
Hi there!

My name is Ace and I’d like to welcome you to my home on the internet.

If you’re looking for great ideas how to beautify your apartment, your flat, your house or your backyard or just how to enjoy life at home on your own, with your family and loved-ones I am running this site especially for you.

I am an absolute home nerd. I love to stay at home, spending wonderful hours in my comfy bed or on my cozy sofa watching TV or reading fascinating books.

I love to stand at the window overlooking the garden, watching the koi fish swim in their little pond or some cute bird taking a bath in some water-filled container.

I enjoy early mornings (on the rare occasion that I do get up that early) seeing the sun rise and the world kind of awakening.

It gives me tremendous pleasure and time to pause and reflect when the sky starts turning orange towards the end of the day.

I do enjoy going out to meet up with friends or to have dinner in a nice restaurant but for the most part I’m quite content spending time at home.

So it probably comes as no surprise that over the years I’ve collected a vast number of ideas how to make life at home better, more enjoyable, more satisfying and generally more beautiful.

Countless shelves, boxes and cupboards in my home are now filled with my notes, brochures and an assortment of other paperwork containing interior design ideas, product reviews , drawings, sketches, fabric samples and much much more.

I started this website as a way to collect my ideas in a less space consuming manner that not only might save a small rain forrest from extinction but also is much more easily sharable with like-minded people all over the world.

So, while I’m excited to present you some of my ideas, collections and findings I’m am equally (if not more) excited to learn about other ideas and designs from you my friend, my fellow readers.

I hope that many of you will share your personal taste and ideas with me on this site so don’t be shy and leave as many comments as you can.

Yours truly.

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