

The wheelbarrow race is a classic, offering tons of fun to both players and spectators alike.

Divide the children into teams within which they’re paired up.

A pair consists of one child in a wheelbarrow stance who walks on their hands and a driver who “steers” holding him up by the ankles.

The aim is to get to the finish, switch positions and race back to the start without breaking the wheelbarrow stance.

The first team to make it to the finish and back wins the race.

Through The Tunnel Relay – Relay Race Ideas No Equipment

Relay Race Ideas No Equipment

Image: ©Warchi via canva.com

For many relay race ideas, no equipment is needed.

Through The Tunnel Relay is one such game.

It will leave its participants doubled over in laughter.

In 2 teams, members line up one behind the other.

They all spread their legs to form a tunnel.

The last player in each line bends down and quickly crawls through.

When they reach the end, they stand up and join the line at the front.

The new last person follows in the same manner, and the game continues until one team is the first to have all its members play.

Monkey Relay Race – Relay Race Ideas

Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©lolapi via canva.com

One of our favorite relay race ideas is the Monkey Relay Race.

Divide the kids into groups.

With their feet apart, the first person in each group bends down and grabs their ankles.

The aim is to run to the finish line and back, all while bent over with their hands around their ankles.

When one player makes it back to the starting position, they tag the next player in their group who repeats the process.

This continues until all team members have had a chance to complete the course.

The group that completes the course first is the winner.

Mix-It-Up Relay – Funny Relay Race Ideas

Funny Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©Sergey Novikov via canva.com

Another example of some very funny relay race ideas is the popular Mix-It-Up Relay.

A good choice for parties, it can be played both indoors and outside.

The rules are simple; outline a course and mark the start and finish lines.

Players then take turns running the course until the whole team has gone from start to finish and back.

There is only one catch, and this is where the fun is – each player has to complete the course in a unique manner of their choosing.

So, if player one walks, player two can choose to hop, skip or jump.

Relay Race Ideas With Eggs

Egg And Spoon Relay Race Game Ideas

Egg And Spoon Relay Race Game Ideas

Image: ©DAPA Images via canva.com

The Egg and Spoon race game is an old-time favorite.

Each player in the Egg and Spoon relay race is given a spoon.

At the signal, Player 1 in each team places the “egg” which is anything round or oval such as a potato or ping pong ball.

They run to the end line and back, balancing the egg on the spoon.

If the egg falls, they stop, put it back on the spoon, and continue to the start line where they tag player 2 who takes the egg and runs the course.

Tagging and running continue until one team finishes first.

Push the Ball or Egg Relay Race Ideas – Egg Race Relay

Push the Ball or Egg Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©Unknown via canva.com

Push the Ball or Egg, an egg race relay requires that you get down on your knees.

But let us start from the beginning.

Players are divided into 2 teams, with half of each team at the start line and the other half at the end line.

When the leader gives the signal, the first player in each team gets down on their hands and knees, and the player rolls the egg (tennis ball) to the next player waiting at the end line, using only their nose or head.

The first team to have all its members participate wins the race.

Egg Relay Race Ideas

Egg Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©Yaraslau Saulevich via canva.com

Egg relay race ideas in lude fun games like Egg Relay Race.

The first person in each team runs with the egg (ball) to where their basket is placed.

They place the ball in the basket and run back to the start line.

Number 2 runs to the basket, removes the ball, and brings it to number 3 who runs and places it back in the basket.

This continues until one team finishes first to win.

A variation uses more than 1 basket per team, placed at intervals.

The ball is constantly being moved from one basket to the next.

Burst the Balloon Relay – Balloon Relay Race Ideas

Balloon Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©fotostorm via canva.com

Burst the Balloon Relay is a hilarious balloon relay race.

Team members are paired up.

Each pair stands with their backs to each other and their arms interlocked at the elbows.

A blown-up balloon is placed between their backs.

The first pair in each team starts running when the signal goes.

The aim is to get to the end line without bursting the balloon and with arms interlocked throughout.

If the balloon bursts, the pair goes back to the beginning and gets another balloon.

When they finish, they burst the balloon with their backs and the next pair takes off.

Relay Race Ideas With Balloons

Knee Balloon Relay Race Ideas – Balloon Relay Game

Knee Balloon Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©Party Zealot

Knee Balloon is a balloon relay game that requires a lot of coordination as the game does not allow players to use their hands at all.

Players in their teams stand in a row, one in front of the other.

The first person in each team is given a balloon which they place between their knees.

When the signal is given, the balloon is passed from one person to the other using the knees only.

If a balloon bursts, the team gets another one and continues the game.

The first team to get their balloon to the last person wins.

Pop The Balloon Relay – Balloon Relay Race Games Ideas

Balloon Relay Race Games Ideas

Image: ©pixelshot, liloalulla via canva.com

Pop The Balloon Relay is one of those hilarious balloon relay race games whose fun comes from how simple it is.

The group is divided into teams and each team lines up one behind the other. Every player is given a balloon.

Some distance from the start line is an empty chair for each team.

The first player runs to the chair where they sit on their balloon until it bursts.

When this happens, it is the turn of the next player.

This goes on until all members have burst their balloons.

The first team to burst all their balloons wins.

Balloon Challenge Relay Race Ideas – Balloon Relay Games

Balloon Challenge Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©Pinterest

Balloon relay games come in different difficulty levels.

The Balloon Challenge Relay is just that, a challenge.

The rules are extremely simple.

Players are to run from one end of the play area to the other where they tag the next team member.

This sounds simple enough, however, there is one little twist that contributes to the overall fun of the game.

All players are expected to run with the balloon between their legs.

If the balloon bursts the player gets a new one and continues.

The first team to have all its members run the course wins the race.

Balloons And Towels Relay Race Ideas – Balloon Relay

Balloons And Towels Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©One Crazy House AND Canva

Balancing skills, teamwork, and speed are all put to the test during the Balloons and Towels Relay.

Players are divided into teams and then further paired within the group.

This balloon relay race has the first pair in each team holding a towel between them with a balloon sitting on the towel.

When the pair gets to the opposite side, they tag the next pair.

This running and tagging go on until one team finishes first and is declared the winner.

If the balloon falls off the towel, they place it back and continue.

The first team to finish wins.

Relay Race Ideas With Water

Fill The Bucket Relay Variation – Water Bucket Relay

Water Bucket Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©clu via canva.com

Fill The Bucket relay is one of those water bucket relay games best played during those fine weather days.

Each team is allocated a bucket full of water, a plastic cup, and an empty bucket at the end-line.

Players in their teams take turns filling the cup with water.

Each player runs with the water to the end-line and pours it into the empty bucket waiting for them there.

They then run back to the start where the next player takes the cup and runs the course.

The team to finish first and also has the most water transferred wins.

Fill The Bucket Relay Variation – Water Relays

Water Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©Ruggiero_S via canva.com

Water relays are fun games for all.

A variation of the regular Fill The Bucket relay uses a sponge instead of a plastic cup.

Each team is given a sponge.

Each player has a turn dipping the sponge.

They run with the wet sponge to the end line where the team’s empty bucket is placed.

After dipping the sponge into the bucket, the player wrings the sponge, collecting the water into the team’s empty bucket.

They race back to their teammates where the next player takes the sponge.

The winner is the first team to finish and have the most water.

Fill The Bucket Relay Variation – Water Relay Races Games Ideas

Water Relay Races Games Ideas

Image: ©eans via canva.com

This variation of the “Fill The Bucket” relay, takes water relay races to yet a higher level.

This particular game has the players use a spoon.

The drill is the same.

Each team member during their turn scoops some water using a spoon.

They run to the end-line where they empty the water on the spoon into a measuring jug/cup.

They run back to the start line where they hand the spoon to the next player who runs the same course.

The game ends when one team has completely emptied its water container.

The team that has transferred the most water is the winner.

Fill The Bucket Relay Variation – Water Relay Race Ideas

Cool Water Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©Jupiterimages via canva.com

Fill The Bucket Relay variation 4, like the other water relay race games, is about moving water from one container to another.

In this particular version, players use a ladle, a plastic measuring cup, or a drinking straw.

The only catch is if you use a measuring cup, no hands should be used, just the player’s mouth.

For hygiene purposes, each player should have their cup.

Going in relay style, the teams compete to transfer as much water as possible in the shortest time.

The first team to transport all their water and finish with the most water wins.

Relay Race Ideas With Dressing Up

Dress Up Relay Race Ideas

Dress Up Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©LazingBee via canva.com

Dress Up Relay race ideas have been developed until there are at least 5 versions of the game.

The traditional Dress-Up Relay has the children in relay fashion run up to a pile of dress-up items like a hat, scarf, glasses, and handbag in a pile.

During their turn, they put on the items and run back to the team where the next person is waiting.

They put on some clothes and run the course.

The first team to have everyone complete the process wins.

Substitute the dress-up items with oversized clothes/uniforms, beach play items, or witch’s paraphernalia for more fun.

Fashion Show Relay – Dress Up Relay Race Ideas

Dress Up Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©Pexels from Pixabay via canva.com

Another highly popular Dress Up Relay race, especially with girls is the Fashion Show relay.

Put the clothes in 2 buckets at the start line, ensuring that each team has identical items.

The team helps Player 1 to dress up and goes off to the catwalk as the music plays, modeling the clothes, albeit hurriedly.

Player 1 returns to the team, undresses and Player 2 is then dressed up and quickly models the clothes.

Everybody must walk the runway.

The first team to finish wins. A slight variation has the models dressed in all the items in the basket – dress, shoes, hat, sunglasses, and jewelry.

A Day At The Beach – Relay Race Ideas

Relay Race Ideas Beach

Image: ©encrier via canva.com

Relay Race Ideas would not be complete without mentioning “A Day at the Beach”.

Give each team a beach chair, a beach bag, a towel, a magazine, and sunglasses.

On the signal, Player 1 from each team carries the beach chair and beach bag to the finish line where they set down the chair, unroll the towel, sit in the chair, wear the sunglasses, and read the magazine.

After relaxing on the beach chair, Player 1 hops up, folds the beach chair packs the beach bag, and returns to the start.

Other teammates follow.

The team with the fastest time is the winner.

Diving Suit Relay – Relay Race Games Ideas

Relay Race Games Ideas

Image: ©ultramarinfoto via canva.com

When it comes to relay race games, the Diving Suit Relay is a fun option requiring a diving/jogging suit, diving mask, snorkel, and fins.

Other items needed include a bottle, spoon, and bowl of water.

On “Go!” Player 1 puts on the diving gear, dashing with it to the bowl of water where he scoops out spoonful after spoonful of water, carefully filling a bottle that is 5 meters away.

When the bottle is full, he dashes back to his teammates and hands it over to Player 2 who changes into the diving suit and all, and the process is repeated.

The fastest team wins.

Relay Race Ideas With Obstacle Course

Two-Player Obstacle Balloon Run Relay – Obstacle Course Relay Race Ideas

Partner Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©Pinterest

If you have taken part in an obstacle course relay race then you know how much fun it can be.

Now, introduce a balloon into the race in the form of a Two-Player Obstacle Balloon Run relay and the fun goes to a whole new level.

The members of each team are paired, preferably using height.

The first pairs race to the end line and back to the start line holding a balloon between them with their heads.

The second pair then take off, and the rest of the pairs follow in turn until one team finishes first to win.

Push Up Relay – Obstacle Course Relay Race Ideas

Conditioning Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©AzmanL via canva.com

Push Up Relay is an obstacle course relay race where teams consist of a minimum of 5 players, with two acting as human obstacles stationed along the course.

After the signal, the first person in each team races to the first human obstacle who has formed a low tunnel by posing a push-up stance.

The racer crawls under the obstacle and runs to the second human obstacle who is also in a push-up stance.

The racer jumps over the obstacle, runs to the end, and tags number 2.

The other players have their turn. The first team to finish wins.

Obstacle Relay – Relay Obstacle Course Race Ideas

Obstacle Course Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©Sergey Novikov via canva.com

The relay obstacle course for the traditional Obstacle Relay race can be made with anything you have handy such as hoops to hop in and out of, tunnels to go through, or hurdles to jump over.

This makes it a lot more fun for the players as they maneuver their way around, under, over, or through familiar objects.

You need to design two identical courses, with each team lining up in relay formation behind their course.

The aim is for each player to run the course finding their way past each obstacle as required, and finally tagging the next teammate.

Tricycle Challenge Relay – Obstacle Relay Race Ideas

Obstacle Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©emholk via canva.com

The Tricycle Challenge relay is designed slightly differently from well-known obstacle relay race ideas.

Two teams, A and B are formed.

Team A lines up behind the start line.

On the signal, a timer is started and the first person in team A gets on the tricycle at the start line, races to the end line, and races back to the start.

Number 2 takes the tricycle and runs the course, followed by the other teammates in turns. with the timer running throughout.

Team A’s total time is announced. Team B has its turn. The team with the shortest total time wins.

Classic Relay Races

Waiter, Please – Relay Race Fitness Ideas For Junior High School

Relay Race Ideas For The Classroom

Image: ©Minerva Studio via canva.com

Relay race fitness ideas for junior high school students are more fun when they replicate real-life situations.

Waiter, Please is one such game.

Half of each team is at the start point while the rest are at the end line.

The first person on each team is given a plate with some plastic food on it.

On the signal, these first team members run towards the end line, balancing it.

If any food falls off the plate, the runner stops, picks it up, and continues running.

They tag number 2 at the end-line and the game continues until one team finishes first.

Relay Race Ideas For Outside And Inside

Toothpick – Best Relay Races Ideas

Indoor Relay Race Ideas For Birthday Party

Image: ©Phadungsakphoto via canva.com

When in search of the best relay races, Toothpick will, in most cases be at the top of the list.

The game requires very little preparation, and the only things needed are toothpicks, candies, or marshmallows.

The players line up relay style and each one is given a toothpick which they hold between their lips.

When it is their turn to play, the player pokes the marshmallow with the toothpick, using just their lips.

They carry their marshmallow package to the end line, placing it in the team’s empty bowl.

The first team to transfer all their marshmallows wins the race.

Spoon Balloon Transport – Fun Relay Races Ideas

Egg Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©Billion Photos, kostkarubika005 from Pixabay, GuhitByBuninay via canva.com

Fun relay races like Spoon Balloon Transport.

Each child is given 2 spoons.

They sit one behind the other with an inflated balloon at the front of the line.

On the signal, the first person lifts the balloon using the spoons and passes it over their head to the player behind them.

This continues until the balloon reaches the last person.

The fastest team wins.

A variation: when the last person gets the balloon, they run to the front of the line and the balloon starts its down-the-line journey again.

The first team to have everyone run to the front wins.

Wheelbarrow Race Variation – Relay Games Race Ideas

Fall Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©JenD via canva.com

Relay games ideas are dynamic, being varied to make the game more exciting or challenging.

In Wheelbarrow Race variation 2, team members pair up, with one being the wheelbarrow and the other the pusher, just like in the traditional Wheelbarrow race.

At the end line is a bucket of water with an apple.

The “wheelbarrow” has to fish this with their mouth and carry it back to the next pair at the start line.

If the apple drops along the way, a point is deducted.

The first team to finish and with the least points deducted for dropping the apple wins.

Relay Race Ideas With Dressing Up

Asterix And Obelix Relay Race Ideas – Relay Race Activities

Winter Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©Unknown via canva.com

Some relay race activities like the Asterix and Obelix Relay Race are guaranteed to be hilarious.

Based on the 2 comic characters, the game requires each player to dress up in the Obelix costume which consists of an oversized pair of trousers with braces tied to a plastic ring, a wig with red plaits, and a helmet.

They then carry a grindstone made from paper mache and run the relay course.

When they get back to the start, they remove the costume and the next player takes over.

The first team, to have all its members run the relay wins.

Relay Games With Spoons

Spoon And Water Bomb Relay Race Ideas – Spoon Race Games

Water Balloon Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©altmodern via canva.com

Spoon and Water Bomb relay is one of those spoon race games that is played by all ages and in groups of any size.

Half of each team lines up at the start, the other at the end-line, all holding spoons.

The first person balances a water balloon on the spoon and runs with it to the end line.

They transfer the water balloon to the next team member who runs with it to the third team member, and so on.

Drop the balloon, pick it up, and continue, burst it, you run back to the beginning to get a new one.

Bottle Transport – Fun Relay Race Games Ideas

Relay Race Ideas For Kids Water Bottles Indoor

Image: ©bong hyunjung via canva.com

Many fun relay race games do not require a lot of equipment. Identical bottles with their tops screwed on and a coaster for each team are all you need for the Bottle Transport relay race.

Balance the coaster on the bottle, run with it to the finish line, pass the bottle and coaster to the next player and continue the chain until every person on the team has had a go.

No hands are allowed to support the coaster while running.

If the coaster falls, stop, pick it up, and balance it on the bottle before continuing with the race.

Fork Transport – Ideas For Relay Races

Backyard Relay Race Ideas

Image: ©hitesh choudhary from Pexels via canva.com

Coming up with ideas for relay races can be lots of fun. Instead of the traditional egg and spoon race, spice up the game by replacing the egg with a coaster and the spoon with a fork.

Now, you have a new game called Fork Transport.

The coaster is placed between the tines of the fork and carried to the teammate at the other end.

The challenge comes when transferring the coaster from one fork to the other without the players using their hands.

If the coaster falls along the way, the player stops, picks it up, then continues running.

Tennis Ball Transport – Easy Relay Races Ideas

Easy Relay Races Ideas

Image: ©Healthy Kids

If you have young children, you may want to consider one of the easy relay races such as the Tennis Ball Transport.

Teams are divided into two, half at the start point, the other half at the end-line, all with their spoons.

With their spoon in the mouth, the first player in each team places the ball on the spoon and runs with it to the end-line where their teammate is eagerly waiting.

The ball is handed over without the players using their hands.

Then number two starts their race.

This interchange continues until one team finishes first, and wins.

Relay Race Ideas – The Finish Line

You’ve reached the finish line.

I hope you enjoyed browsing through this list of more than 118+ fun relay race ideas for adults and kids.

You have plenty of options to choose from to make your next backyard party a big success.

Of course, you can also use these ideas as inspiration and develop your very own unique variations of relay races.

If you do it might be fun if you shared your relay race ideas with the community in the comments at the bottom of this article.

Keep revisiting this extensive list of fun relay race ideas as often as you like to find more games your guests will truly enjoy.

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