79+ Parachute Games For Kids, Kindergarteners, Preschoolers, And Seniors

Parachute Games

A Brief Introduction To Parachute Games

Are you trying to find some fun and free parachute games for kids, kindergarteners, preschoolers, or seniors?

Then, your search has come to an end.

Continue reading to discover some awesome parachute games with balls or bean bags suitable for toddlers and seniors alike.

Use these parachute games for physical education or children’s or kids’ parties or even for music class.

Popcorn – Parachute Games For Kindergarteners

Parachute Games For Kindergarteners

Image: ©oksanashufrych via canva.com

There are many fun parachute games for kindergarteners and Popcorn is one of the all-time favorites.

The game has very simple rules and the number of children is not limited as long as they can all fit comfortably around a large parachute while it is on the ground.

A rainbow parachute makes it all the more colorful.

The children form a circle around the parachute which has an assortment of small items such as beanbags and foam balls on it.

Each child holds the edge of the parachute and on the signal, they all shake the items just like popcorn popping.

Mushroom – Parachute Games For Kids

Parachute Games For Kids

Image: ©oksanashufrych via canva.com

Mushroom is one of those parachute games for kids that will always be fun to play.

The game is not just a fun game for the children, it also teaches them cooperation and teamwork.

It is played by a group of children using a parachute, preferably a rainbow-colored one.

The children each hold the edge of the parachute at waist level and on the signal, they flip the parachute to get air under it in the shape of a cone.

Once it is fully up, they all crouch down, each pulling the edge in to form a mushroom shape.

Make Waves – Parachute Games For Preschoolers

Parachute Games For Preschoolers

Image: ©oksanashufrych via canva.com

Children love colors and they love movement which is why Make Waves is likely to be on the children’s playlist for best parachute games for preschoolers for a long time.

It is usually used as a transition game to the other parachute games.

The children are positioned around the colorful parachute, each one holding the edge.

When the leader shouts “make waves” each child ruffles the parachute to form waves.

Slightly older children can “pass” the wave from one to the other like the way spectators do during a baseball game.

See how long they can keep the wave rolling.

Merry-Go-Round – Parachute Games For Kids

Kids Parachute Games

Image: ©Sergey Novikov via canva.com

Children learn through play and that is what makes parachutes games for kids successful.

Merry-Go-Round, for example, helps the children master coordination, follow instructions, and learn how to work as a team.

Positioned around the parachute each child holds the parachute with one hand, all facing the same direction.

When the leader calls “Merry-Go-Round” they all walk in a circle to make the merry-go-round.

The leader then calls out any action like run, skip, hop, or stop and the children have to follow the instructions for a smooth merry-go-round.

The most amusing activity is when the children try to “change direction”.

Alligator Alligator – Parachute Activites

Play Parachute Games

Image: ©Sergey Novikov via canva.com

Fill your backyard with laughter by introducing Alligator Alligator game.

As a part of the parachute activities for children, Alligator Alligator is a fun game for a large group of children.

The children all lie down on their stomachs with the parachute stretched over them and tucked under their chins with legs stretched out towards the middle of the parachute.

The Alligator crawls under the parachute until they eat a person by pulling on their feet.

The person eaten shouts “Alligator Alligator” to warn the others, and then also becomes an alligator.

The game ends when everyone is an alligator.

Weather Change – Kid Parachute Games

Kid Parachute Games

Image: ©RODNAE Productions from Pexels via canva.com

Weather Change is a kid parachute game that, like most other games helps to build the children in a certain area.

This particular game helps children to be attentive, think fast and as a team, and improves their imagination.

The children spread out around the giant parachute, each holding onto the edge.

The player who is the weather reporter calls out a weather condition like a gentle breeze, and the children have to ruffle the parachute to mimic that weather condition.

The fun part is when the weather changes from a drizzle to heavy rain and back again.

Roller Ball – Kids Parachute Games

Child Parachute Games

Image: ©SolStock via canva.com

Children love being active and Roller Ball is one of those kids parachute games that are fun and teach you to remain calm during stressful times.

The game is played with the children evenly spaced around the parachute.

Each child holds the parachute with both hands.

A ball is placed on the parachute and the aim is to keep the ball rolling around the parachute but only along the edge.

When the ball gets to each child, they are to ensure the ball passes smoothly to their neighbor without dropping, thus keeping the ball rolling for as long as possible.

Parachute Ball – Games To Play With A Parachute

Children Parachute Games - Parachute Ball

Image: ©SolStock via canva.com

Games to play with a parachute, like most other games, help children hone particular skills while also having fun.

Co-operation and coordination are the lessons learned through playing Parachute Ball.

As the children stand around the parachute, evenly spaced, they are divided into two groups, odd-numbered children in one team and even-numbered in the second team.

A soft sponge ball is placed on the parachute and the offensive team tries to get the ball through the hole in the middle of the parachute by maneuvering the parachute with just your hands.

The defense team tries to prevent this.

Color Quiz – Parachute Games For Toddlers

Parachute Games For Toddlers - Color Quiz

Image: ©oksanashufrych via canva.com

Color quiz is one of the parachute games for toddlers that can be used in a class setting, provided there is space.

The game helps reinforce the different colors, making them more recognizable.

It is a simple game where the adult calls out a color and the children identify it.

To make it more interesting, if the children are few, get them to work as a single team and the first person to raise their hand walks to the color.

More children can be divided into two teams. This is a non-competitive game that is simply meant to be fun.

Under the Bridge (Don’t get trapped) – Childrens Parachute Games

Childrens Parachute Games - Under the Bridge

Image: ©Monkey Business Images via canva.com

As with most childrens parachute games, Under the Bridge (Don’t get trapped) begins with the children positioned around the parachute, each one holding the edge.

One person is chosen to be the supervisor.

The rest of the children hold the parachute above their heads.

The supervisor then calls out one person’s name and that person runs under the parachute, from one end of it to the other.

While the person is running across, the other players try to trap them underneath the parachute.

If the person is trapped, they become the next supervisor and the game starts all over again.

All Change – Parachute Activities For Preschoolers

Image: ©SolStock via canva.com

When the children see the rainbow-colored parachute, they get excited.

Parachute activities for preschoolers are a source of great fun and All Change is no exception.

This game helps the children hone their listening skills, level of attention, and running and quick decision-making skills.

Children stand around the parachute that is held head high.

The leader then calls out a letter and everyone whose name starts with that letter runs from their end of the parachute to a space elsewhere.

The leader can also call out a color and anyone with that color on them runs across.

Shoe Shuffle – Parachute Games For Preschool

Preschool Parachute Games - Shoe Shuffle

Image: ©pixelshot via canva.com

Parachute games for preschool are creative and a great example is Shoe Shuffle.

The children stand around the parachute.

The leader divides them into groups the first person number 1, the second person number 2, and so on up to the number of groups you want.

Call out a number (X) and all those who are number X throw one shoe in the middle.

As the parachute is lifted for the third time, all Xs run to the middle and try to find their shoe then run back before the parachute lands.

The game continues with the leader calling out other numbers.

Big Turtle Game – Parachute Kid Games

Parachute Games For Kindergarten - Big Turtle Game

Image: ©amayaeguizabal from Pixabay via canva.com

Children see a rainbow parachute as an invitation to have fun, and the Big Turtle game, one of the many parachute kid games guarantees just that.

Put together a group of eager-to-play children and a parachute and you are set.

The children hold onto the edge of the parachute and after flipping it up, go down on all fours under the parachute, still holding the edge.

The parachute comes down on them like a turtle shell.

They then have to walk around in unison.

If you have two or more groups, turn the activity into a turtle race.

Poison Snakes / Crazy Worms – Parachute Activities

Parachute Games Preschoolers - Poison Snakes Crazy Worms

Image: ©Unknown via canva.com

It is interesting how some parachute activities have such weird names.

Poison Snakes / Crazy Worms is a fine example.

The snakes are represented by about 6 strands of yarn which are placed onto the parachute.

As with most parachute games, the children position themselves around the parachute, holding onto the edge.

The aim is to shake the parachute, trying to get the snakes off the parachute without being “bitten”, or touched.

Anyone who is bitten is out.

To add some spice to the game, divide the children into teams and the team with the most people at game-end wins.

Chute Ball – Parachute Ball Games

Parachute Games With Balls - Chute Ball

Image: ©Sergey Novikov, Kate_Guzenko, Kate_Guzenko via canva.com

Parachute ball games like Chute Ball can be played competitively or as a casual game purely for fun.

Players are separated into 2 teams with an equal number of players.

The 2 teams are spread out on opposite sides of the parachute, holding it at waist height.

Two beach balls of different colors are placed in the center and players try to get the opponent’s ball to roll off the parachute.

The team that succeeds in making the opponent’s ball fall off the chute scores a point.

The team that scores the most points when playtime is over wins the game.

Beach Ball Surfing – Parachute Games And Activities For Kids

Parachute Games For Elementary PE - Beach Ball Surfing

Image: ©oksanashufrych, Billion Photos via canva.com

There are several parachute activities for kids that you can introduce when out at play.

Beach Ball Surfing is a great way to help children learn coordination.

As they stand around the parachute holding the edge, a beach ball is introduced.

Players are required to keep the ball moving along the edge of the parachute without it stalling or falling off.

The trick lies in how fast or slow you flap the parachute.

Slow down the pace a little as it approaches and then flap a little faster when it passes so that it does not move backward.

Parachute Volleyball – Parachute Ball Game

Physical Education Parachute Games - Parachute Volleyball

Image: ©RODNAE Productions from Pexels, Billion Photos via canva.com

Parachute Volleyball is a fun game for all age groups, even senior citizens.

This parachute ball game is played by people in 2 teams, preferably arranged in Team 1, Team 2, Team 1, and Team 2 format, so that adjacent players are in different teams.

Everyone stands around the parachute holding the edge, and on the signal they lift the parachute in unison, causing the ball to fly up.

The object of the game is for team 1 to keep the ball on the parachute while team 2 tries to drop it off. The roles change after 2 minutes.

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Fleas – Children Parachute Games

Parachute Games Preschoolers - Fleas

Image: ©Sergey Novikov via canva.com

Children parachute games are so simple to organize making them popular.

The game of fleas like the other children’s games requires a few small balls like tennis or table tennis balls.

The balls (fleas) are placed on the parachute and the idea is to ruffle the parachute to get the balls flying as high as possible.

This is like flicking the fleas away.

The fleas are deemed successfully taken care of at the end of when all are on the ground.

The game is good for muscle development as the pace of the ruffling changes at random at the will of the leader.

Sharks and Lifeguards – Parachute Games

Kindergarten Parachute Games - Sharks and Lifeguards

Image: ©gchutka, yfhishimuna via canva.com

The Sharks and Lifeguards parachute game is a fun one for young children. Choose some players to be sharks and others lifeguards.

The rest of the players lie on the ground, waist down covered by the parachute.

As they ruffle the parachute to form waves, the sharks under the parachute go on a prowl looking for children to eat, which they do by pulling them completely under the parachute, and they too become sharks.

While this is going on, the lifeguards walk on the outside of the parachute looking for children to save.

When most have become sharks, start again.

Parachute Run – Child Parachute Games

Parachute Games Kindergarten - Parachute Run

Image: ©oksanashufrych via canva.com

Some child parachute games like Parachute Run are designed just to be fun.

Children love running around to let off excess energy and that is probably why they love the game of Parachute Run so much.

The object of the game is to see how long each child can keep running.

Sounds easy enough until certain parameters are introduced.

The parachute is spread out on the ground with the children standing around it.

2 children are chosen for the run.

They step onto the parachute and run around while the others form turbulent waves.

The run team is refreshed frequently.

Number Switch / Swap Numbers – Kids Parachute Games

Parachute Games Kids - Number Switch Swap Numbers

Image: ©corelens via canva.com

Number Switch / Swap Numbers is a kids parachute game that teaches the children the art of listening and numbers as well.

You can play the game with either a small or large group of children.

The children stand around the parachute holding the ends.

Give the children numbers to form groups, for example, 1-2-3-4-5, 1-2-3-4-5, and so on.

The children flip the parachute two times and after it goes up the third time the leader calls a number.

All those who are that number must run and swap places, getting to the parachute edge before the parachute comes down.

Cat and Mouse – Fun Parachute Games

Fun Parachute Games - Cat and Mouse

Image: ©Firmafotografen via canva.com

Fun parachute games like Cat and Mouse keep all the children occupied the whole time.

The game is played using a large rainbow parachute.

The children make a circle around the parachute.

One child is chosen to be the cat and another child the mouse.

The cat gets on top of the parachute while the mouse crawls under it.

The aim is for the cat to walk around trying to catch the mouse, while the mouse tries to not get caught.

The rest of the children keep the parachute moving by creating waves to disguise the position of the mouse.

Treasure Under The Sea – Giant Parachute Games

Giant Parachute Games - Treasure Under The Sea

Image: ©Unknown via canva.com

Giant parachute games are a fun way of entertaining a large group of children.

Treasure under the Sea is one such game.

A box of treasures is placed under the large parachute (the ocean) in the middle of the play area.

The treasure is made up of anything you can get your hands on such as sweets, little balls, or different colored scarves.

Two or three divers are sent into the ocean to retrieve a list of items as the children make waves with the parachute.

The divers are timed and have to make it safely out before the countdown.

Cathedral / Circus Tent – Parachute Fun

Fun Parachute Games For Kindergarteners - Cathedral Circus Tent

Image: ©pejft via canva.com

Making a Cathedral / Circus Tent using a parachute is fun.

The children gather around the parachute and enjoy raising and lowering the parachute in unison. This is done two times.

On the third time around, everyone raises their arms.

Once the parachute is quite high everyone takes 3 to 4 giant steps toward the center and pulls the parachute behind them and then sits down on the edge.

The parachute forms the shape of a cathedral or a circus tent.

The children stay seated quietly just as they would when in a real cathedral or circus.

Shake Hands – Parachute Game Ideas

Parachute Games With Kids - Shake Hands

Image: ©Leylaynr via canva.com

It is good to shake hands when you meet a friend, but this type of Shake Hands is more of a fun activity than a social one.

It is one of the Parachute game ideas that are also good when used as an icebreaker.

The children or adults form a circle around the parachute which is held high.

Every player is assigned a number and when the leader calls out two numbers, those 2 players go under the parachute to meet in the middle.

They shake hands and exchange some personal information.

When they get out another two go in.

Around the World – Parachute Game For Kids

Parachute Games With Kids - Around the World

Image: ©alphaspirit via canva.com

Around the World is a parachute game for kids that can also be very educative, teaching the children a little bit about each continent.

The children stand around the parachute and the leader takes them through the various continents.

When at each continent, the leader mentions a feature of that continent.

The children make the appropriate movement or action that represents the feature.

The fun game of Caves in Africa has the children stick their heads inside the parachute, while mountains in Asia are represented by them sitting on the parachute with their knees up.

Sharks in Australia means rippling the parachute quite fast.

Parachute Tug Of War – Parachute Activity

Easy Parachute Games - Parachute Tug Of War

Image: ©Billion Photos, stux from Pixabay via canva.com

A game of Parachute Tug of War is a fun parachute activity that pits children in 2 teams against each other.

If possible, let the teams have an equal number of players.

The teams stand across from each other on opposite sides of the parachute.

The parachute is held waist high, and when the signal is given by the leader both teams tug on the parachute, trying to pull the other team across to their side.

The team that succeeds in doing this wins the game. You can choose to have a best of 3 if there is enough time.

Sleeping Bunnies – Parachute Activities For Toddlers

Toddler Parachute Games - Sleeping Bunnies

Image: ©Anthony Flower via canva.com

Parachute activities for toddlers need to be catchy for the children to enjoy.

That is what Sleeping Bunnies promises. You can choose to have the children sitting around the parachute, or they can be standing.

However, if you have a group of 10 or so toddlers, it makes a lot more sense to have them seated for better control.

Place some stuffed bunnies in the middle of the parachute and get the children to sing the Sleeping Bunnies song.

When they get to the part that asks the bunnies to get up, the children shake the parachute up and down.

Parachute Golf / Ball Roll – Parachute Games Kids

Parachute Games With A Ball - Parachute Golf Ball Roll

Image: ©Eduard Goricev’s Images via canva.com

Parachute games kids love are those that involve a lot of fun and laughter, just as the game of Parachute Golf / Ball Roll.

Just like classic golf which is all about hitting balls into holes, in Parachute Golf, the players aim to get the balls to go through the hole in the middle of the parachute.

To do this, the children make a circle around the parachute, all of them holding the edge.

A few balls are placed on the parachute and when the leader gives the signal, the children work together and as they do so, there will be many laughs.

Basketball (Parachute Game) – Parachute Game Kids

Parachute Games With Kids - Basketball Parachute Game

Image: ©JMBee Studio, AILes from Pixabay via canva.com

With a minimum of 8 to 10 children, you can play an active parachute game kids will love.

Basketball (Parachute Game) will have all the children active at the same time.

The children are divided into pairs and each pair is given a small rubber or plastic ball.

In each pair, the person with the ball stands aside while the ones without surround the parachute and make a mushroom.

Those with the balls take turns throwing the ball, aiming to get it through the hole in the middle of the parachute.

When a ball goes in, the pair change positions.

Jaws – Parachute Activities For Preschool

Preschool Parachute Games - Jaws

Image: ©Unknown via canva.com

Parachute activities for preschool children are a lot more fun when there is a lesson to learn from them.

Jaws, the game is a subtle reminder of why children should be aware of their surroundings.

The children sit around the parachute with their legs under the parachute, representing bathers on the beach with their legs in the ocean, unaware of the danger that lurks.

The “shark” disappears under the parachute and attacks a person by pulling them under the parachute.

The attacked person can either become an additional shark or change places with the original shark depending on your rules.

Washing Machine – Kids Playing With Parachute

Best Parachute Games - Washing Machine

Image: ©Choreograph via canva.com

If you have kids playing with a parachute, introduce them to the Washing Machine game.

The game is a simple one to play and children will love the idea of imitating the motion of a real-life washing machine.

One person sits on the parachute while the rest of the children stand around it, each holding the edge.

The children walk in a circle twisting the parachute with the person in the middle forming a natural pivot point.

On the signal, the children stand firmly on the ground and pull the parachute, forcing the person in the middle to spin around.

The Ocean – Parachutes For Games

Large Parachute Games - The Ocean

Image: ©pacificazure from Pixabay via canva.com

The idea of using parachutes for games is a brilliant one as the rainbow parachute adds a colorful dimension to the games.

The Ocean is a game that works on children’s creativity.

The parachute is the ocean, and the person chosen to be the weatherman calls out different weather conditions.

The children stand around the parachute holding the edge and they try to recreate that weather condition by raffling the parachute at a tempo that matches the weather.

For added fun, have two people at a time lie down on the parachute center to experience the different weather conditions.

Fruit Salad – Big Parachute Games

Big Parachute Games

Image: ©Trang Doan from Pexels via canva.com

Fruit salad as a dessert is healthy, and the same can be said about Fruit Salad, one of the big parachute games that children love.

The children are given the names of fruits, and if possible let each fruit have the same number of children.

The children stand around the parachute holding it up.

When the leader calls out a certain fruit, every child with that label runs under the parachute to swap places.

When the leader calls out fruit salad, all the children drop the parachute and swap places with the children across on the opposite side of the parachute.

Camping – Parachute Kids Games

Parachute Games For School Age

Image: ©oksanashufrych via canva.com

Camping and Mushroom are like sibling parachute kids games, similar in some areas but different in others.

Like in Mushroom, the children are positioned around the parachute, each one holding the edge, but unlike in Mushroom, the parachute is held above their heads.

On the count of three, all the children get under the parachute and lower it so that it covers them, forming the camping site with the parachute as a make-believe tent.

If played at night, the children can put off all the lights and tell one another camp stories, or animal-outside stories if they wish.

The Wave – What Games Can You Play With A Parachute

Outdoor Parachute Games

Image: ©oksanashufrych via canva.com

What games can you play with a parachute?

There is a wide selection of games and the fun thing about them is they are all about having fun.

That is why in a game like The Wave there is no competition.

The lack of competitiveness makes the children relax and enjoy themselves.

The Wave is a simple game that helps children with coordination.

The first person raises one hand while holding the parachute.

As they bring their hand down, the person next to them takes over the wave and passes it on.

The wave keeps going around the circle.

See-Saw Pull / Circular Situps – Play Parachute Game

Parachute Games Outdoor

Image: ©Hemera Technologies via canva.com

If you desire to get the children to play a parachute game that will stand in for a PE session, then See-Saw Pull / Circular Situps is the game for you.

To play the game, get an even number of children to sit around the parachute, all of them holding the edge.

Starting with 2 children on opposite sides of the parachute, get them to pull and relax the parachute so they make a seesaw movement.

Move around the circle until all the children have had a turn.

The children will enjoy trying to keep in sync with their seesaw partners.

Flying Saucer – How To Play Parachute Games

Parachute Games PE

Image: ©dottedhippo via canva.com

A flying saucer, whether in movies or comic books has always been a thing of wonder that leaves us all wide-eyed.

That is the same wonder you can expect the children to experience when they play the amazing Flying Saucer game.

This is a game that has the children standing in a circle around the parachute.

They all hold onto the edge of the parachute.

On the signal from the leader, the children raise the parachute up above their heads.

On a second signal, they all let go of the parachute and watch it hover above their heads before falling.

Static Fun / Going To The Hair Stylist / Hair Dryer – Parachute Games For Kindergarten

PE Parachute Games

Image: ©tatyana_tomsickova via canva.com

Parachute games for kindergarten mimicking familiar activities are fun.

The game Static Fun / Going to the Hair Stylist / Hair Dryer is fun for the children to play while also allowing the leader to teach them about static electricity.

Have one or two children sitting under the parachute while the rest of the children hold it up.

On signal, the children pull the parachute back and forth as if they are washing their hair.

The hair of the children beneath the parachute becomes statically charged because of the rubbing and when the parachute is lifted, their hair stands up.

Air Conditioning / Waves Overhead – Preschool Parachute Games

Preschool Parachute Games And Songs

Image: ©Schaeferle from Pixabay via canva.com

There are those preschool parachute games that are particularly good to end the lesson with.

Air Conditioning / Waves Overhead is one such game as it helps the children relax and refresh.

The game can be played indoors or outside. Give the children numbers in groups.

When you call that number, all the children with that number go under the parachute, lie on their back, close their eyes, and cross their legs and arms.

When you give the signal, the rest of the children make waves with the parachute, blowing air on the children below, just like an air conditioner.

Mousetrap – Parachute Ideas

Pre School Parachute Games

Image: ©Sergey Novikov via canva.com

Games using parachute ideas offer a fun way for children to learn valuable life lessons.

Mousetrap teaches children to work together towards a common goal. Children are given a number.

They all stand around the parachute, holding it above their heads.

The leader calls a number and that person (the mouse) runs across underneath the parachute.

The rest try to trap the mouse by lowering the parachute starting with the 2 people on either side of the mouse and going down the two lines.

The mouse is out if caught under the parachute. If they make it through, they win.

The Canopy / Umbrella – How To Play Parachute Games

Small Parachute Games

Image: ©Sergey Novikov via canva.com

When in doubt as to how to play parachute games, place the parachute on the ground and leave the children alone.

They will discover games like The Canopy / Umbrella which are lots of fun.

This particular game has the children squatting around the parachute holding onto the edge with an overhand grip.

When the leader gives the signal, all the children stand up and raise the parachute high above their heads so that it forms a large canopy.

To make the canopy go up higher, as they raise the parachute the children can all take one step in.

Pop the Bubble – Parachute Games

Parachute Games For Preschool

Image: ©artursfoto via canva.com

Parachute games like Pop the Bubble get the children focused on a particular task and for them to succeed they need to work together.

In Pop the Bubble, the parachute is laid down flat on the ground.

The older children or adults take hold of the parachute ends and move them around to form an air bubble.

The children then get on to the parachute and try to burst the bubble with their feet.

As the game is non-competitive, there is no fear of any of the children sulking because they lost to one another, making the game fun-centered.

Balloon Float – Parachute Game

Parachute Games And Activities

Image: ©EMPPhotography via canva.com

Balloons floating in the air are such a happy sight, and that is what makes the parachute game Balloon Float such fun to play.

The game is simple enough to play, just like all the other parachute games.

Arrange the children in a circle around the parachute.

They lift the parachute waist high and then some balloons are placed on top of it.

On the count of three, the children whoosh the balloon up and quickly pull it back down.

The balloons will be left floating in the air.

When they settle back down on the parachute, repeat the process.

Indoor Blizzard – Parachute Play For Preschoolers

Preschool Parachute Games How To Play

Image: ©oksanashufrych via canva.com

Parachute play for preschoolers is a fun way to teach them some important social lessons.

The game Indoor Blizzard, in particular, highlights the aspect of working together.

The leader can also take this time to help the children recognize colors.

Small sponge balls are placed in the center of the parachute.

On the signal, the children shake the parachute, making the balls fly up and down and eventually, they fly off the parachute imitating a blizzard.

The children work together to collect all the balls and put them back on the parachute and only then can the game begin again.

Up, up, up – Parachute Game For Toddlers

Parachute Games Toddlers

Image: ©oksanashufrych via canva.com

Up, up, up is a parachute game for toddlers that will keep them happily active.

The game is particularly good when you want children to exercise their arms raising them up and down.

The children make a circle around the parachute.

Each one holds the edge of the parachute.

On the count of 3, they raise the parachute to shoulder level.

Then bring it down again.

On another count of 3, they raise the parachute about their heads.

To make it fun, get a couple of children to sit under the parachute and enjoy as a parachute comes down on them.

Bouncing Balls – Parachute Ball Game

Parachute Games For Older Kids

Image: ©Sergey Novikov via canva.com

Children love bouncing balls and that is what makes the Parachute Ball game a hit.

The children are divided into two groups.

If you are dealing with an odd number of children, simply let one team have an extra person.

The first group of children stands around the parachute holding the edge.

The second group of children goes under the parachute.

Small balls are placed on the parachute and the group of children underneath tries to make the balls fall off the parachute while the children around the parachute try to stop the balls from falling off.

The children change roles regularly.

Ball in the Bucket – Games To Play With Parachute

Parachute Games For PE

Image: ©Olivier DJIANN via canva.com

There are many games to play with a parachute, with Ball in the Bucket being one of the highly active ones.

The game is played using a parachute, but one that has a hole in the middle.

The children are divided into teams and each team is given a set of balls the same color.

All the balls are placed on the parachute and the children stand around the parachute holding the edge.

Players aim to get the other team’s balls through the center hole while keeping their own team’s balls safely on the parachute.

Parachute Tag Version – Large Parachute Games

Parachute Games For Physical Education

Image: ©csakisti via canva.com

Large parachute games are not just fun, they are also highly educative.

There are 2 Parachute Tag versions and the first one has all the children enjoying themselves around the parachute.

As they hold on to the edge, the leader calls out the names of two children.

The two are supposed to run across under the parachute and exchange places, trying to get out from under before the parachute comes down.

For a little extra fun, the children around the parachute can try to bring the parachute down on the two children.

More pairs are called as the game continues.

Parachute Tag Version – Parachute Games For Elementary Students

Parachute Games Physical Education

Image: ©Sergey Novikov via canva.com

Parachute games for elementary students are full of fun and this is true for Parachute Tag.

Since elementary and preschool children are so tiny, you can have quite a number of them around the parachute.

The idea is to have the children hold the parachute at the edges.

They flip the parachute up twice, and on the third flip, the leader calls one child and suggests a form of movements such as skip, hop, or dance.

The child moves across underneath the tent in the suggested manner, making sure they are out from under by the time the parachute falls.

Jellyfish – Kids Playing With Parachute Games

Elementary Parachute Games

Image: ©Buddhapong Wongsanont via canva.com

Kids playing with a parachute are very creative which is probably why there are at least 3 versions of Jellyfish.

Team 1 sits around the parachute, ruffling it shoulder high to look like a jellyfish.

They throw back the balls that Team 2 who are under the parachute, throw out.

A variation is to have the person who is called run to the middle and stand like a pole before the parachute comes down.

The third version has the children standing and on the signal, they run under the parachute and follow the leader’s instructions like lifting one leg.

Under the Sea – Parachute Kid Games

Parachute Games For Older Students

Image: ©vlad61 via canva.com

Parachute kid games like Under the Sea start exposing the children to a world beyond what they know.

An assortment of toys is put in a box that is placed under the parachute, preferably in the middle.

The children all stand in a circle holding the edge.

One person is called to be the diver.

They release the parachute and take a step back.

On the count of three, the children ruffle the parachute to form waves.

The children take turns telling the diver a toy to retrieve from the “Treasure Box” under the sea before the parachute comes down.

Pom Poms – Parachute Play For Toddlers

Baby Parachute Games

Image: ©Sergey Novikov via canva.com

Parachute play for toddlers provides them with lots of fun while also helping instill social values.

Pom Poms is an old-time favorite that teaches children to identify colors and work together, all in a fun, playful environment.

The children try to get the differently sized pom poms placed on top of the parachute to enter the center hole, if the children are older, make the game more enjoyable by placing them in 2 teams, each with pom poms of their color.

Each team tries to get as many of their pom poms through the hole in a given time.

One Hand Run – PE Parachute Games

Gym Parachute Games

Image: ©tulpahn via canva.com

The children will have lots of exciting moments playing One Hand Run, one of the PE parachute games that teachers love to introduce to young children.

It helps them with their balance and coordination.

The game is simple and if you have music, it sets a carnival mood.

The children are arranged around the parachute, holding it with one hand.

The other hand is stretched out straight.

When the teacher gives the signal, the children run around in a circle.

When the next signal is given, they change directions.

If using music, the music stopping indicates a change of direction.

Roll A Ball To A Friend – Physical Education Parachute Games

Parachute Games For Middle School

Image: ©Sergey Novikov via canva.com

Physical Education parachute games like Roll a Ball to a Friend are designed to build a spirit of working together to achieve a specific goal.

The game has the children all standing around the parachute holding the ball waist high.

A ball is placed on top of the parachute and is kept moving by the children.

The leader calls a child (A) and asks them to roll the ball to their friend and the leader names another child (B).

“A” starts rolling the ball and the rest of the children work together with “A” to get the ball to “B”.

Fox and Rabbit – Parachute Exercises

Elementary School Parachute Games

Image: ©edevansuk, Tammukke via canva.com

Parachute exercises like the Fox and Rabbit game can be played by as big a group of children as are available.

The children are divided into groups of approximately 5 children each, and each group elects a leader.

The adult is the fox and the children are the rabbits.

Play is divided into one-minute sessions with the fox chasing the first 2 groups of rabbits.

Any rabbit caught becomes a fox and stays on the parachute.

The next 2 groups then play, and the game continues until all groups have played.

The group with the most rabbits is the winner.

Follow The Leader – Parachute Activities For Physical Education

Parachute Games For Elementary P E

Image: ©Sergey Novikov via canva.com

Teachers love using parachute activities for Physical Education because the activities enhance teamwork, concentration, and many more skills, as well as being lots of fun.

Follow the Leader is a game that helps the children understand the importance of working together and helps with coordination.

The leader, one of the children, gives the children instructions that they need to follow as they hold onto the parachute. Instructions can be anything like “hop to the right”, “skip forwards”, or “dance backward”.

The fun is in how confused some children get when directions are mentioned.

Remember, they are all holding one big tent.

Parachute Lego Color Sorting Game – Color Parachute Games

Color Parachute Games

Image: ©Billion Photos via canva.com

Teaching 2 and 3-year-olds colors is fun when you use color parachute games like the Parachute Lego Color Sorting game.

Get together some Lego pieces that match all the colors on your parachute.

Hide these Lego pieces around the room then get the children to look for them.

As each child finds a piece, they take it back to the parachute on the floor and place it against the color it matches.

When all the pieces have been found the game is over.

To add a twist, have the children count all the pieces after the game ends.

Teddy Bear Hibernation Parachute Game – Parachute Games For Toddlers

Parachute Games Field Day

Image: ©Milos Dimic via canva.com

Teddy Bear Hibernation parachute game is one of those parachute games for toddlers that you can make up as you go along.

The idea is for the children to all have a teddy bear.

The children all hold their teddy bear as the leader tells teddy bear stories and sing teddy bear songs with the children.

Then when the teddy bears are tired, they are taken to hibernate under the parachute by their minders.

After the bears and minders have slept for a while, the leader/mummies wake them up, and you should hear the growls from the “teddy bears”.

Outdoor Fall Parachute Play – Games To Play With The Parachute

Field Day Parachute Games

Image: ©Sunny Studio via canva.com

Children love playing in piles of fallen leaves and that is why Outdoor Fall Parachute Play is one of the best games to play with the parachute during Fall.

Let the children help you spread the parachute on the ground, and to warm up you can have them skip around the parachute singing a nursery rhyme.

Next, get the children to collect leaves and place them on the parachute.

Once you have enough, the children form a circle around the parachute, holding the edges.

The children ruffle the parachute so the leaves jump up and down before finally falling off.

Ring Around The Rosy – Parachute Games For Preschoolers

Playchute Parachute Games

Image: ©StockSnap from Pixabay via canva.com

Ring around the Rosy is a well-known parachute game for preschoolers and when it is played as an outdoor game during Fall, it takes on a completely different form.

This involves putting leaves (real ones if available or the fabric ones) on the parachute.

The children will love collecting the leaves.

As the children go around in a circle holding the edge of the parachute, they sing Ring around the Rosy but instead of “we all fall”, they sing “the leaves fall” after which all the children shake the parachute vigorously until all the leaves fall off.

Winter Clothing Game – Parachute Play For Toddlers

Halloween Parachute Games

Image: ©luanateutzi via canva.com

Winter Clothing game is an educational parachute play for toddlers.

The game helps the children familiarize themselves with different clothing items.

As you prepare for the game, have a collection of winter garments piled in one corner.

The children skip in a circle holding the edge of the parachute and singing the winter clothing song.

You can even be creative and make up your song.

As each item of clothing is mentioned, one child is sent to the pile to find it and places it on the parachute.

The game continues until all the children have had a turn.

Life Cycle of a Seed Parachute Play – Parachute Ball Games

Parachute Games For Elementary Students

Image: ©oksanashufrych via canva.com

Teach the children a little bit about nature using the Life Cycle of a Seed parachute play.

Parachute ball games like this one start with the children holding the parachute waist high.

Some balls are placed on top of the parachute to represent the seeds.

Lower the parachute to represent planting a seed.

On each given signal, the children raise the parachute first to their knees, then the waist, and then the shoulders.

This represents the plant growing.

Finally, the children let go of the parachute to show how the seeds fly away as they are blown by the wind.

Rolling Seed And Seed Walk Parachute Games – Parachute Activities For Preschoolers

Parachute Activities For Preschoolers

Image: ©oksanashufrych via canva.com

After the seeds have flown off during the Seed Life Cycle game, they come to rest on the parachute in the form of two balls.

The Rolling Seed and Seed Walk parachute games begin.

These parachute activities for preschoolers are a fun plant life class for the children.

The seeds experience a lot of different weather conditions brought on by the children waving the parachute.

Ruffling the parachute gently represents a gentle breeze while vigorous shaking stands for a hurricane or thunderstorm.

Finally, the children take the seeds for a walk.

This is done by walking in a circle.

Seed in the Wind Parachute Game – Parachute Games For PE

Image: ©RODNAE Productions from Pexels via canva.com

Planning for a PE lesson is a lot easier than before, with the many parachute games for PE available.

The Seed In The Wind Parachute Game is an excellent example.

The important thing about this game is that it enhances children’s social skills.

The children form a circle around the parachute and when one child is chosen by the leader, they step onto the parachute and sit in the middle.

The rest of the children ruffle the parachute to form some wind that “blows the seed away”.

The game continues until every child has had a turn being the seed.

Seed Swap Parachute Game – Parachute Activity

Group Parachute Games

Image: ©oksanashufrych via canva.com

The Seed Swap Parachute Game is a parachute activity that teaches the children the art of careful listening.

The children are arranged around the parachute.

As the leader, you choose 2 fruits such as oranges and bananas.

Assign each child a fruit so that half of them are bananas and the other half oranges, spacing them out properly.

The parachute is held up and when “bananas” are called, all those assigned “bananas” run under the parachute to the middle and run back to a different position in the circle.

The game continues but this time with those assigned the orange fruit.

Little Seeds Parachute Play – Parachute Games Songs

Songs For Parachute Games

Image: ©oksanashufrych via canva.com

Playing, running, and singing are the activities children love most, which is why they love parachute games songs.

A game like Little Seeds Parachute Play will have the children running and laughing as they have a fun-filled playtime.

The children, imitating seeds are seated on the ground under the parachute.

The leader sings “Little seeds on the ground do not make a sound” as they wave the parachute over the children’s heads.

When the song changes to “Little seeds in the air fly away without a care”, the children all get up and run out from under the parachute.

Climb The Mountain – Parachute Games For Preschoolers

Parachute Games Toddlers

Image: ©simonkr via canva.com

Climb The Mountain parachute games for preschoolers are educative without being boring, in fact, they are a lot of fun.

Climb The Mountain combines several activities to create one fun-filled game.

The children first make a mushroom by lifting the parachute high, bringing it down, and kneeling on it.

The leader calls out a color or 2 names and those called or all those assigned that color then climb the air bubble to the middle.

When playing with older children, you can allow the air bubble to get a little higher, making climbing it a lot more challenging.

Croc Pot Parachute Game – How To Play Parachute Games

Playground Parachute Games

Image: ©jackmac34 from Pixabay via canva.com

Learning how to play a parachute game is not hard because the games are more full of fun than rules.

The games are made this simple because children are amused by very simple things and the Croc Pot Parachute game is one of them.

The players hold the parachute knee high and the leader places one Croc from each player on the parachute.

The children flip it up and down gently, and on the signal, the parachute is flipped up fast and brought down just as fast.

This leaves the shoes continuing their upward journey before they fall again.

Super Chute-Ball – Gym Class Parachute Games

Gym Class Parachute Games

Image: ©Sergey Novikov via canva.com

Gym class parachute games such as Super Chute-Ball are high-activity games.

Divide players into 3 teams who arrange themselves around the parachute.

No members of the same team stand next to each other around the parachute.

They lift the parachute that has balls on it and 2 teams let go of it and step back.

Those holding the parachute shake it to drop the balls.

The other 2 teams hit the balls back on the parachute.

If a ball hits the ground, it remains there and the tossing team gets a point.

After every minute, the teams change positions.

Parachute Toss – Parachute Gym Class

Parachute Gym Class

Image: ©Sergey Novikov via canva.com

Gym class is always a fun lesson and when you turn it into a parachute gym class, the session is raised to another level of fun.

Parachute Toss is a lot like volleyball but with a few twits.

Each of the 2 teams has a medium-sized parachute with the members spread around it.

A ball is placed on one parachute and the members of that team work together to toss it onto the other parachute.

Choose a word and each time the tossing team misses represents one letter of the word.

When the word is complete, the teams switch roles.

What’s That Sound – Parachute Preschool Activity

Parachute Games For 3 Year Olds

Image: ©nuttakit via canva.com

What’s that Sound is a parachute preschool activity that teaches the art of active listening and sound recognition.

The leader has 3 instruments and the idea is for the children to respond to the instruments in a pre-determined way.

For example, keys shaking means jumping up and down while holding the parachute, spoons clanking means lying down on the parachute, and a drum beat means ruffling the parachute gently above your head.

Children will get the actions all mixed up and the fun is really in the way they try to recover from their mistakes amidst lots of laughter.

The Big 8 – Parachute Activites

Parachute Activites

Image: ©Miguel A. Padrinan via canva.com

Parachute activities offer a lot of educational and social lessons.

The Big 8 is a game that teaches coordination, the art of dexterity, and the value of alertness.

As the children play this game, wait for the laughter to begin as they start getting mixed up in the movement.

Children are divided into two teams and each team is given a parachute.

The two circles are close together and as one team walks in a clockwise direction, the other moves anticlockwise.

When two children from opposite teams meet they change places forcing them to change the direction they are moving in.

Trust – Kids Play Parachute Games

Middle School Parachute Games

Image: ©Stockbyte via canva.com

Building trust is normally a slow process and that is why the game of Trust is such an important kids play parachute activity.

It helps children learn to trust.

The children kneel around the parachute laid down on the ground.

The leader calls one person and they walk to the center of the parachute and are blindfolded.

As the children raise the parachute and ruffle it, 2 identified children who are adjacent to one another keep their section of the parachute down.

The blindfolded child is supposed to walk off the parachute as fast as possible using this lowered path.

Grand Old Duke Of York – Kindergarten Parachute Games

Kindergarten Parachute Games

Image: ©ok-james from Pixabay via canva.com

Grand Old Duke Of York is a familiar game with children but when you incorporate it into the kindergarten parachute game list, you get an interestingly fun twist to the game.

The children are arranged in a circle around the parachute.

As they sing the Grand Old Duke of York song they accompany it with actions.

As the men march up, the parachute goes up, then the parachute is brought down.

When the men march to the right, the children move to the right, and marching to the left has the children going to the left.

A smooth transition is the goal.

Lucky Seven – Children’s Parachute Activity

Primary School Parachute Games

Image: ©Sergey Novikov via canva.com

Lucky Seven is a children’s parachute activity that resembles a well-known country dance and enhances children’s coordination skills.

Children stand around the parachute with all the odd numbers A and all even numbers B.

The As hold the parachute with both hands and walk 8 steps clockwise.

The As then let go of the parachute and the Bs take hold of it and take 8 steps anticlockwise.

They lift the parachute up and the As walk under the arms of the B person next to them, doing this 7 times until A is standing next to the 8th B.

Running Number – Parachute Games For Physical Education

Parachute Games For Elementary P.E

Image: ©JaySi via canva.com

Parachute games for physical education are the way to go if you want to introduce the children to a fun way of learning as they exercise.

Running Number is a game that children love as it brings together speed, a little competition, and lots of laughter.

The children hold the parachute and are given numbers from 1 to 4.

As they walk in a circle holding the parachute, the leader calls out a number and those assigned that number let go of the parachute and run to the next available empty spot.

The running is the highlight of the game.

Blast Off – Parachute Games For Early Years

Parachute Games For Babies

Image: ©oksanashufrych via canva.com

One of the most effective ways of getting children to learn is through play and that is why parachute games for early years are so important.

A game like Blast Off teaches the children several social and educational lessons such as counting backward.

The children stand in a circle holding the parachute with both hands.

They start walking in one direction singing the Zoom song.

After the song is over, they stop and on the count of 3 lift the parachute up and bring it down.

With each lift, the children count back from 10 down to 1.

Number Songs With Parachute – Parachute For Kindergarten

Mini Parachute Games

Image: ©Eshma, Uknown, Billion Photos via canva.com

Number songs with a parachute can be used to teach the children to count the usual way or backward.

That is why when you use a parachute for kindergarten lessons the children will always enjoy themselves.

A common song like 5 Naughty Monkeys is a classic example.

Place 5 stuffed monkeys (or any suitable items) on the parachute.

The children sing the song, gently flipping the parachute up and down.

After the song, one monkey is removed.

Count the remaining monkeys and the actions and singing continue with the new number of monkeys.

Continue until there are no monkeys left.

Clock-Face Phonics – Parachute Games For Preschool

Parachute Games For Preschool

Image: ©Diego Cervo via canva.com

There are educative parachute games for preschool children and Clock-Face Phonics is one of them.

For this game, you will need a parachute and 2 sets of flashcards with identical sounds written on them.

Place the flashcards on the parachute to resemble a clock face.

Every child stands opposite a flashcard.

On the signal, they start to walk in the same direction.

When the leader says “Stop” they all stop and face the parachute, identify the sound on the flashcard in front of them and run off to look for their partner.

When they find it they stand opposite it.

Parachute Games – It’s A Wrap

Well done for making it to the end of this long list of 79+ Parachute Games For Kids, Kindergarteners, Preschoolers, And Seniors.

Regardless of whether you’re teaching children or the elderly, I hope you found some precious new ideas while browsing through this list.

Simply choose some of the exciting parachute games in this collection and start having fun.

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